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FSX > Civil Jets > Page 324
Boeing 747-400  Dragonair Cargo package
Boeing 747-400  Dragonair Cargo package
39.95Mb (1488 downloads)
Boeing 747-400BCF Dragonair Cargo package with enhanced VC. Hong Kong based Dragonair Cargo previously operated Boeing 747-400BCF Freighter aircraft. Project Opensky Boeing 747-400F assembled and upgraded for FSX with the developed B747 VC (virtual 3d cockpit) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). This is the Project Opensky FSX native Boeing 747-400 model, and includes ground cargo servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility), opening nose section and more. Included CF engine sounds from BrandonG, with realistic jet whine to make your flight sound great. Thank you to Project Opensky for their contributions to the worldwide community of flight simulation. I have included the professional Northwest textures by RyanC. Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look. Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Jan 21, 2016 13:09 by chris evans
Boeing 727-200 Spanish pack
60.98Mb (1963 downloads)
Four Spanish BBoeing 727-200, EC-CBA, EC-CFE, LV-MIM, EC-CBL. Addons, FMC Garret Smith (you must download and install it,, we have already set the panel.cfg) GPWS (Callouts) Ground-handling (pushback) and V-Speeds of Jelair. Full aircrafts. Model by Thomas Ruth, textures by Juan Villamor and Paul Craig.
Posted Jan 20, 2016 16:56 by Juan Villamor
Bombardier CRJ-701 Delta Connection package
Bombardier CRJ-701 Delta Connection package
31.05Mb (5654 downloads)
FSX Bombardier CRJ-701 Delta Connection package. Delta Connection currently operate around 60 CRJ-700 aircraft. Model by Project Opensky with VC. Upgraded VC by Robert Taylor, includes HUD, GPWS, better VC textures. I have and added Honeywell FMC (Instrument panel - Views) and revised MFD. High quality model with opening doors and stairs. All credit to the fantastic talents of the Project Opensky team. Thanks to Joe Shimmel for the great textures. Other updates by Chris Evans.
Posted Jan 20, 2016 08:32 by chris evans
Boeing 747-400  Cathay Pacific  package
Boeing 747-400  Cathay Pacific  package
38.14Mb (4181 downloads)
Boeing 747-400 Cathay Pacific package with enhanced VC. Hong Kong based Cathay Pacific currently operate 4 Boeing 747-400 aircraft. Project Opensky Boeing 747-400 assembled and upgraded for FSX with the developed B747 VC (virtual 3d cockpit) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). This is the Project Opensky FSX native Boeing 747-400 model, and includes ground cargo servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility), opening nose section and more. Included CF engine sounds from BrandonG, with realistic jet whine to make your flight sound great. Thank you to Project Opensky for their contributions to the worldwide community of flight simulation. I have included the professional Northwest textures by Anthony Ribeiro. Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look. Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Jan 19, 2016 08:00 by chris evans
Embraer 145LR FlyBe Package
Embraer 145LR FlyBe Package
75.44Mb (3377 downloads)
FSX Embraer 145LR FlyBe Package. FlyBe is a UK low cost regional airline based in Exeter, England. FlyBe is the largest regional airline in Europe. Model by Project Opensky with VC. Added the great textures by Adam Cooper Smith. Edited to add missing gauges and added Honeywell FMC (Instrument panel - Views). High quality model with opening doors and stairs. All credit to the fantastic talents of the Project opensky team. Please read enclosed docs and if you don't have it - be sure to add msvcr70.dll to main FSX folder to see gauges. FSX assembly and panel updates by Chris Evans. Includes steering fix. Zip preview for more images
Posted Jan 17, 2016 12:52 by chris evans
Boeing 737-700 Copa Airlines Package
Boeing 737-700 Copa Airlines Package
70.04Mb (3510 downloads)
FSX TDS Boeing 737-700 Copa Airlines Package with enhanced VC. Panama's national airline, Copa, currently (2015) operate 13 Boeing 737-700 aircraft. Model by TDS/ Tenkuu Developers Studio with advanced 737-800 VC added. Includes utility for ground services, Passenger bus, cargo, stairs, refuelling truck etc (find it under - Views - Instrument panel - Util) The wonderful FSX Boeing 737-700 from TDS will be enjoyed by many more people who do not know how to install a VC into a FSX native model. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing sounds included for that extra realism. I have used the beautiful textures by Gabriel Guzman. Model is not modified in any way. VC added and aircraft.cfg edited to allow correct VC views. TDS wonderful native FSX Boeing 737-700 model. See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC. Assembled and prepared for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Jan 14, 2016 09:33 by chris evans
Airbus A320 Hong Kong Express Package
Airbus A320 Hong Kong Express Package
64.00Mb (2475 downloads)
HK Express is a Hong Kong-based low-cost airline which provides scheduled air service to nine destinations in Asia, including China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Thailand. The airline's main hub at Hong Kong International Airport uses a fleet that consists exclusively of Airbus A320s. Model by Project Airbus. Includes enhanced default A321 VC with Garret Smith's FMC added. Paint by HS Wong
Posted Jan 12, 2016 23:46 by Dave Rocholl
Boeing 747-8i Japan Airlines (JAL) package
Boeing 747-8i Japan Airlines (JAL) package
41.58Mb (4181 downloads)
Boeing 747-8i Japan Airlines (JAL) package with enhanced VC. Skyspirit Boeing 747-8i assembled and upgraded for FSX with the developed B747 VC (virtual 3d cockpit) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). This is the Project Opensky FSX native Boeing 747-8i GenX model, and includes ground cargo servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility), opening nose section and more. Included CF engine sounds from BrandonG, with realistic jet whine to make your flight sound great. Thank you to Project Opensky for their outstanding donations to the worldwide community of flight simulation. I have included the professional Northwest textures by Anthony Ribeiro. Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look. Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Jan 12, 2016 09:12 by chris evans
FSP Airbus A350-900XWB KLM Textures
FSP Airbus A350-900XWB KLM Textures
21.18Mb (1766 downloads)
This is the FSpainter A350 XWB painted in KLM colors. Fictional registration used, aslo with fictional nickname. Nicknamed after an island in the Netherlands "Texel". TEXTURE ONLY for the FSX FSP A350 flyable (Or AI) pack. Textures by Rens Hoedeman
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 11, 2016 15:41 by Rens Hoedeman / Mees Jansen
Boeing 737-800 Qantas Yananyi Dreaming Package
Boeing 737-800 Qantas Yananyi Dreaming Package
69.22Mb (3321 downloads)
FSX TDS Boeing 737-800 Qantas Yananyi Dreaming Package with enhanced VC Qantas often paints its aircraft in Australian Aboriginie themes. This 'Yananyi Dreaming' livery is painted on a Boeing 737-800. Qantas operates 67 Boeing 737-800's. Model by TDS/ Tenkuu Developers Studio with advanced 737-800 VC added. Includes utility for ground services, Passenger bus, cargo, stairs, refuelling truck etc (find it under - Views - Instrument panel - Util) The wonderful Boeing 737-800 from TDS will be enjoyed by many more people who do not know how to install a VC into a FSX native model. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing 737 sounds included for that extra realism. I have used the great textures by Abdullah Rahman. Model is not modified in any way. VC added and aircraft.cfg edited to allow correct VC views and jetways. TDS wonderful native FSX Boeing 737-800 model. See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC. Assembled and prepared for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Jan 11, 2016 05:42 by chris evans