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FSX > Page 482
FSX/P3D>v4 Bombardier CRJ-700 United Express 3 livery package
FSX/P3D>v4 Bombardier CRJ-700 United Express 3 livery package
49.42Mb (1548 downloads)
FSX/P3D>v4 Bombardier CRJ-700 United Express 3 livery package. Includes, tulip, merger globe and battleship liveries. United Express is United Airline's regional airline with hubs around the U.S. and currently (May 2018) operate around 65 CRJ-700 aircraft. FSX native model by Project Opensky with brilliant new upgraded VC by David Hoeffgen , includes built in FMC, working wipers and more (see VC docs in folder). High quality model with opening doors and stairs. Thank you to the fantastic talents of the Project Opensky team, Microsoft and David Hoeffgen. Thanks to Joe Shimmel for the great textures. Other updates by Chris Evans.
Posted May 30, 2018 09:05 by chris evans
St.Kitts, Caribbean, Photo Scenery for FSX Water Fix
0.00Mb (259 downloads)
Water fix for my St.Kitts, Caribbean, photo scenery for FSX .
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required file
Posted May 29, 2018 22:17 by Harald Sandvik
P3D/FSX Airbus A321-200 Aeroflot package
P3D/FSX Airbus A321-200 Aeroflot package
65.59Mb (1372 downloads)
P3D /FSX Airbus A321-200 Aeroflot package. Russian flag carrier Aeroflot currently (May 2018) operate 38 A321-200 with a further 4 on order. Native FSX model by Project Airbus. Includes enhanced Thomas Ruth Airbus VC with updates by Phillip Wallaert, Louis Quintero and some further edits by Chris Evans. Added the textures by Sergey Gleba. Fixed wheel levels. Fixed jetway codes. Tested in P3D v4. Airbus sounds included. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted May 29, 2018 11:27 by chris evans
FSX/PD3 v3-v4 Tempest MkVI fix
FSX/PD3 v3-v4 Tempest MkVI fix
1.43Mb (1124 downloads)
FSX/PD3 v3-v4 Tempest_MkVIfix This corrects the propturning direction. Replace all files in your Tempest_MkVI\model folder by the new ones. Fix by A.F Scrub .
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required file
Posted May 28, 2018 11:06 by A.F.Scrub
FSX/PD3 v3-v4 Seafire  MkIII fix
1.43Mb (687 downloads)
FSX/PD3 v3-v4 Seafire_ MkIIIfix This fixes the left wingtip. Replace all files in your Seafire_MkIII\model folder by the new ones. Fix by A.F Scrub
Required files:
required file
Posted May 28, 2018 11:04 by A.F.Scrub
P3D/FSX Airbus A321-200 Interjet package
P3D/FSX Airbus A321-200 Interjet package
65.87Mb (1305 downloads)
P3D/FSX Airbus A321-200 Interjet package. Interjet is Mexico's 3rd largest airline and is based at Mexico City International Airport. As of May 2018, Interjet operates 6 Airbus A321 to destinations across Latin America and the US and Canada. Native FSX model by Project Airbus. Includes enhanced Thomas Ruth Airbus VC with updates by Phillip Wallaert, Louis Quintero and some further edits by Chris Evans. Textures by Isabel Rodriguez. Fixed wheel levels. Fixed jetway codes. Tested in P3D v4 and should be fine in FSX and earlier versions of p3D. Airbus sounds included. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted May 28, 2018 08:37 by chris evans
FSX/P3D (V.3) Arado-96b updated
FSX/P3D (V.3) Arado-96b updated
31.14Mb (1384 downloads)
The Arado Ar-96 was a German single-engine, low-wing monoplane of all-metal construction, produced by Arado Flugzeugwerke. It was the Luftwaffe's standard advanced trainer during World War II. This package is an FSX update for a previous update by Michael Vader. It features a new VC and 2D panel, both based on the Alphasim Arado-196 floatplane. New camera views include rear-seat-view featuring the same crisp panel as the VC. According to Michael Vader, the original designer of the model is unknown, thanks to him anyway. Credits go to Michael Vader for finding this nice model on the internet and for his previous updates. Also thanks to Gary Jones for the sound. New panels and package compilation as well as new smoke effect by Michael Pook. Does not work in P3Dv4
Posted May 27, 2018 15:35 by Michael Pook
FSX/P3D> v4  Airbus A319-100 Royal Jordanian package
FSX/P3D> v4  Airbus A319-100 Royal Jordanian package
64.00Mb (1349 downloads)
FSX/P3D> v4 Airbus A319-100 Royal Jordanian package. Jordan's flag carrier Royal Jordanian currently operates 4 A319 aircraft. The Airbus A319-100 is part of the A320 family carrying up to 160 passengers and with a range of up to 6900km/4300miles. High quality FSX native model by Project Airbus. Added the better Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Chris Evans and Louis Quintero. Use FMC under Views/Instrument panel in FSX menu. (FSX : Go to Views -Instrument Panel. P3D: Go to Vehicle - Instrument panel) I included the great textures by Jim Fly. Added the HQ textures by Mohammed Al-Khalifa - with added upgraded VC, jetways, wheel levels and added views Includes FMC by Garret Smith. Airbus sounds and manual included. Custom packaged by Chris Evans
Posted May 27, 2018 12:32 by chris evans
FSX/P3D (V.3) Arado-240 updated
FSX/P3D (V.3) Arado-240 updated
25.07Mb (1447 downloads)
The Arado Ar 240 was a German twin-engine, multi-role heavy fighter aircraft, developed for the Luftwaffe during World War II by Arado Flugzeugwerke. Its first flight was in 1940, but problems with the design hampered development, and it remained only marginally stable throughout the prototype phase. The project was eventually cancelled, with the existing airframes used for a variety of test purposes. This compilation of three variants of the Ar 240 is an FSX/P3D (version3 not 4) update of the FS2004 models by Chris Lampard, Morton and Shessy of SOH (reconnaisance, fighter bomber and nightfighter). It features FSX compatible all German gauges, a modified 2D panel and a new VC design. Smoke effect and new camera views added. New 2D panel configuration and camera views by Erwin Welker, VC design and configuration as well as smoke effect by Michael Pook. Thanks to the the designers of the model and to Erwin Welker for his cooperation.
Posted May 27, 2018 05:29 by Michael Pook
Aircraft Profiles part 1
Aircraft Profiles part 1
98.98Mb (951 downloads)
This is Part 1 of the now defunct Profile Publications issues 1-20. They will prove very useful for repainters and aviation enthusiasts, as each issue contains color PDF profiles, text on the history and photos of each aircraft. By Nick Tselepides
Posted May 26, 2018 08:42 by Nick Tselepides