FSX > Page 592

5.24Mb (604 downloads)
FSX Aviolet Boeing 737-3H9, registration YU-AND (uses the default FSX Boeing 737-800 panel/sound ).
The Vistaliners model also works with FS9 and P3D, but will require a suitable 737-300 panel and sound.
Livery Aviolet repaint by Ivano Marongiu.
Posted Apr 21, 2017 09:39 by Ivano Marongiu

34.25Mb (402 downloads)
Default C172 Royal Blue Texture
Default C172 Royal Blue Texture
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34.07Mb (53 downloads)
This is my second repaint. It is for the default Cessna 172 SP Skyhawk. This is a complete aircraft folder that includes a white with red trim texture for Skyhawks with the default steam gauge & Garmin G1000 panels.
Posted Apr 20, 2017 13:14 by David Shearer

46.80Mb (4988 downloads)
P3D/FSX Boeing 747-8F UPS (United Parcel Service) Airlines package with enhanced VC. This is an updated version of my previous release in 2011 with several improvements.
As of April 2017, UPS have firm orders for 14 Boeing 747-8F with options on a further 14.
Project Opensky native FSX Boeing 747-8F assembled and upgraded for P3D/FSX with the developed B747 VC (3d virtual cockpit) from Alejandro Rojas Lucenda (Manual included). This is the Project Opensky FSX native Boeing 747-800F model, and includes ground cargo servicing, stairs (FSX - Go to Views/P3D go to Vehicle - Instrument Panel -Posky Utility), opening nose section and more.
Custom GE sounds included.
Thank you to Project Opensky for their contributions to the worldwide community of flight simulation. I have added the textures by Aziz Pallas.
Also includes the Boeing 747 VC textures upgrade. This give a much clearer 747 interior virtual cockpit look. Previous version had 9264 downloads.
Assembled and edited for FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Apr 20, 2017 11:58 by chris evans

5.69Mb (1097 downloads)
FSX Qatar Airbus A350-900 V5L. Night lighting effects have been upgraded.
This CamSim model is design and paint by Camil Valiquette. 2d panel but no VC.
Posted Apr 20, 2017 07:43 by Camil Valiquette

34.07Mb (278 downloads)
This is my first repaint. It is for the default Cessna 172 SP Skyhawk. This is a complete aircraft folder that includes a white with royal blue trim texture for Skyhawks with the default steam gauge & Garmin G1000 panels.
Posted Apr 20, 2017 00:13 by David Shearer

43.11Mb (189 downloads)
This file contains two repaints of Lightning F6 XP693, one showing her as she was in 1990 in the ownership of BAe while the other shows her in 2009 as part of the Thunder City fleet. A big thanks to Eivin Stensø who took the screenshots for me on P3D (they could pass for real photographs!). Repaint by Cameron Slater.
Posted Apr 19, 2017 17:38 by Cameron Slater

70.34Mb (3086 downloads)
FSX/P3D McDonnell Douglas KC-10 RNLAF Royal Netherlands Air Force package. The RNLAF currently use 2 KC-10 for aerial refuelling and have a further 2 in storage. The McDonnell Douglas KC-10 Extender is an aerial refueling tanker aircraft – the military version of the three-engined DC-10 airliner - operated by the United States Air Force (USAF). The KC-10 was developed from the Advanced Tanker Cargo Aircraft Program. Model and VC by Thomas Ruth. Includes comprehensive VC with working wipers. I included the great textures by Harro Lippmann. Added FMC by Garret Smith. Custom packaged and tested in FSX and P3d v 3.4 by Chris Evans
Posted Apr 19, 2017 12:57 by chris evans

11.99Mb (683 downloads)
Schweizer SGS 1-26C version 1.0 For FSX SP2 and P3D V3
This is an example of the Schweizer SGS 1-26C which was essentially a SGS 1-26B that could be kit-built.
Initially when Schweizer introduced the SGS 1-26 in 1954 it was intended to restricted to kits however most of the ships now flying in the US were factory built. This sim model will work well with both FSX SP2 and P3D V3. Simply unzip the Schweizer_SGS1-26C_287 folder into your airplane folder of FSX or P3D. For more detailed information read the attached pdf Happy soaring from Ray Girdler
Posted Apr 19, 2017 10:27 by uploader

6.01Mb (413 downloads)
Textures for the default Cessna 172.
This is a fictional Embry Riddle Cessna 172 Skyhawk texture made for FSX.
Easy install, just unzip and follow the directions in readme.txt.
Posted Apr 18, 2017 16:18 by Alexander Smith

70.58Mb (2528 downloads)
FSX/P3D Airbus A350-900XWB Philippine Airlines package.
Philippine Airlines is the flag carrier of the Philippines and currently (April 2017) have 6 Airbus A350-900 on order with deliveries expected in 2018.
The Airbus A350 XWB is a family of long-range, twin-engine wide-body jet airliners from the European aircraft maker Airbus. The A350 is the first Airbus aircraft with both fuselage and wings made mainly from carbon fibre structure. The A350 is intended to replace the A340 and compete with Boeing's 787 and 777.
Added the great textures by Bien Vincent Garusta Balansag.
Assembled using the pack base by FSPainter with enhanced Thomas Ruth VC with updates by Phillip Wallaert, Louis Quintero and some further edits by Chris Evans.
Posted Apr 18, 2017 12:16 by chris evans