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FSX > Missions > Page 21
Complete mission package "Jomsom Evacuation" including aircraft and upgraded airports.
134.81Mb (2526 downloads)
Rebels are planning to attack the town of Jomsom deep in the Himalayas and to take control of the airport (VNJS). You have a good reputation for flying rescue missions in the Himalayas and have now been called upon to take on a dangerous mission to fly in additional troops and military equipment then to evacuate Mountain Resort hotel guests and fly them safely to Tribhuvan International in Kathmandu (VNKT). On approach to and take off from Jomsom, your aircraft will encounter rebel anti-aircraft flak, tracer fire and severe windshear...beware.
Posted Apr 18, 2016 17:23 by Geoff Peel
Circuit Breaker V1.2 (updated)
2.37Mb (438 downloads)
Up date - "Sea Creature" problem and "clock stop" fixed. An obstacle course around the New Zealand Airport at Paraparaumu.
Posted Mar 31, 2016 22:06 by Nebram
'Maneuvers' Mission
'Maneuvers' Mission
7.11Mb (528 downloads)
Yorkie and Aussie have offered to deliver secret plans to a few RAF airfields in England but are a bit under the weather so you have offered to go along with them and fly the plane. This mission was made with Acceleration and not tested on any other. Other files are required see notes in mission folder.
Posted Mar 27, 2016 20:50 by Nebram
CircuitBreaker Obstacle Course
2.35Mb (322 downloads)
An obstacle course around the New Zealand Airport at Paraparaumu.
Posted Mar 12, 2016 19:40 by Nebram
Instrument Rating Certificate Cheat
0.01Mb (679 downloads)
Replace Rating Checkride.abl with this one. Set radios 116.80,109.60 and OBS 338 ... and pass checkride for Instrument Rating Certificate (for anyone who would wish to do this??)
Posted Mar 7, 2016 12:04 by chris
0.01Mb (250 downloads)
Retune your radios and pass the IFR checkride in FSX. BACKUP THE ORIGINAL FILE (Rating Checkride.abl) and replace with this one - LOCATED IN THE FSX LESSONS RATING CHECKRIDE .abl. Take the lesson, set your radios and OBS 116.80, 109.60, OBS 338, then get that certificate. (if you want to do this?)
Posted Mar 7, 2016 11:57 by chris
Palwaukee Evening Flight
6.48Mb (1365 downloads)
A short VFR outing in the evening from Chicago Executive airport on the North side of Chicago. You'll do some landing and maybe even some night VFR. This is my last Fsx mission for now. Many thanks to anyone who played any of my missions or other fs addons.
Posted Dec 19, 2015 23:00 by pierre shlimon
FSX SR-71 Coast-to-Coast Mission
22.86Mb (6102 downloads)
Fly the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird from Palmdale AF Plant 42 airport and to Dulles Intl airport in Washington DC following a historical West Coast to East Coast flight that set four speed records. See if you can beat these records! Follow the GPS flight plan from take-off, to refueling, Mach climb, Mach cruise, descent, approach and landing at Dulles. SR-71 #972 was officially retired from the United States Air Force on March 6, 1990. She flew 2089 nautical miles from coast-to-coast across the U S in 67 minutes and 53 seconds. Four new speed records were set on her last flight to Washington Dulles Airport where she is now on display at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. You will be the Pilot in Command for this mission and have the chance to set your own speed records following the same course as this historic flight.
Posted Sep 19, 2015 13:17 by Al Goodrich
1.04Mb (1779 downloads)
Flying passengers from Dew Memorial Airport in Toronto, Ohio to Pittsburgh. Drop those passengers off and pick up more and take them to Jefferson County Airport in Steubenville, Ohio and then home to Dew Memorial Airport. It is my 1st mission so go easy on me.
Posted Jun 10, 2015 21:37 by Edgar Miller
'Assess' Mission Updated
3.51Mb (2210 downloads)
You have won twice - !. NZ Lotto and 2.Passed your PPL. you have therefore decided to get rated in a larger plane than you learned in (cessna 152), and buy the plane. You are to fly from Paraparaumu to Wanganui which is on the North Island's West coast a few miles up the coast from Wellington. This is a tidy up of the original Assess. Just download in total and follow the readme file after trmoving the original files on your FSX
Posted Jan 7, 2015 14:36 by Neil Bramwell