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FSX > Missions > Page 31
Avianca Flight 559 Mission
Avianca Flight 559 Mission
21.97Mb (7666 downloads)
Episode II of the series Latin American Airlines from FSadventureSky. Fly From Panama City, Panama to three cities in Colombia on Avianca, Colombia's oldest airline. This mission uses the Airbus-319 and the Fokker-100 aircraft used widely by many airlines in the region.
Posted Nov 24, 2011 11:28 by Gera Godoy Canova
Latin American Airlines Star Peru  Mission
Latin American Airlines Star Peru  Mission
0.72Mb (3809 downloads)
Welcome to Star Peru Airlines flight 559 from Lima to Cusco. A Mini-Mission to introduce you to your new job flying over the Andes in one of Peru's local airlines.... This is episode I of the new series from FSadventureSky about Latin America Commercial Aviation . Are you going to show your professionalism??.. you will need Premier Aircraft BAe-146-200 plus Star Peru Texture if you want to look good.
Posted Nov 24, 2011 10:05 by Gera Godoy Canova
FSadventureSky Airways....Special Flights
FSadventureSky Airways....Special Flights
0.81Mb (5172 downloads)
Once more your personal VA has received a signed contract for two special flights. The company has leased an Airbus 400a for the task. Heavy cargo will be carried in two long flights which require the best of the company's captains. You are on the roster, but since its a voluntary assignment, you may decline the privilage. Take a nice cushion along since you will eat and drink flying this beautiful new lady of the skies.
Posted Nov 17, 2011 12:10 by Gera Godoy Canova
Forgotten Airfields of the World..Part I
Forgotten Airfields of the World..Part I
4.63Mb (2006 downloads)
There thousands of "Forgoptten Airfields" around the world. Some were great during WW2 and much needed others went bankrupt due to very little trafic and others just faded away....Have you wanted to fly out to one of these?? or maybe more??..Well here is your chance. Not an easy one to find in Alaska, a truly forgotten one in cold Russia and one that was shut down after a doomed expediiton in Chile...It will not be a piece of cake finding them but you sure will have fun trying!!!...The kit includes everything, you put the planes and experience.....
Posted Nov 7, 2011 21:05 by Gera Godoy Canova
The Budda at lake Chin-Gao
The Budda at lake Chin-Gao
2.29Mb (1336 downloads)
In 1916 Explorer Edrain de la Fuente found the incredible island with the chained budda.He told of the strange "fog" which emanated from the shore in front of the Temple and provided a little map of the area. It was not until 1999 that Ashrow Mundrecon found the document and asked the Chinese government for a permit to visit the area....it was denied. Now, in 2011 the Prime Minister of China, an archaeologist from the University of How-Kome, has allowed his schoolmate, Dr. Vilanova DeVecchi to proceed with an expedition to the area of the lakes where the island mentioned in de la Fuente manuscript says it is....Are you to be the Chief pilot in this quest??? or what?
Posted Nov 3, 2011 01:25 by Gera Godoy Canova
Operation Harpoon 1942 V1.00
22.31Mb (3527 downloads)
Two mission in the Mediterranean sea ! Take off from Gibraltar and whit the help of your "E6b" navigation tool, land on the first aircraft carrier of the Royal Navy, the H.M.S Argus CV-1, that was escorting the (Force H) in the middle of the Mediterranean sea. Take off on the deck of the H.M.S Argus aircraft carrier CV-1 in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, and try to reach Malta Island. Feature: A powerful WWII "E6B" navigation tool is include by Dave Bitzer, Alex Nicolson, Norman Hancock, and Allan J. Greene. H.M.S Argus is fully compatible whit FSX Acceleration aircraft operation, (If you not have FSX Acceleration pack you must install ArrestorCables Version 2.6 or newer to be able to land on the deck of the carrier)
Posted Oct 30, 2011 02:52 by Ronald Dandurand
FSadventureSky Airways...Three Flights for Captains only.
FSadventureSky Airways...Three Flights for Captains only.
1.19Mb (5187 downloads)
Welcome back to Your Personal VA. You are probably here since you have flown the first three flights for Co-Pilots. You are now a full fledge Captain sitting in the left seat...right?: OK, now it's Jets!! You will have to fly in South America. A Milk run in Brazil, from Panama to Puerto Rico and from Uruguay to the lowest airport in Argentina. No easy flights for weather in the Caribbean and down south is not too gentle at this time of year. Start engines and complete these flights and later we might assign you to our European or Asian partner airlines... Have a go and enjoy them.
Posted Oct 26, 2011 17:25 by Gera Godoy Canova
In search of the " Tihikrak"
In search of the " Tihikrak"
1.00Mb (1259 downloads)
From the Notes of Dr. Efraini Spagetti Famous Zoologist of the 1930s: Mystery Island March 23, 1937. "The plane has gone on its third day looking for the Sea Monster, it took off at 7:00n AM and now at 6:00 PM we have not heard a word from it, no SOS no nothing. Iliana was in it, something must have happened to the search party. I am afraid this is the end of the expedition......Today some believe this expedition did not exist!!!!..why don't you check and see???
Posted Oct 24, 2011 23:40 by Gera Godoy Canova
J' attendrai Mission
J' attendrai Mission
17.78Mb (2383 downloads)
Wifes and Girl Friends would, with tear in their eyes say ' J'attendrai' as their pilots took off on their dangerous long trips. In the 1960's carrying supplies to French Naval Bases was done in Lockheed Constellations as well as other aircraft. Every Three months a lone Conny from 559 Squadron out of Madagascar would fly to the French Southern & Antartic Lands with all types of supplies to the Weather Station there..New Scenery and airfield await you in this Mission over exotic lands, dangerous skies and cold seas.
Posted Oct 17, 2011 23:11 by Gera Godoy Canova
FSX WW2 Flight..Search for the U-Boats
FSX WW2 Flight..Search for the U-Boats
2.55Mb (2979 downloads)
FSadventureSky WW2 Series--Flight.. It's 1942 and U-boats are causing major damage to the convoys. The North Sea convoys must be protected from this menace and Coastal Command is there for the task. Convoy UT446559 has reported much submarine activity as it sails to Russian ports. You are given instructions to fly your Catalina and find the subs and or their supply ship.....'It is raining gents' says the chief mechanic as you walk to the plane 'great mate, get us some hot tea' you say looking at the grey, wet sky.
Posted Oct 4, 2011 18:06 by Gera Godoy Canova