8.34Mb (178 downloads)
These are replacement textures for the late/post war varients of Virtavia's recently released PB4Y-1 & 2.
The default textures were a bit too bright and saturated, so I darkened them up to match the "almost black" blue paint used by the USN at the time.
Posted Aug 21, 2020 16:51 by InDeepSchit

2.18Mb (239 downloads)
Polish Border Guard textures for the payware IRIS C27J Spartan. Texture Designs by Voiteh
Posted Aug 21, 2020 14:44 by Voiteh

340.81Mb (654 downloads)
Virtual Aircraft Restoration poudly presents: Our complete Repaint-Package for the Warbirdsim-Restored-Part-2-Pack! This Package includes not less than 27 Repaints! The The Planes displayed are the following: Famous „Bald Eagle“ „Big Beautiful Doll“ in natural Aluminum and polished finish „Cisco“ (Movie-Mustang from „Memphis Belle“) „Connection Lost II“, fictional Racer „Contrary Mary“ „Double Trouble Two“ Red Tailed Aircraft from the Ericson Aircraft Collection „Frances Dell“ Famous „Shark“, G-SHWN, Norwegian Spitfire Foundation Famous Reno-Racer „Goldfinger“ „Little Ite“ „Louisiana Kid“ „Miss Kitty II“ „Moonbeam Mc Swine“ „Nooky Booky IV“ „Old Crow“ „Pecos Bill“ „Quick Silver“ „Queen of Hearts“ RAAF-“Strega“-Hybrid Special Colour-Scheme for the Super Bowl 53 Champions „Trusty Rusty“ Fictive Navy Colours „VFA-103“ Famous Reno Racer „Voodoo“ „Wee Willy II“ , also in its Racer-Design from Reno 2019, numbered „0“ All Textures are made with a modified Version of the Original Paintkit, provided by Warbirdsim and are displayed in highest Resolution (4096 X 4096 Px). To use these Textures you MUST have the Warbirdsim „P-51D Restored _Part2“ installed in your FSX, wich has to be purchased seperately, since we only provide Textures! No Models, no Panels or other Features are included in here! We added an „Aircraft“cfg so you could simply copy those Entries to your Aircraft.cfg, deleting the „xx“ in the [fltsim.xx] rows, just adding 1 to your last Entry. Visit us at: www.facebook.com/VirtualAircraftRestoration
Posted Aug 8, 2020 23:35 by Virtual Aircraft Restoration

18.28Mb (259 downloads)
Virtual Aircraft Restoration poudly presents: The newly released „Miss Kiity III“ for Warbirdsim´s P-51D! All Textures are made with a modified Version of the Original Paintkit, provided by Warbirdsim and are displayed in highest Resolution (4096 X 4096 Px). To use these Textures you MUST have the Warbirdsim „P-51D Restored _Part2“ installed in your FSX, wich has to be purchased seperately, since we only provide Textures! No Models, no Panels or other Features are included in here! We added an „Aircraft“cfg so you could simply copy those Entries to your Aircraft.cfg, deleting the „xx“ in the [fltsim.xx] rows, just adding 1 to your last Entry. Visit us at: www.facebook.com/VirtualAircraftRestoration
Posted Aug 8, 2020 14:40 by Virtual Aircraft Restoration

17.39Mb (395 downloads)
FS9/FSX NordStar textures for the payware iFly Jets Boeing 737-800. Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Paint Kit by Denis Minaev. Link to my products on SimMarket: http://secure.simmarket.com/paintsim.mhtml
Posted Aug 2, 2020 13:01 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09

25.33Mb (348 downloads)
This texture package includes 3 new repaints for Cal Fire. Cal Fire will have 4 active Firehawk helicopters by the end of 2020. H-903 was delivered first (represented in Repaint Pack 1). H-205, H-404, and H-301 are in this package. Vina, Columbia, and Hemet respectively. These are intended to be used on Cera Sim's Firehawk Mod available offsite on Sim-Outhouse. It should however, still work on the standard UH-60L Blackhawks. But aircraft.cfg edits will need to be made to those included in the readme. Repaints by Nicholas Mitchell
Posted Jul 22, 2020 00:55 by Nicholas Mitchell

32.27Mb (311 downloads)
P3D/FSX Sky Simulations MD-11F v2.2 in Alitalia Cargo livery. Textures only for payware Sky Simulations model. Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Link to my products on SimMarket: http://secure.simmarket.com/paintsim.mhtml
Posted May 31, 2020 12:59 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09

30.90Mb (174 downloads)
P3D/FSX Sky Simulations MD-11F v2.2 in Aeroflot Cargo livery. Textures only for payware Sky Simulations model. Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Link to my products on SimMarket: http://secure.simmarket.com/paintsim.mhtml
Posted May 20, 2020 04:16 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09

3.16Mb (206 downloads)
Polish Air Force special texture for the payware Cerasim Bell412. Texture by Voiteh.
Posted May 17, 2020 01:33 by Voiteh

9.12Mb (263 downloads)
FS9/FSX Wilco Embraer E175 in S7 Airlines new colors livery. Repaint by Sergey Gleba aka serg09. Link to my products on SimMarket: http://secure.simmarket.com/paintsim.mhtml
Posted Apr 26, 2020 00:32 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09