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FSX > Payware > Page 53
JF BAC 1-11 AirUK Textures
JF BAC 1-11 AirUK Textures
7.08Mb (63 downloads)
Textures for the payware Justflight representing BAc 1-11s during their service with AirUK
Posted Apr 16, 2017 16:02 by Ian Roussel
JF British Calidonian BAC 1-11 Textures
JF British Calidonian BAC 1-11 Textures
15.50Mb (109 downloads)
British Caledonian textures only for the payware Justflight Bac 1-11. This is an alternitive British Calidonian Texture to the one suplied with the pruduct. The only change is to the nose texture, (smaller black nose cone) and Rolls Royce logos added to the engines.
Posted Apr 16, 2017 15:57 by Ian Roussel
Aerosoft Lightning F1A XM142 Textures
9.57Mb (112 downloads)
Textures for the payware Aerosoft Lightning F1A that comes as part of the Lightning F3 package. It represents XM142 as she appeared in 1962 as part of 74 Squadron with a black spine. See readme for instructions.
Posted Apr 15, 2017 10:59 by Cameron Slater
Aerosoft Lightning XR728 Textures
19.85Mb (82 downloads)
Textures for the payware Aerosoft Lightning representing XR728. She's kept in a live condition and can be found in the hands of the Lightning Preservation Group at Bruntingthorpe. Enjoy.
Posted Apr 15, 2017 10:23 by Cameron Slater
FSX Aerosoft Lightning-XR724 'Last Flight' Textures
16.24Mb (87 downloads)
Textures for the payware Aerosoft Lightning. Here's a repaint I did some time ago of XR724 on the occasion of her last flight from RAF Shawbury to Binbrook in 1992. Coincidentally it was also the last flight of a Lightning on UK soil. She remained in a live condition for a number of years before Binbrook changed hands a number of times which prevented access. As of last year the Lightning Association began work on the aircraft once again and found her to be in good shape. Hope you like the repaint.
Posted Apr 15, 2017 10:07 by Cameron Slater
FSX/P3D Eurofighter Typhoon Textures 11 Squadron, RAF Textures
FSX/P3D Eurofighter Typhoon Textures 11 Squadron, RAF Textures
11.31Mb (473 downloads)
Textures only for the payware Dino Cattaneo FSX/P3D Eurofighter Typhoon in 11 (F) Squadron, Royal Air Force livery. Aircraft portrayed is ZJ919, based at RAF Coningsby, Lincolnshire, circa 2011.
Posted Apr 14, 2017 03:51 by Dean Crawford
FSX/FS2004 Maddog MD80 Great China B-15301 textures
FSX/FS2004 Maddog MD80 Great China B-15301 textures
16.64Mb (244 downloads)
Textures for the payware Maddog MD80 Great China Airline registration B-15301.
Posted Apr 3, 2017 05:18 by Liao Yitong
BlackBox Airbus A320 - Air Jamaica Textures
4.32Mb (636 downloads)
BlackBox Airbus A320 in Air Jamaica livery. Texture only for payware BBS (BlackBox) model version 0.85. Repaint by Sergey Gleba.
BlackBox - Airbus A320 Xtreme Prologue
Posted Mar 31, 2017 09:16 by Sergey Gleba aka serg09
Aerosoft Lightning XR724 Textures
16.79Mb (124 downloads)
Textures for the payware Lightning F6 by Aerosoft. XR724 RAF Shawbury to former RAF Binbrook 23/07/1992. Original Grey Base Texture Thanks to Cameron Slater. Search Aerosoft Forums for more of his Re-Paints.
Posted Mar 12, 2017 10:47 by Ash Oxley
Captain Sim Boeing 707-300 International Air Bahama Textures
Captain Sim Boeing 707-300 International Air Bahama Textures
3.39Mb (448 downloads)
This is a repaint of the Captain Sim 707-300 in the International Air Bahama livery. Air Bahama started operations on 20 July 1968. Their first aircraft was this 707-355C, which they leased from Boeing from July 1968 to October 1969. Later they solely operated DC-8s. They were acquired by Icelandair in 1969 and flew until May 1981. You need the payware Captain Sim 707 for this repaint.This is only for FSX.
Posted Mar 4, 2017 22:12 by Ted Giana