5.87Mb (12538 downloads)
This is an update for FSX acceleration of the
Cessna 208 Caravan Amphibian from FS 9. I
have updated the flight dynamics, added a
trim gauge to the panel, changed the view
angle, added two float points, changed
everything necessary when I moved the datum
point from 13 feet to 0, and I aliased the
sound to the C208b. This is the whole
Bob Chicilo.
Posted Jan 9, 2009 06:50 by Bob Chicilo

0.24Mb (3926 downloads)
This is an update for FSX acceleration of the
Beriev Be-12 by V.Zhygulskiy. I have updated
the flight dynamics, changed the panel
background slightly, and changed gauges so
the panel would be usable in FSX. You need
the original aircraft for this update to work.
No virtual cockpit.
Bob Chicilo.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 8, 2009 12:37 by Bob Chicilo

0.48Mb (4346 downloads)
This is an update for FSX acceleration of the
Dornier Seastar by Mike Stone. I have
updated the flight dynamics so it works in
FSX. This is the whole aircraft. No virtual
Bob Chicilo.
Posted Jan 7, 2009 09:22 by Bob Chicilo

2.53Mb (1620 downloads)
FS9/FSX Delta Airlines textures for JENS KRISTENSEN'S DC-4.
These textures depict Delta Airlines about 1953.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jan 1, 2009 21:24 by Gary Harper

6.54Mb (2276 downloads)
FSX USAFT-41 Mescalero - Cessna 172 Textures.. Military version of the Cessna 172 Skyhawk used primairly for pilot candidate screening. Repaint of default FSX C172 depicts the more powerful version, designated T-41C, used for cadet flight training at the United States Air Force Academy until 1993. By G. P. Visser.
Posted Jan 1, 2009 05:01 by G. P. Visser

4.05Mb (1296 downloads)
Cessna Skyhawk 172SP N191CL Textures only for the default C172. By Anthony Celentano
Posted Dec 29, 2008 05:16 by Anthony Celentano

4.27Mb (905 downloads)
This is a repaint of the default FSX C172, these textures were designed by me and are completely fictitious. By Anthony Celentano.
Posted Dec 29, 2008 00:29 by Anthony Celentano

8.16Mb (25384 downloads)
FSX SP-2 Acceleration
Aero Commander-Meyers 200D
Four seat GA aircraft, origionally made by Meyers, then production taken over by Aero Commander. Blessed with a strong airframe, speed, and smooth flying, the Meyers could have competed with any Bonanza type plane, had it better marketing and dealer support.
THis FSX model is based on a real Meyers 200D, and has two paint schemes, full ani's, and VC.
NOT tested in Vista or DX10. Tim Conrad
Posted Dec 26, 2008 03:58 by Tim Conrad

2.88Mb (4534 downloads)
This model reproduces the aircraft on display in Vigna di Valle Aeronautical Museum (near Rome) and features reflective metallic skin plus full animations.
The panel background has been created entirely from scratch, based on photographic material found on the net and some photos from official documents.
Most of the gauges are default gauges and some have been created by the authors.
Included in this model there is also a simple Virtual Cockpit, with working essential flight instruments and animated flight controls.
Capt. I. D'Attomo
Capt. G.Quai
Posted Dec 19, 2008 04:09 by Capt. I. D'Attomo

3.40Mb (2171 downloads)
FS9/FSX Eastern "Silver Falcon" textures for Tom Gibson/ Greg Pepper Convair 340.
Textures by Gary Harper. These textures depict N9306 about 1958.
Required files:
required file
Posted Dec 17, 2008 23:10 by Gary Harper