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FSX > Scenery > Page 10
188.07Mb (254 downloads)
Photorealistic scenery for FSX (should work on P3D V 1-4). Overlapping edges from photo into default scenery. Enhanced airport close to real with custom buildings and some static objects. Day and Night textures. Some autogen at airport, circuit and surrounding areas. FTX Global and Vector compatible.
Posted Jun 16, 2021 01:43 by Ignacio Del Muro
222.52Mb (227 downloads)
Photorealistic scenery for FSX (should work on P3D V 1-4). Overlapping edges from photo into default scenery. Enhanced airport close to real with custom buildings and some static objects. Day and Night textures. Some autogen at airport, circuit and surrounding areas. FTX Global and Vector compatible.
Posted Jun 16, 2021 01:11 by Ignacio Del Muro
178.52Mb (161 downloads)
Photorealistic scenery for FSX (should work on P3D V 1-4). Overlapping edges from photo into default scenery. Enhanced airport close to real with custom buildings and some static objects. Day and Night textures. Some autogen at airport, circuit and surrounding areas. FTX Global and Vector compatible.
Posted Jun 16, 2021 00:56 by Ignacio Del Muro
8.63Mb (234 downloads)
Photorealistic scenery for FSX (should work on P3D V 1-4). Overlapping edges from photo into default scenery. Enhanced airport close to real with custom buildings and some static objects. Day and Night textures. Some autogen at airport, circuit and surrounding areas. FTX Global and Vector compatible.
Posted Jun 16, 2021 00:19 by Ignacio Del Muro
St Barts, Caribbean,  Complete Package | FSX
112.86Mb (1082 downloads)
This is a package for St Barts in the Caribbean Islands. There is a photo realistic scenery and a textures file with WinAir liveries, and textures for the default C208b. Credits to authors in the files.
Posted Jun 9, 2021 13:16 by Experimental Pilot :-)
FSX - Cayo Levantado Island
FSX - Cayo Levantado Island
3.54Mb (259 downloads)
Photo-Real Cayo Levantado Island located in the Dominican Republic created by Elpidio Lovera.
Posted Jun 8, 2021 10:17 by Elpidio Lovera Garcia
Akron Canton Regional Airport KCAK, Ohio,  v1.0
13.85Mb (334 downloads)
Regional airport located between Akron and Canton Ohio. Scenery includes custom terminals, lights, and static jetways. The terminal has been updated following the latest construction projects with the exception of the central concourse which has been demolished in real life but not in the scenery. Visit for future updated versions of KCAK.
Posted Jun 3, 2021 01:09 by clefsdevelopment
Appalachian Trail Scenery/Flights
Appalachian Trail Scenery/Flights
156.47Mb (240 downloads)
Appalachian Trail Scenery/Flights. Welcome to the Appalachian Trail. This scenery/flights folder contains new addon scenery of the Appalachain Trail dirt path from Georgia to Maine along the Applalachian mountains. Fly the historical Appalachian Trail by each state. Find all the shelters and Point of Interest along the trail. By David Crandall
Posted May 25, 2021 06:51 by uploader
FSX Grand Canyon North Rim Simulation
16.51Mb (241 downloads)
Welcome to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon! This scenery is a mostly fictitious representation of what the North Rim might look like of it had been developed like the South rim. A new airport (KKPA, Kaibab Plateau Airport) is the centerpiece. It sits at 8,730 ft MSL so density altitude is a real issue. Runway 17/35 is 6,500ft long so biz jets can get in and out safely. A new resort sits atop the ridge to the east [Eagle's Nest]. There is a helipad for access. An NDB makes finding it easier [AZ95 220.9 kHz]. Or you can just follow the traffic on the access road that branches off from highway 67 just south of the airport. To the north I have added a gravel strip to Jacob Lake where 67 joins 89A. Runway 14/32 is 3000 ft long and sits at 7900 ft MSL. An NDB [AZ93 393 kHz] is included. At the south end of Highway 67 sits the North Rim Visitor Center. There is a helipad on the roof for those who like rotary wing challenges. The NDB is AZ94 at 423.4 kHz. The entire length of Highway 67 is represented with traffic going both ways. You will see air traffic from KGCN at the South Rim and traffic between KKPA and Jacob Lake.
Posted May 18, 2021 00:48 by Brett Delana
FSX KEET, Shelby County, AL
0.01Mb (91 downloads)
This is a revamp of the stock airport for Shelby Co AL. The airport is not 100% accurate, but has better parking and more accurately placed buildings compared to the stock airport. Feel free to edit and enjoy however you like, just please give credit if you reupload elsewhere
Posted May 17, 2021 01:05 by Garrett Scott