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& Missions Page 17
'Killer' Kane's 98th BG against the most heavily defended target in
Europe- the refineries around Ploesti in Rumania. Mission pack includes
both short and 'round trip' versions of the mission, the 98th BG base
at Benina, Libya, custom intercom communications, three other bomb
groups, fighters, and Gerstneberg's 'Q-train'. Requires the 'Tidal
Wave' bomber pack (km_B24D_Lib_pack.zip - available
here)) . By the 'Tidal Wave' Design Team. 2.9MB. |
Pearl Harbor Attack:
You are part of the Japanese attack force of 56 planes from 8 carriers
210 miles north of Pearl, attacking all at the same time. You are
assigned to sink one ship and others if you can while other aircraft
are droping bombs and ships are on fire and sinking all around you.
By Duward Bixler. 38K |
Quarters-Solomon Islands.
This is a multiswap mission designed for online play. The mission
contains (2) American carrier battle groups and (2) Japanese carrier
battle groups. All carriers are Essex class, suitable for carrier
quals or squadron vs. squadron battles. Repair and rearm is available
on flight decks. Multiswap and DPswap is required. Mission and flightdeck
textures by Corpen. 1.8MB |
Great Patrol At The Dust for May Day -Short Program Category-
As this mission that is one of the many mission files produced by
the K_Kim73's project is also fictional,so it is funny.Alon s o(=also)
at this time It goes without saying that you will search enemies and
destroy (the Them) on the south-east coast of Britain.It will be very
hard and painful,but I'm sure that when you engage or finish it, you
will make your friendly -ship more and more tight through it above
all. CFS1's aircrafts(Bf109e,Bf109g,and P51d) are necessary to run
this file.Pay your attention. KATSUMI KIMURA . 83K |
Papua Campaign for P-39.
Campaign begins where "Defense of Australia" ends, and chronicles
the experiences of USAAF squadrons flying the P-39 in Papua NG. Includes
16 historically accurate missions. Requires aircraft and scenery from
DoA. Uses two additional aircraft (1% P-39D-2 not included) and Ki-21
Sally (included). Uses two additional airbases by Maskrider (included).
By Matt Ingamells. 6.9MB |
Midway Mission.
The Japanese and American fleet are very close to each other. The
Japs are launching an attack on the US fleet and Midway Airbase....
....stop them before the destory the base and fleet! by John(_231_Fox2_USN)Workman.
3K |
STOL mission and scenedb/DeHavilland Caribou's. :
A simple STOL (Short Take Off/Landing) airstrip CFS2 mission created
to test Jim Jacobson's DHC-4 DeHavilland variants and weapons/supply/paratroops
mod. (available here) Includes fictional
SE Asia remote airstrip and military airport w/custom scenery (rice
fields and villages). By Jim "Rockster" Jacobson. 488K |
