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FS2002 > Civil Jets > Page 36
                  B737-832 Mozambique Airlines
                  B737-832 Mozambique Airlines
6.47Mb (789 downloads)
FS2002 B737-832 Mozambique Airlines Foto realistic 32 side-fuselage. Full maximum moving parts. Landing gears with stearable nose wheels. 3D wheel wells and real motion sequences gear doors. Full night light effects with weight and balance performance for 02. Painted in metallic colours Eastern African flag. Photoreal Classic 3D Panel with full interiors views UP and trottle. Default Sound. Original by Kjell Mathisen Panel and Paint by Mario Coelho. 6.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  textures only of the fs2000 default 737 in El Al.
0.07Mb (641 downloads)
Repainted textures only of the fs2000 default 737 in El Al. Color scheme of el al israeli airlines in there new livery by Dan Cytermann. 70K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  MD-11 for FS2002 only,
2.09Mb (1918 downloads)
Fedex MD-11 for FS2002 only, . Full Night and Reflectve Textures, and panel included. Requires some additional guage files.Aircraft by G.Rossini. Repainted by Ross Killin & Cathy Moore. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Learjet 45 (version 2) Cathay Pacific Airways
2.21Mb (1238 downloads)
Gmax Learjet 45 (version 2) Cathay Pacific Airways File Description: Freeware GMAX Bombardier Learjet45 for FS2002 Standard or Pro Version. Uses the Lear45 panel and sounds (sounds aliased). Features: full animation using GMAX; full Virtual Cockpit and Virtual Cabin with night lighting; thrust reversers, passenger door, nose wheel steering, spoilerons, main gear taxi lights and Underbelly landing lights that can be controlled separately. Reflective textures. Includes optional Honeywell GPS by Ike H. Slack, Coyote Avionics Design. VH-CXJ is the first of Cathay's Learjets, acquired in 2001 for pilot training. Filename: License: Freeware, limited distribution Added: 5th July 2002 Authors: Rick Sasala, Mark Beaumont. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Learjet 45 (version 2) British Airways (virtual)
2.14Mb (1565 downloads)
Gmax Learjet 45 (version 2) British Airways (virtual) File Description: Freeware GMAX Bombardier Learjet45 for FS2002 Standard or Pro Version. Uses the Lear45 panel and sounds (sounds aliased). Features: full animation using GMAX; full Virtual Cockpit and Virtual Cabin with night lighting; thrust reversers, passenger door, nose wheel steering, spoilerons, main gear taxi lights and Underbelly landing lights that can be controlled separately. Reflective textures. Includes optional Honeywell GPS by Ike H. Slack, Coyote Avionics Design. This repaint is fictional, for British Airways Virtual. Filename: License: Freeware, limited distribution Added: 5th July 2002 Authors: Rick Sasala, Mark Beaumont. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  767-336ER Registration G-BNWT British Airways 'Exotic' Tailfin
                  Livery 'Scotland'.
1.83Mb (738 downloads)
Boeing 767-336ER Registration G-BNWT British Airways 'Exotic' Tailfin Livery 'Scotland'. This is an accurate depiction of the real aircraft in its livery c1999-2001. The model has been carefully painted from scratch using a Version 3 paint kit to ensure complete accuracy. Thanks to the Project Opensky group and in particular model designers Mitsushi Yutaka and Hiroshi Igami for creating this magnificent aircraft. Repainted by Roger Mole. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Airbus A300-B Dominicana livery
0.64Mb (627 downloads)
Fs2002 Airbus A300-B Dominicana livery Excellent aircraft with full moving parts and night lights, greats paint scheme and very reliable. It´s nice to flight it, and I hope you enjoy flying it as much as me! Aircraft by Jaffray Linn, Repaint by Edward Santos. 658K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
4.24Mb (1248 downloads)
Transavia 737-700. Copyright 4.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  737-800 "Yananyi Dreaming".
1.45Mb (1260 downloads)
Qantas 737-800 "Yananyi Dreaming". A repaint of default 737 (Texture only). "Yananyi Dreaming" (Yananyi = going/travelling) was created by internationally renowned Australian Design Studio Balarinji and indigenous artist, Rene Kulitja. Repaint for FS 2002 by Mike Hill. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  PRO Qantas B747 400 Wunala Dreaming
1.01Mb (1151 downloads)
FS2002 PRO Qantas B747 400 Wunala Dreaming. Repaint of the default. VH-OJB. Mike Hill. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive