FS2002 > Civil Jets > Page 56
2.84Mb (1058 downloads)
British Airways Boeing 777-200,
registration G-VIIF. This rendition of the B777 has been completely
built from scratch in Gmax and features a 32-sided fuselage
and engines; "maintenance mode" featuring opening engine cases,
deployable Ram Air Turbine, opening gear bay doors on ground,
opening captain's window; virtual cabin (Business Class); folding
wings; & a lot more!Original model by Meljet (Melvin Rafi).
Repaint By Lewis Lang. 2.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

4.47Mb (814 downloads)
"Soaring Spirit" Boeing 777-200.
This repaint is made by : Tom Harlaar The Model and paintkit
are by Meljet, Melvin Rafi. 4.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
0.35Mb (413 downloads)
MartinAir Holland A320-200.
Original by Mike Stone, repaint by Rowan Geldman. 376K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

3.86Mb (1010 downloads)
on the US Navy's S3- Viking FOR CFS2. A joint project between
BAe & Rolls-Royce. Short haul passenger aircraft to accompany
their brilliant BAe RJ146 in the city to city- short takeoff/landing/low
noise pollution role. This example represents the original FICTIONAL
test aircraft & is textured in the FICTIONAL livery of E.C Air
UK, its main operator. . Cockpit Pannel and instrumentation
by Ickie Berleim. Original S3 Anti-submarine aircraft by Rick
Sasala. Textures and DXT conversion by E.C Corps. 3.9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

0.69Mb (495 downloads)
F28 TANS OB-1396 In respect of the aircraft recently lost
in the jungle of chachapoyas en el department of Amazon en Peru.
Previously this aircraft was utilized by el Peruvian state the
Presidential Aircraft. Original model by Doeke Bakker. FDE by
Robert Versluys. Repainted by Alfonso Patron. 706K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
0.21Mb (325 downloads)
Air France Textures,
Air & CFG files. Works with FS2002
Concorde available here. 212K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

3.69Mb (2774 downloads)
Boeing 777-200 Emirates
- GE Boeing 777-200 for FS2002 Version 1.0. This rendition of
the 777 has been completely built from scratch in GMax for FS2002
and features a 32-sided fuselage and engines; brand new "maintenance
mode" featuring opening engine cases, deployable Ram Air Turbine,
opening gear bay doors on ground, opening Captain's window;
virtual cabin (Business Class); Folding Wings; Flexing Wings;
dynamic wingviews; animated reversers & a lot more.... By
Meljet (Melvin Rafi). Stefan van Hierden. 3.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
2.66Mb (1678 downloads)
Virgin Atlantic Boeing 777-200,
registration G-VHMK (fictional) named 'Atlantic Lady'. This
rendition of the B777 has been completely built from scratch
in Gmax and features a 32-sided fuselage and engines; "maintenance
mode" featuring opening engine cases, deployable Ram Air Turbine,
& a lot more... By Meljet (Melvin Rafi).Repaint By Lewis
Lang. 2.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

0.88Mb (1242 downloads)
Boeing 737- 300
- New FSDS V1 MODEL for FS2002 TAM - FSDS designer and texture
J R Lucariny. 898K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

0.96Mb (812 downloads)
US AIRWAYS A319-112 US Airways
Features fully moving parts (Gears and doors, rotating engine
fans, rudder, slats, flaps, elevator & ailerons). Registration:
N746UW Aircraft by: IADG Textures: US AIRWAYS Painted by: Antonio
Cossu. 988K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive