0.23Mb (695 downloads)
Fuel Flow indicator (PPH or GPH) FSX and FS 2004 stand alone XML gauge for single engine aircrafts. By Pierre Fasseaux
Posted May 6, 2011 10:41 by Pierre fasseaux

0.11Mb (2366 downloads)
For Saitek Pro Flight Instrument Panel.
Update of HSI_glass.zip which provides a speed stripe on the left side and ADF bearing window is moved just below the course window. This update has to be used with HSI_glass.zip file. First xml with main steps of 5 KTS up to 600 KTS. Second xml with main steps of 10 KTS up to 1200 KTS.
Required files:
required file
Posted Apr 9, 2011 08:30 by Philippe Verhaege

0.18Mb (833 downloads)
Original FS2004 reworked xml gauge : GMT added to already existing but slightly modified functions (Local Time, date, timer, Elapsed time and simrate). For FSX as well. By Pierre Fasseaux.
Posted Apr 2, 2011 04:56 by Pierre fasseaux

0.15Mb (1411 downloads)
This gauge provides all essential engines' indications, engines RPM, Manifold pressure, fuel flow and also the fuel tanks levels, flaps positions, Pitch TRIM and landing gear position. Red needles are for left engine and green needles are for right engine.
Posted Mar 26, 2011 13:51 by Philippe Verhaege

0.10Mb (3104 downloads)
For Saitek Pro Flight Instrument Panel.
This HSI Glass type gauge provides Digital values for: VOR 1 course, Heading, Autopilot heading, VOR 1 bearing, VOR 2 bearing, ADF bearing, DME 1, DME 2.
Needles of: VOR 1, VOR 2, ADF, horizontal situation bar.
indexes of: Vertical situation bug, Autopilot heading.
Knobs functions: Right, allows to move autopilot index. Left, allows to move VOR 1 course.
Instructions in French and English
Posted Mar 26, 2011 13:46 by Philippe Verhaege

0.19Mb (843 downloads)
FS2004/FSX stand alone XML gauge. Three functions : LT (= local time) , FT (= automatic flying time cumulated) and ET (= chrono). Two background bitmaps available (w/ or w/o screws). Key stroke processing possible (FSX only) . By Pierre Fasseaux.
Posted Mar 25, 2011 04:33 by Pierre fasseaux

0.15Mb (1555 downloads)
KY196 COM , KY196B COM, KN53 NAV1, KN53 NAV2 and KN53(B) NAV1. By Pierre Fasseaux
Posted Mar 17, 2011 09:51 by Pierre fasseaux

0.11Mb (951 downloads)
FS2004 and FSX stand alone xml radio appliance gauge based on a Bendix King KX-155A scheme. By Pierre Fasseaux
Posted Mar 10, 2011 07:44 by Pierre fasseaux

0.12Mb (2743 downloads)
This a gauge for heli's which are very hard to hover or you can put in any heli's but you can hover from 10ft-999ft off the ground.
Posted Dec 13, 2010 20:19 by BOB

0.05Mb (731 downloads)
UPDATE 2 for Magnetic Compass gauge with selectable DIGITAL display. In response to several requests, I have added code to the mag_compass.CAB file which will allow the Compass face to be lighted at night when cockpit lights are on. As this file contains only the replacement.cab file, no editing of any panel.cfg files where you have installed the Compass with Digital display is required. The installation of the original package - Digital_Compass.zip and Mag Compass Update.zip - is necessary. Please unzip to a temporary folder and follow the simple installation instructions. Compiled for your flying enjoyment by David "Opa" Marshall.
Posted Dec 10, 2010 06:30 by David "Opa" Marshall