FS2002 > Page 173
2.52Mb (439 downloads)
Boeing 777 Pakistan International Airlines,
PIA. Repaint of the Meljet Boeing 777-200ER. Original Aircraft
by Melvin Rafi, Painted by Ehsan Ishaque. 2.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

1.76Mb (1382 downloads)
Aircraft-McDonnell Douglas MD 81 JAPAN AIR SYSTEM Aircraft
by Stewart Global and Flight FX Paint job: MARCELO ALLENDE.
The MD-80 v2.0 brings a new aircraft fully compatible with FS2002.
You will find that we've completely redone most of the model,
making it completely Gmax. It features the latest reflection
including dynamic shine, lighting, and animation technology
including accurate flaps, landing gears, and thrust reversers
and dynamic wing views. This is only the first in a line of
MD aircraft. Next will likely be the MD83 or 87 as well as the
DC9-51. The FDE is the superb MD80 FDE by Sam Chin with modifications
by Mike Baumann, and the model is by Jonathan Stewart and Erick
Cantu. This aircraft is truly a multi-group effort, one of many
to come. The model itself is evidenced of this. The fuselage,
fins, engines, and landing gear are done by FlightFX. The wings,
stabs, and aft fuselage section are by SGA. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
1.39Mb (1086 downloads)
737-3H4. Southwest Airlines "Shamu" Livery with the new Canyon
Blue Colors. Repaint
of the Default Boeing 737-400 Included with FS2002 to portray
the 737-3H4. Marc Payne. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
2.31Mb (920 downloads)
Bombardier/Canadair CRJ900-ER, America West Express Reg#
N902FJ, Mesa Group is the CRJ900 launch customer. Ver 6 with
full moving parts and night effects including new animated thrust
reverser engine textures tied to the spoilers. Designer: Barry
Blaisdell, Premier Aircraft Design. 2.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

0.46Mb (617 downloads)
Line JetClass of Varig - Brasil.
Replacement FS2002 default textures only. In this fly are VIPs,
because has important an famous passengers Papa John Paul II,
Britney Spears and Pelé the soccer king and considered the century
athlete. Good Job piloting for VIP passengers. Author: Fernando
Magalhães. 475K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

0.85Mb (913 downloads)
777-300 - Malaysia Airlines Textures only -
9M-MRA Repaint for FS2002-default Boeing 777-300 by Ibrahim
Fazal. 874K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

1.10Mb (2361 downloads)
Cessna Citation X.
An FSDS2 aircraft with moving parts, a custom panel, custom
gauges, a dynamic virtual cockpit, night textures and reflective,
alpha channel day textures. For Standard and Pro Editions. By
Chuck Dome. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
2.73Mb (720 downloads)
British Airways Boeing 777-236,
registration G-ZZZA.Named 'Sir Frank Whittle' in the old British
Airways Landor livery.(Updated version with improved tail and
other minor features). This rendition of the B777 has been completely
built from scratch in Gmax and features a 32-sided fuselage
and engines; "maintenance mode" featuring opening engine cases,
deployable Ram Air Turbine, opening gear bay doors on ground,
opening captain's window; virtual cabin (Business Class); folding
wings; reflective textures; flexing wings; & more. Original
model by Meljet (Melvin Rafi).Repaint By Lewis Lang. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

3.76Mb (922 downloads)
Boeing 777-200 Alitalia I-DISA 40-sided
based Variable Sided Fuelage (POSKY Original Technique) Flexing
wings, Moving flaperon's,spoileron's,aileron's,elevator's,rudder,
and fan blade's ,Tilting bogie's, gear bay's. (All highly detailed)
night lighting,flashing beacon's. Designed By Mitsushi Yutaka
, Hiroshi Igami Flight Dynamics by Warren C. Daniel. Painted
by: Antonio Cossu. 3.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

2.04Mb (324 downloads)
Boeing 737-200 Indian Air force
A repaint of the GMax Yeodesigns v2 737-200 in the Indian air
force livery which operates the aircraft as a transporter. Original
by YeoDesigns. Repaint by Ricky Sharma. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive