FS2002 > Page 189
1.36Mb (534 downloads)
Orbit Airlines B767-300ER Original
Model by Project Opensky. Model includes: Moving Thrust Reversers
and Night Lighting. Repainted by Kyle Schurb. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

5.07Mb (2214 downloads)
CSA Czech Airlines Boeing 737-400 Package
Repaint of the original Boeing 737-400 in Czech Airlines livery.
Features realistic panel, sounds and spectacular tiremark effects
and touchdown sounds. GMAX Model: Microsoft Sounds: Microsoft
Panel: Felipe Gonzalez Gauges: Richard Probst Touchdown Sounds:
Adnane Bourja Touchdown Effects: J. Resdes Textures: Claudio
Dobre. 13.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
10.53Mb (2327 downloads)
Lockheed L1011-100 Tristar in Delta Airlines Old colors
designed with FSDS v2. This model features 48 sided fuselage,
48 sided engines, moving parts, and reflective textures. Aircraft
design and paint by Charles Dayhuff. 10.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

1.13Mb (759 downloads)
PROJECT Fokker-F100 in the Livery of JAT Yugoslav Airlines Textures
only. Requires original Fokker 100 available from www. fokker.avsim.net.
JAT never had Fokker-70 but I think there was one AC in goverment
fleet. Repaint by Petar Mandic. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

0.91Mb (949 downloads)
Waterbird Avation Frigate Amphibious Corporate Jet This
plane is the product of my own imagination. I love flying in
the bush but the average bush plane is too slow on longer flights.
I recently spotted a concept for an amphibious Biz Jet from
a company called Archedyne and the renditions they had got me
thinking that I wouldn't mind something like that myself. Painted
in both civil and Bush Flying Unlimited liverys. Custom panel
included. FS 2002 Pro is required for all gauges to be visible.
Made with FSDS by Brian Gladden. 933K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
3.00Mb (1492 downloads)
MCDONNEL DOUGLAS DC-10-30F. Painted in Lan Cargo livery
(fictional) , registration: CC-HEE. This is a fantasy repaint
of the Freeware Flight Group DC-10. It features a full array
of excellent features: 32 sided fuselage (for near-perfect roundness);
32 sided engines; accurate 3D parts (most, if not all, textured);
fully 3D intakes/outlets/gear bays/cockpit; FULL moving parts
(ailerons, rudder, elevators, spoilers, slats, flaps, landing
gear, fan blades and spinner cones); accurately illuminated
at night; accurate animation sequences; crisp, clear liveries.
Rainted by Hugo Espinosa & Cesar Carrasco. 3.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

1.68Mb (969 downloads)
RYANAIR EI-CNT B737-200 Vodafone livery.
Paint job Marcelo Allende/ Misiones Argentina The brandnew FlightFX/SGAir
Boeing 737-200 It features the latest reflection including dynamic
shine, lighting, and animation technology including accurate
flaps, landing gears, and thrust reversers and dynamic wing
and engine views. The lighting effects are by SGA. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

1.57Mb (618 downloads)
B737-200 ZIP C-GMCP
The brandnew FlightFX/SGAir Boeing 737-200 It features the latest
reflection including dynamic shine, lighting, and animation
technology including accurate flaps, landing gears, and thrust
reversers and dynamic wing and engine views. The lighting effects
are by SGA. Paint job Marcelo Allende/ Misiones Argentina. 1.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

1.61Mb (1052 downloads)
Aircraft-McDonnell Douglas MD 82 Frontier, RETRO COLORS
Registration N9801F Aircraft by Stewart Global and Flight FX
Paint job: MARCELO ALLENDE Gmax model. It features the latest
reflection including dynamic shine, lighting, and animation
technology including accurate flaps, landing gears, and thrust
reversers and dynamic wing views. 1.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

0.64Mb (551 downloads)
Default 737-400 in Hawaiian Airlines Re-paint. Repaint
of the default 737 in Hawaiian Airlines Scheme by Max Rubel.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive