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FS2000 > Military > Page 25
                  - Aeritalia/Lockheed F-104S
0.50Mb (440 downloads)
FS2000 - Aeritalia/Lockheed F-104S. This aircraft is here presented with colors of an AMI example in NATO camouflage used in 1990's years by 18° gruppo of 37° Stormo "Cesare Toschi" based at Trapani-Birgi, Sicily. Visual model and paintings by Massimo Taccoli. 517K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Aircraft and Panel - USAF F-16C "Boys from Syracuse"
2.37Mb (7115 downloads)
FS2000/2002 Aircraft and Panel - USAF F-16C "Boys from Syracuse" USAF Lockheed F-16C Fighting Falcon by G.Chiacchietta, textures by Paolo Trabucco The plane is a Lockheed-Martin F-16C NY State based Squadron. Tested with FS2002. By Paolo Trabucco. 2.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Rockwell B-1B Lancer
0.86Mb (1908 downloads)
FS2000 Rockwell B-1B Lancer B1 B. Inbuilt Scenery which appears when all engines are off, with special night effects! Rolling wheels -w-steerable nose gear, tilting wheel bogies, 3d gear bays. Swing wings, with full lighting even during transition. Front edge leading slats and flaps controlled by wing swing motion. Full exhaust burner effect, and night illuminated consoles-instrument dash. Landing lights with night Killuminated droug chute. By:Tom Hutson. 877K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Fokker F27 Maritime Spanish Air Force 802 Sq - SAR.
0.54Mb (421 downloads)
FS2000 Fokker F27 Maritime Spanish Air Force 802 Sq - SAR. The F27 Maritime is a specialised maritime patrol variant for offshore patrol, SAR and all other maritime duties with tankage for 12-hour endurance with crew of (typically) six. Numerous detail changes: search radar, Bendix weather radar, bubble observation windows, tactical compartment and crew rest area. Original author: Rob Bennis Repaint by: German Erostarbe. 554K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  STD/PRO Lockheed C-130h Hercules,European One scheme.
2.86Mb (673 downloads)
FS2000 STD/PRO Lockheed C-130h Hercules,European One scheme. The Hercules is the most widely used by the USAF. It has full moving parts,with opening rear door,ramp,and forward crew entry door with new photo-real textured steps!!. Model, FDE, and Textures by Adrian Brausch. 3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Lockheed Martin U2-S
0.22Mb (759 downloads)
FS2000pro Lockheed Martin U2-S The latest variant of the 40 year old spy plane, still the USAF's main tactical recon platform . A generic U2-S complete with fictious glass panel using FS2000pro gauges and a DFD starter panel (can be replace with a download panel). A virtual narrow track main gear is fitted to aid ground handling without compromising the landing problems common to this type. Minimal texturing required all parts to be hand drawn to create the maximum detail in the model. Flight, visual model and panel by Clive R Skipper. 226K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Lockheed T33 A "Shooting Star"
1.46Mb (376 downloads)
FS2000 Lockheed T33 A "Shooting Star" This model is a reproduction of the famous american aircraft trainer. Here is an example textured to represent an aircraft of Italian Air Force "Scuola Aviogetti Amendola" operative during 1959-60' The 3D model made with FSDS, features full moving parts, airbrake , recessed wheel wells, nose wheel steering and pilots in a virtual cockpit. File contains also a panel. Visual Model by Massimo Taccoli. Textures by Gerardo Taccoli Air and panel file by Bruce Thorson. Original bitmap panel by Phil Perrot. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  CANADAIR (Lockheed T33A) CT 133 Silver Star
1.17Mb (376 downloads)
FS2000,FS2000/pro, CANADAIR (Lockheed T33A) CT 133 Silver Star This model is a reproduction of the famous american aircraft trainer licence-built by the canadian firm as CL30 - Silver Star. here is an example textured to represent an aircraft of 14°wing - 434° Combat Support Squadron based at Greenwood. The 3D model made with FSDS, features full moving parts, airbrake , recessed wheel wells, nose wheel steering and pilots in a virtual cockpit. File contains also a panel. Visual Model by Massimo Taccoli. Textures by Gerardo Taccoli Air and panel file by Bruce Thorson. Original bitmap panel by Phil Perrot. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Lockheed T33 A "Shooting Star"
1.29Mb (368 downloads)
FS2000,FS2000/pro, Lockheed T33 A "Shooting Star" This model is a reproduction of the famous american aircraft trainer. Here is an example textured to represent an aircraft of Italian Air Force 6^ Aerobrigata "Diavoli Rossi" operative during 1957-58' The 3D model made with FSDS, features full moving parts, airbrake , recessed wheel wells, nose wheel steering and pilots in a virtual cockpit. File contains also a panel. Visual Model by Massimo Taccoli. Textures by Gerardo Taccoli Air and panel file by Bruce Thorson. Original bitmap panel by Phil Perrot. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Lockheed T33 A "Shooting Star"
1.48Mb (577 downloads)
FS2000,FS2000/pro, Lockheed T33 A "Shooting Star" This model is a reproduction of the famous american aircraft trainer. Here is an example textured to represent an USAF's aircraft serialled 56-3659 assigned to Jet training schools. The 3D model made with FSDS, features full moving parts, airbrake , recessed wheel wells, nose wheel steering and pilots in a virtual cockpit. File contains also a panel. Visual Model by Massimo Taccoli. Textures by Gerardo Taccoli Air and panel file by Bruce Thorson. Original bitmap panel by Phil Perrot. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive