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FS2000 > Military > Page 27
                  C-17 Globemaster III
1.03Mb (2543 downloads)
RAF C-17 Globemaster III Visual model by Kirk Olsson.This aircraft is for FS2000. This is FREEWARE. This aircraft comes with full moving parts, and is a highly detailed model of the C-17 GlobemasterIII. Repainted by Joel Knight. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Aircraft - RAF Tornado Pack #2
0.20Mb (613 downloads)
FS2000 Aircraft - RAF Tornado Pack #2 Includes 3 different Royal Air Force Tornados F3 in the colours of No. 1435 Flight, No. 29 Squadron and No. 43 Squadron. All 3 aircraft are painted in standard operational paint scheme, overall grey. Unit insignias vary. These aircraft are not available for individual download. Animated control surfaces and landing gears, smooth moving variable geometry wings. By Michael Gurezka. 230K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  USAF Lockheed F-104C Starfighter (70-928)
3.64Mb (981 downloads)
FS2000/CFS2 USAF Lockheed F-104C Starfighter (70-928) The F-104C (Lockheed Model 483-04-05) was the tactical strike version of the Starfighter. It was designed to meet the needs of the Tactical Air Command (TAC), which had earlier found the F-104A to be unacceptable because of its low endurance and its inability to carry significant offensive payloads. This aircraft is from 435th TFS/479th TFW based on George AFB, CA, in 1958. In 1959 it was transfered on Moron AB, Spain. In 1962, during the Cuba Crisis, it was transfered at Key West to protect USA air space. In 1965 it was transeferd in Middle East on the Da Nang Air Base, during Viet Nam Conflict, whit MiGCAP mission. Full animation of gear, flight controls and 3D wings. Aircraft design by Tomo Chang. Flight Model and Texture Repaint by Simone Prattico'. Panel rework by Simone Prattico' from an original by Marco Spada. Sound Package by Oxyd. Damage Profile by Chris Coarse. 3.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Lockheed C-141 B "Starlifter".
7.25Mb (2652 downloads)
FS-2000/2 Lockheed C-141 B "Starlifter". Full animations ailerons, elevator, rudder, flaps, spoilers, landing gear, gears doors, rotating engine fans and the new options of stabilizer trim adjustable with the flap position and the cargo ramp and doors open in two position: ground and flight. Landing lights night effect. Photorelistic panel and internal cockpit view Authors: Panel Flemming Hansen, Plane Jose Olliver.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  FS2000 ALTAS Cheetah Mirage Aircraft collection.
1.00Mb (861 downloads)
FS2002 FS2000 ALTAS Cheetah Mirage Aircraft collection. Developed for Denis Da Silva and Daniel Da Silva using FSDS. Visit, and to find other Mirages. Model and Texture: Denis da Silva e Daniel da Silva. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  FS2000 Mirage 50 Elkan - Chilean Air Force
1.00Mb (860 downloads)
FS2002 FS2000 Mirage 50 Elkan - Chilean Air Force Mirage Aircraft collection. Developed for Denis Da Silva and Daniel Da Silva using FSDS. Visit, and to find other Mirages. Model and Texture: Denis da Silva e Daniel da Silva. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  FS2000 Mirage 5BR - Belgian Air Force
0.98Mb (457 downloads)
FS2002 FS2000 Mirage 5BR - Belgian Air Force Mirage Aircraft collection. Developed for Denis Da Silva and Daniel Da Silva using FSDS. Visit, and to find other Mirages. Model and Texture: Denis da Silva e Daniel da Silva. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Tu-95 MS "Bear".
1.42Mb (4236 downloads)
Tupolev Tu-95 MS "Bear". For FS2002 and FS2000 Soviet intercontinental nuclear bomber; First flew in 1954, it is still in service. FSDS Pro model by Samdim. Featuring all moving parts (including rolling wheels, stearable gear) and all transparent windows. This is the second version of the model. It was corrected and approved by real Tu-95 pilots. Many details have been changed, new SDL macros animate realistic gear retraction. Thanks to all the people who helped me to improve the model and especially - to Alexander Belov whose colaboration was crucial for the futher development of this project. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  FS2000 MirageIIIEBR FAB
1.30Mb (787 downloads)
FS2002 FS2000 MirageIIIEBR FAB F-103E 4930 MirageIII EBR F-103E had the honor to have been chosen as the first supersonics of the Brazilian Air Force, where it comes fulfilling, with louvor and efficiency, its the arduous and noble mission! Texture e Model: Denis da Silva. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  FS2000 MirageIII
1.33Mb (948 downloads)
FS2002 FS2000 MirageIIIDBR F-103D 4904 AYRTON SENNA VOA NO MIRAGE III For the complexity of its flight, that demands the necessity of knowledge of its sophisticated systems, as the use of the jettisonable seat, oxygen system and communications, few is the civilians that had been authorized to carry through a flight in the F-103. Amongst this select group, the pilot who had conquered in 1988 the heading of world-wide Formula champion 1: Ayrton Senna Da Silva was more célebre of all. The flight happened in 29 of April of 1989, carried through in F-103d BAF 4904, under the command of Tenente-Coronel-Aviador Alberto de Paiva Côrtes, then commander of 1º GDA, occasion that the champion of the tracks can breach the barrier of the sound and try the commands of a machine so sophisticated as the current Formula cars 1. Texture e Model: Denis da Silva. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive