0.89Mb (1068 downloads)
Textures for the F4E Phantom II. These textures were created
specifically for the excellent F-4E aircraft produced by Michael
Gurezka, file f4eb_308.zip.
(900K). Package includes texures, Aircraft.cfg and smoke effects
for the F4E flown by BG Steve Ritchie, the only USAF pilot Ace
of the Vietnam War. Jim Bennett. 930K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
3.60Mb (813 downloads)
KC 10A Extender USAF, Green Shamu version. By the Freeware
Flight Group. 3.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
4.05Mb (782 downloads)
KC 10A Extender USAF, low Vis version. By the Freeware Flight
Group. 4.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

1.12Mb (485 downloads)
Lockheed T33 A, Eagle tail, Mecican. The T33A is used in
the Mexican Air Force (FAM) in patrol/interception rol, is used
too like transition plane to F-5s. Actually, all T-33s are in
dark green color. I want to give thanks to Massimo Taccoli for
his permission to repaint this excellent bird. The 3D model
made with FSDS, features full moving parts, airbrake , recessed
wheel wells, nose wheel steering and pilots in a virtual cockpit.
File contains also a dedicated panel. Visual Model by Massimo
Taccoli. Textures by Gerardo Taccoli Original Air file and panel
by Bruce Thorson. Original bitmap panel by Phil Perrot. Copyright
© December 2001 Repainted in Mexican Air Force colors (Fuerza
Aerea Mexicana) by Genaro Dominguez. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

1.16Mb (877 downloads)
Lockheed T33 A REd Tail, Mexican. The T33A is used in the
Mexican Air Force (FAM) in patrol/interception rol, is used
too like transition plane to F-5s. Actually, all T-33s are in
dark green color. I want to give thanks to Massimo Taccoli for
his permission to repaint this excellent bird. The 3D model
made with FSDS, features full moving parts, airbrake , recessed
wheel wells, nose wheel steering and pilots in a virtual cockpit.
File contains also a dedicated panel. Visual Model by Massimo
Taccoli. Textures by Gerardo Taccoli Original Air file and panel
by Bruce Thorson. Original bitmap panel by Phil Perrot. Repainted
in Mexican Air Force colors (Fuerza Aerea Mexicana) by Genaro
Dominguez. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
13.82Mb (3662 downloads)
PRO GRUMMAN F-14A TOMCAT 5.0VR. Grumman F-14A Tomcat, VF-101
"Grim Reapers", Tactical Paint Scheme Grey, U.S.Navy, 1995.
Highly detailed model, intended to be flown with the 3D dynamic
virtual cockpit. By Dino Cattaneo (& many others). Textures
by Paolo Tabucco. Requires gauges from f14a2002.zip.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

0.58Mb (933 downloads)
Mirage 2000B of the French Armée de l'Air. Modified to a
two-seat trainer version. Armed with Matra Super 530 and Magic
missiles. Base Mirage 2000 aircraft by Oxyd. Visual model modified
by Denis da Silva Oliveira and Daniel da Silva Oliveira. Textures
modified by Frank Safranek. 599K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

0.57Mb (1038 downloads)
Mirage 2000B of the French Armée de l'Air. Modified to a
two-seat trainer version with armament removed. Base Mirage
2000 aircraft by Oxyd. Visual model modified by Denis da Silva
Oliveira and Daniel da Silva Oliveira. Textures modified by
Frank Safranek. 584K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive

0.58Mb (1629 downloads)
Mirage 2000B of the French Armée de l'Air. Modified to a
two-seat trainer version and armed with early style wing tanks
and Matra Magic missiles. Base Mirage 2000 aircraft by Oxyd.
Visual model modified by Denis da Silva Oliveira and Daniel
da Silva Oliveira. Textures modified by Frank Safranek. 599K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive
Smoke display tutorial and addon for the "me329.zip" onclick="NewWindow(this.href,'name','730','400','yes');return false"> Messerschmitt
Aero Racer By Steve ( Ratt ) Robinson. This installs a 7 colour
smoke system to the Me329 Aero racer. Also included is a tutorial
on how to add display smoke to any aircraft in any colour and
have as many smoke trails you desire coming from any location
of the aircraft. It may also give an insight to the other effects
files already in the FS2002 simulation. 211K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:33 by archive