0.86Mb (164 downloads)
Photo-realistic view of MD80 from 1st officer's view.
Original design by James Waters. 876K
2 : Tidied up the bmp a bit, changed colors to a light
blue, easier on the eyes, and reworked some of the gauges
from the original photo-realistic MD80 1st officer view. Jim
Waters. 847K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

1.02Mb (577 downloads)
- panels MiG - 15 This panel has been tested under CFS and
Fs2k. Done by Michael Vader, PEAGASUS AVIATION DESIGN. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.73Mb (493 downloads)
- panels Westland Lysander This panel is suitable for CFS
and FS2000, It had been tested in both. The starting point was
the Lizie panel done by John Mc Guigan. In fact I mixed his
panel with parts of CFS Hurricane panel and some other gauges.
Done by Michael Vader of PEGASUS AVIATION DESIGN. 744K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.30Mb (162 downloads)
1st officer view - based on panel of Chris Arrington and
radios by Chuck Dome. Bitmap and gauges re-inserted for right-side
view. - Like the original, uses very few additional gauges.
Also, increased visibility forward by enlarging windows. Designed
by James Waters. 305K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.34Mb (275 downloads)
for FS2K Boeing 747-200 A lot of B747's which are available
on the net either have fancy glass cockpits which need to be
run at high resolutions or simply utilise the rather inadequate
Panel Heavy Jet 4 that comes with FS2k. This project, which
is my first serious attempt at panel design, started life as
a basic re-work of the FS2K default B737 panel. During that
re-work I saw the potential for it's use on the B747 and this
is the result. 349K. Bob Young.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

2.55Mb (213 downloads)
Sk50 Safir Panel for FS2000 Pro This panel is based on high
quality photographs of a SAAB Sk50 Safir formerly operated by
the F5 Training Wing of Flygvapnet (Swedish Airforce) based
at Ljungbyhed, Sweden. Following retirement, it is now civilian
owned with the registration SE-IIL. 2.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

2.11Mb (308 downloads)
Alizé Panel for the french ASW carrier based aircraft. Contains
two different panels, one for the original airfile, the other
for an (included) modified airfile with turboprop engine. Done
by Michael Vader, Pegasus Aviation Design . 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.87Mb (307 downloads)
Beechcraft KingAir panel. FS2000 Pro Only. Based on Elite
6.0, this panel includes all the gauges to practice IFR :
standby frequencies, chrono, fuel gauges, GPS, etc. In addition
panel has a button toggled yoke. Panel incorporates also Alain
Capt's ACS-GPS98 (required separately). Edouard Halbert. 971K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

Halcon II for FS2000:AUTHOR: HARALD HUBER. 260K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.25Mb (239 downloads)
737 analogue 1st officer panel with enhanced BMP. This panel
has radio and throttle quadrant built in for ease of use. Based
on original of Chris Arrington - adpated for 1st officer by
James Waters. 263K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive