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FS2000 > Panels > Page 23
                  50 Panel Release v2.1b for FS 2000 Pro Edition
8.56Mb (900 downloads)
Fokker 50 Panel Release v2.1b for FS 2000 Pro Edition. This is the final release for my Fokker 50 panel. A number of issues/features has been fixed/added. The most prominent improvement in this update is the new night lighting. Also, the IAS hold feature has been fixed and the aircraft will not enter a dive on climb out. However, I have not been able to figure out the EADI/EHSI problem, and I did not have the time to do all the features and fixes I wanted to do. By Espen Oijordsbakken. 8.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  DC 9
1.43Mb (144 downloads)
FS2000 DC 9. In this version i changed the bitmap for a more realistic look, and i have also maked the panel more realistic, and bug free! This panel includes: GPS, compass, intergrated radio stuck and intergrated throttle This panel is VCP2000, GPWS 98/2000 and Airport 2000 V2 compatible. And i have also included a winamp skin from a DC 9 chrash, for the winamp users. by: Frank Elfert. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                    Gunner panel
0.74Mb (202 downloads)
Dash Gunner panel. Generic military gaming panel for FS2000. Reconfigured from an original Dwight Booth bitmap by ISAIAH a.k.a SFA_skyhop_BAV. 762K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  highly realistic panel for the Boeing 767-200ER.
FS2000 highly realistic panel for the Boeing 767-200ER. This panel includes: GPS, radio stuck, intergrated throttle and an intergrated compass and a special autospoiler! You also can set the speed when it has to deploy. This panel has also warning lights/sounds for the users of: Airport 2000 V2, VCP2000 en GPWS 98/2000 And i have also included a winamp skin from the 767-200ER cockpit for the winamp users. And the last but not least, I have also included my own 767 pictures of the wing in flight above Gouda (netherlands). by: Frank Elfert. 1.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Civil Panel for FS2000
A-10 Civil Panel for FS2000 A Francisco Moreno Modification This panel is a redesign of Francisco Moreno's A-10 panel. The panel is a fictitious setup of what an A-10 civil private owner would like to have as an instrument panel for general aviation use. I have incorporated the FS2000 GPS along with many standard gauges found in many of the default aircraft. This panel has plenty of eye candy and functions great for cross country or simulated tank busting. Auto pilot great for long flights. Tested in FS2000 1024x768 day and night. By: Joshua Alex J"HEELIX" ALEX. 765K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  for the Cessna 185 Skywagon
2.95Mb (302 downloads)
Panel for the Cessna 185 Skywagon developed and tested in FS2000 Pro. Utilizes reworked bitmap from Michael Verlin's Cessna 210 panel which was a rework of Michael Tscherdantzew Jr's original. New gauges and layout. Requires ACS-GPS98 program files for complete operation. by Gary Myatt. 3.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Boeing 767-300ER
FS2000 Boeing 767-300ER. This second version has a more realistic look and I have also fixed some bugs. This panel includes: GPS, radio stuck, intergrated throttle and an intergrated compass. This panel has also warning lights/sounds for the users of: Airport 2000 V2, VCP2000 en GPWS 98/2000. By Frank Elfert. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  CRJ panel, First Officer perspective
0.57Mb (230 downloads)
FS2000 CRJ panel, First Officer perspective. Rework of Chris Alevritis' original with removeable yoke, visor and toggle-able GPS. Made from a real CRJ photo, this panel is intended to be as accurate as possible with- out lowering frame-rates. v1.0 By SCOTT SCHAR. 585K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  panel for the Airbus A300
FS2000 panel for the Airbus A300. This second version is more realistic and works now also good with Voodoo 2 cards. This panel includes: GPS, throttle, intergrated radio stuck and an intergrated compass. This panel has also warning lights/sounds for the users of: Airport 2000 V2, VCP2000 en GPWS 98/2000. by: Frank Elfert. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive
                  Learjet 45 panel v4.0
2.72Mb (507 downloads)
FS2000 Learjet 45 panel v4.0. Step forward in panel design. All new gauges programmed in one big file including many FS2K enhancements. Based on real photos. Everything works (spares, but no fakes). Realistic night illumination. Despite high complexity, easy to manage. For 1024x768 resolution or higher. Programming technique and image managing maintains good frame rate. Freeware by Rolf Dieter Buckmann . 2.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive