1.25Mb (229 downloads)
Panel for the ASTRA SPX, and also for other small business
airliners . The panel includes: GPS, throttle, intergrated radio
stuck and an intergrated compass. This panel is also compatible
with: Airport 2000 V2, VCP2000 en GPWS 98/2000. by: Frank Elfert.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

5.24Mb (262 downloads)
Avro ARJ Panel Version 2.0 Realistic and very detailled
Panel with a painted Bitmap (no scanned elements) for the
Avro ARJ. A completely new Version with a lot of functions
like GPWS, full working Annunciator Panel (no dummies), realistic
startup procedure including APU, all warning lights with real
functions (some with sounds) and many more. More than 100
Gauges divided in the Main- and Overhead Panel but nevertheless
not disordered. By Matthias Lieberecht. 5.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.21Mb (241 downloads)
Panel for the Boeing 777. I have maked this panel for people
wo don't like the standard 777 panel. This panel includes: GPS,
radio stuck, intergrated throttle, and an intergrated compass.
by: Frank Elfert. 217K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

1.66Mb (297 downloads)
Blackbird panel for fs2000, this panel comes with a yoke,
gps and the panel it self and also it comes with a set of interior
views, by Alex Bart. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.84Mb (370 downloads)
Panel for the MD 11.
This panel includes: GPS, intergrated Radio stuck, throttle,
and a compass. This panel has also warning light/sounds for:
VCP2000, Airport 2000 V2 and GPWS 98/2000 (tested without problems)
I also have a nice winampskin KLM MD 11 included for the Winamp
users. by: Frank Elfert. 856K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

1.32Mb (243 downloads)
Clear panel for many business jets, like the Learjet or
the Gulfstream. This panel includes: GPS, Radio stuck, throttle,
and a compass. This panel has also warning light/sounds for:
VCP2000, Airport 2000 V2 and GPWS 98/2000 (tested without problems)
I also have a nice winampskin from the the Gulfstream V included
for the Winamp users. 1.3MB. by: Frank Elfert. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

1.08Mb (169 downloads)
70 panel. This panel includes: GPS, Radio stuck, throttle
and an intergrated compass. This panel has also warning light/sounds
for: VCP2000 and GPWS 98/2000 (tested without problems) I also
have a nice winampskin from the the Fokker 70 included for the
Winamp users. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

0.60Mb (166 downloads)
alternative jet panel. You can use this panel with the most
2 engine airliners, like the Boeing 737,757,767 and the 777.
And also with the Airbus A310. This panel includes GPS, and
is compatible with GPWS and VCP2000. Panel made by: Frank Elfert
and Eelco Poelsma. 620K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

Boeing 737-300 panel. This panel includes: GPS, Radio stuck,
and intergrated throttle and an intergrated compass. This panel
has also special warning light/sounds. This warning light are
compatible with: VCP2000 and GPWS 98/2000 I also have a nice
winampskin from the the Boeing 737-300 included for the Winamp
users. by: Frank Elfert. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive

1.75Mb (382 downloads)
ATR 42 panel. This panel includes the follow things:,
GPS, Radio stuck, throttle and an intergrated compass. I also
have a nice winampskin from the the ATR 42 included for the
Winamp users. by: Frank Elfert. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:36 by archive