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FS2000 > Scenery > Page 50
                  Scenery - McGrath, Alaska
2.91Mb (232 downloads)
FS2000 Scenery - McGrath, Alaska with floatplane base. Located 221 miles northwest of Anchorage and 269 miles southwest of Fairbanks, it is a major supply center for Interior Alaska. Photo-real textures, with night lighting and seasonal changes. This is No.7 in the "Alaska Floatplane Bases" series. By Tom Fica. 3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  fictional oilrig located in the north sea
0.19Mb (370 downloads)
FS2000 fictional oilrig located in the north sea, just off the coast of Esbjerg, Denmark. The platforms have nightlighting, a moveable gasflame and other objects. There is also a danish ferry, and a naval ship in the vicinity with landable helideck. The Danish North Sea Rigs are mostly run by Maersk Oil & Gas. In real life they are serviced by helicopters from CHC Denmark out of Esbjerg airport. By Jens Nielsen. 196K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Tuzkoy (Kapadokya) Airport - LTAZ (Nevsehir, Turkey)
0.55Mb (222 downloads)
FS2000 Tuzkoy (Kapadokya) Airport - LTAZ (Nevsehir, Turkey) The default airport in FS2000 doesn't include the taxiways and the runway length-width is wrong, so I have made this scenery to correct some errors, add new things and navigational aids.Kapadokya (Tuzkoy) has one concrete runway which is 3000m (9842foot) in length.Its apron can accommodate 2 large jets.This scenery includes realistic buildings, all taxisigns, taxilines, apron markings, new navigational aids (VOR&NDB), static aircraft and much more.AFD files are included so that the airport will be visible both on the GPS and on the map view.Approach and landing charts are included as well.By Baris Unal. 581K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Scenery -- Area A -- Echo Canyon, NV
0.88Mb (188 downloads)
FS2000 Scenery -- Area A -- Echo Canyon, NV This fictional scenery includes the huge Aeroworks Flight Center #3 facility located in Echo Canyon, Nevada and is about 40 miles from the infamous Groom Lake complex or Area 51. The base is designed for flight testing of any kind of aircraft for FS, long runways for heavy/fast aircraft, ILS approaches for instrument landing tests, and plenty of hangars to accomodate large aircraft. Also includes a few new custom designed macros, as well as the usual concept aircraft macros. Includes navigational aids and works in conjunction with FS2000's AFD and shows up on FS2000 GPS. Requires Airport 2.10 and VOD 3.0 textures. Scenery and static aircraft by Jason L. Terry. 917K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Bien Hoa
2.97Mb (411 downloads)
FS2000 Bien Hoa, Vietnam. Bien Hoa was a U.S. Forces aviation base situated just north of Saigon. Helicopter transports, gunships, and fighters flew from Bien Hoa. Dynamic scenery starts with several helicopters taking off all at once toward a nearby village. Dynamic scenery includes CH-34s, CH-46, Cobra Gunships, A-4s,Pan-Am 707 and Hueys. Bien hoa was the first place many Soldiers saw of Vietnam and it was attacked often. Static scenery included. By:Owain Robinson. 3.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Scenery Paris-Charles de Gaulle Update
1.18Mb (690 downloads)
FS2000 Scenery Paris-Charles de Gaulle Update An update for Airport 2000 Vol.1 CDG airport. This freeware add a lot of static aircraft and ground vehicle to Roissy Terminal 2. It also add missing building and include Fs-Traffic track for this add-on. By Yannick Mille. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Flight Water Pro 2002 Update
1.30Mb (415 downloads)
FS2000 Flight Water Pro 2002 Update - FS2000 Update You do not need Flight Water Pro 2002 version 1 to install this update. Modifications made in this version: -Ocean Texture Color was changed -Sharpness and quality was degraded -Bumpy Effects were reduced -Brightness and Contrast of texture was modified. By : Daniel Ponce. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  scenery - SWISS LAKES
1.82Mb (360 downloads)
FS2000 scenery - SWISS LAKES Updated. Correct the altitude and the look of 17 lakes of Switzerland. Add also some sailships and some building in the main cities (Berne, Fribourg, Martigny, Lugano, Zurich,...). By Daniel Gauthier. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Scenery enhancement for British Columbia
4.21Mb (287 downloads)
FS2000 Scenery enhancement for British Columbia. A compelling scenery package that includes most of the seaplane bases (61, to be exact), located throughout the province. Various Navaid corrections have been made. Includes a complete Airport/Facility Directory. Complements my Alaska Seaplane scenery, specially the south east pan handle. By Bill Freeborn. 2.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive
                  Mt. Fuji and Surrondings High Resolution Mesh
0.81Mb (298 downloads)
FS2000 Mt. Fuji and Surrondings High Resolution Mesh This Terrain Mesh scenery cover the area included between N35 E138 - N36 E139 including Mt. Fuji (Japan). Some elevations have been hand made in order to shape Fuji as real as possible. Frames Rates are very good. By: Raimondo Taburet. 831K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:35 by archive