0.16Mb (418 downloads)
ILS-Fix for Yangon's "Mingaladon" airport in Myanmar.
With the default settings of MS, you will land outside the runway
right. With this correction, you will land precisely after it
on the center line. By Robby Pauletto. 167K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
2.48Mb (979 downloads)
The Victoria Falls of the Zambezi River.
Authors: Holger Sandmann, Zambezi, effects, lakes, transportation
network, landclass/waterclass Johan van Wyk. 2.5MB
Achieving downward compatibility of complex scenery add-ons
is not an easy task ;-) In our recently released FS2002 version
of the Victoria Falls (vicf_fs8.zip) we accidentally included
an older version of a scenery file, which made FS2002 crash
in the vicinity of the waterfall. Our apologies! This patch
is hopefully the last to provide FS2002 users with a working
Victoria Falls scenery. It requires that you first install
vicfalls_fs8.zip as described.. 11K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
2.40Mb (1096 downloads)
Coast Guard Stations v2.0.
Adds many Coast Guard Stations in the northeast U.S. Designs
are imaginary and a fictional NDB is included at each station.
Stations included are: Groton (KGON), New Haven (KHVN), Islip
(KISP), Block Island (KBID), Montawk, Moriches, Brant Point,
STA HV, Jones Beach, Shinnecock, STA NL, Woods Hole, Brunswick
NAS (KNHZ), Fire Island, Otis ANGB (KFMH), Bangor (KBGR). By
Shehryar Ansari. 2.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
1.54Mb (275 downloads)
Alaska AFCAD Version 1.0.
Alaska10.zip by Chris Coarse Developed for use with airports
in the State of Alaska, these AFCAD files are for experienced
AFCAD users only. 74K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
0.16Mb (294 downloads)
Delamarva AFCAD Version 1.1.
Delmarva11.zip by Chris Coarse Developed for use with airports
on the Delmarva Peninsula and surrounding areas including the
Philadelphia/Baltimore region. These FS2002 AFCAD files are
for experienced users only. 165K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
0.03Mb (359 downloads)
Hawaii AFCAD Version 1.0.
Hawaii10.zip by Chris Coarse Developed for use with airports
on the Hawaiian Islands. These FS2002 AFCAD files are for
experienced users only. 29K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
0.18Mb (488 downloads)
Military Airports AFCAD Version 1.0.
MilitaryAirports10.zip by Chris Coarse Developed for use with
US military installations. Not intended to be accurate, only
to use the ramp space available. These FS2002 AFCAD files are
for experienced users only. 183K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
1.30Mb (2575 downloads)
UK Wind Farms V2.
This scenery places 13 wind farms into Wales UK. A total of
355 individual wind generators creating enough power for nearly
98 thousand Homes annually. They are geographically correct
and designed to fit perfectly with Visual flight / Getmapping
VFR Photographic scenery. Now with much better gmax turbine
model supplied by John "Bones" Woodside. (Also see Volume 1
windfarmV1.zip here)
For Fs2004/02By Dale Sedgwick. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
8.84Mb (910 downloads)
Glacier Bay N.P. Mesh and Landclass Unfortunately,
the special features of the FS2004 Glacier Bay project don't
work in FS2002. However, the add-on LOD9 (76-m) mesh and landclass
files (made from USGS NED elevation and Landsat 7 satellite
data) can be used and are included here. They cover about 41,000
sq km of the Glacier Bay N.P. and Juneau to Haines area in SE
Alaska (N58-60 W134-138). By Holger Sandmann. 9MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
1.02Mb (3268 downloads)
Set of Merchant Ships and Oil Tankers Located in Various Locations
This scenery ensemble is setting various merchant ships and
tankers in FS2002, populating the oceans somewhat along the
maritime routes. Readme both in English and in French. Freeware.
by G. Guichard. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive