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FS2000 > Utilities > Page 12
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0.01Mb (184 downloads)
distance calculator 1.0 This ms-dos program converts kilometers to miles and miles to kilometers. I made it very easy to use. Look for a program that im working on now that will convert altitude between metric and imperial measurments. By:Mike Suitts. 13K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
5.39Mb (1044 downloads)
FS2000/FS98 - Minimum Sound Package for ACSAGSFP version 2.X.X This package contain the minimum sound files, required to fly an ACSAGSFP 2.X.X compiled adventure. The included batch file will build all required sound structure automatically from this set of sound file. But this configuration will feature only one controller voice and no distinctive ATC per center type (all ATC are built from a set of 80 files in all). Installation instructions included. Author: Alain Capt / ACSoft Productions. 5.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.56Mb (527 downloads)
FS2000/FS98 - Adventure Generator for Super Flight Planner - VERSION 2.0.3. Full dialogs, including pilot voice. Can handle up to 8 controller voices and specific ATC messages for each center type (ground, tower etc...), with 100 ATC messages per frequency. 3 approach patterns, according to your airport incoming heading and the heading of the landing runway. Full controlled descent, including "expedite descent" and "Make three-sixty" if you come out of descent profile. Support SID/STAR, copilot feature to set instruments automatically, in flight commands to request upper or lower flight level. Meteo feature for both FS2000 and FS98 and more. Require: sound package: ACSAGSND.ZIP Super Flight Planner version 2.5 or over Author: Alain Capt / ACSoft Productions. 573K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.86Mb (194 downloads)
FSFailure, v2.0 (Freeware) Tested on FS2K, should work on any simulator supported by Peter Dowson's FSUIPC (v2.00 or higher). Fixes FS2K's pre-planned failures by creating random system, radio, engine, and instrument failures based on probability settings. Version 2.0 includes system-specific failures, defineable sounds, more. By Jim Schein. 881K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.24Mb (114 downloads)
U.S. Nav Aids now includes Alaska, New York, Northern Pennsylvania, Northern New Jersey, Connecticut,Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, Illinois, Florida and Georgia. U.S. Nav Aids was created with Paint Shop Pro. Some of the maps require you Rotate the map 90 degrees to print the full size map. The Cities on the map are Navigation Points, but most of them have airports as well. All maps display VORS, NDBS and Elevations. All maps are the latest versions with additional Nav Aids or corrections. U.S. Nav Aids is Freeware. Created by Bob Baker. Revised 11/4/00. 248K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.05Mb (362 downloads)
Joystick settings : The default settings on fs2000 are far too sensitive and "twitchy" - unlike real aircraft ! If you simply copy the sensitivity settings shown on the GIF image you should find that your aircraft behaves far more realistically, and actually feels heavier. The settings work particularly well with heavy jets like the 757/767. Settings shown for Logitech Wingman joystick - but should be ok for any device.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
0.07Mb (78 downloads)
IASTAS v1.0, by Coinneach Fitzpatrick. Calculates true airspeed from IAS, altitude, and relative wind. 70K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  Database Gauge
0.38Mb (274 downloads)
FS2000 Database Gauge, A popup Window to which contains a database of ILS /OBS frequencies for most airports. On double clicking on a runway line the Nav1 Frequency / OBS are automaticaly set for you in FS2000 and the window is closed. By Ernie Alston. 385K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
                  FS2000 Navaids editor Version 3.00
0.08Mb (198 downloads)
EasyNavs FS2000 Navaids editor Version 3.00 Extract and edit ILS,VOR,NDBs from FS2K BGLs Compile navaids databases to stand-alone BGLs New version improving database management, configuration, options and FS2K compatibility Requires VB4-32 runtime files Freeware by Hervé Sors (Prevair group). 87K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:34 by archive
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