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                  Pro, Avro Lancaster B.III
2.70Mb (6745 downloads)
FS2002 Pro, Avro Lancaster B.III Completly new GMax model, in the markings of No. 467 Squadron, RAF Bottesford, 1943 Dave Garwood. 2.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Pro, Avro Lancaster B.III(Special) 'Dambusters'
2.54Mb (7912 downloads)
FS2002 Pro, Avro Lancaster B.III(Special) 'Dambusters' Completly new GMax model, in the markings of No. 617 Squadron, carrying the 'Upkeep' bomb used to destroy the Moehne and Eder dams. Dave Garwood. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  AEROFLOT Ilyushin IL-14
2.79Mb (1347 downloads)
FS2002 AEROFLOT Ilyushin IL-14 The IL-14 known by NATO as the "Crait" was developed by the Rusians, to replace the fleet of DC-3's and C-47 they had after WWII, and it was also built under licence by the Chinesse Government. Largely used by many Soviet satelite countries during the cold war as a mid-range airliner. This model is loaded with features such as knight lighting effects, animated propellers animated landing gears,flaps, ailerons and rudder, it also includes flight crew and clear glass, and my very own first attemp panel.Model,panel,paint and flight dynamics by Rey Lopez. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Tupolev TU-114
9.15Mb (2122 downloads)
FS2002 Tupolev TU-114 Just as Tupolev had successfully adapted the Tu-16 bomber into the Tupolev Tu-104 medium-range airliner, the design bureau was instructed to develop an airliner with intercontinetal range based on the Tu-95. This model is loaded with features such as knight lighting effects, counter-rotating prop, animated landing gears,flaps, 32sides ailerons and rudder, it also includes flight crew and clear glass, as well as a complete sound package by Mike Hambly. Model, paint and flight dynamics by Rey Lopez. 9.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  B-29 SKY QUEEN from the 40th BG.
2.30Mb (3478 downloads)
FS2002 B-29 SKY QUEEN from the 40th BG. Visual update with accurate markings for Tinian in 1945. Designed with the help of Nate Hicks who flew with the 40th. needs original B-29 file. By C. Rosenmann (c) 2002. 2.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Vickers/Supermarine Spitfire MkV
2.44Mb (1643 downloads)
FS2002-Pro Vickers/Supermarine Spitfire MkV The best-known British fighter aircraft of all, the Supermarine Spitfire, first flown in 1936. This package contains 3 different paint schemes, includes model seen in the movie Pearl Harbor, a USAAF with desert camo, and a RAF Observer Corps version. Fully animated, including 2 stage gears for accu- rate visual effect, clear canopy with full visual instrument panel. Model and paint by: Rey Lopez . Panel by Rolf Fleckenstein. 2.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Vickers/Supermarine Spitfire MkV
                  Vickers/Supermarine Spitfire MkV
2.23Mb (2142 downloads)
FS2002-Pro Vickers/Supermarine Spitfire MkV The best-known British fighter aircraft of all, the Supermarine Spitfire, first flown in 1936. This package contains 3 different paint schemes, includes model seen in the movie Pearl Harbor, a USAAF with desert camo, and a RAF Observer Corps version. Fully animated, including 2 stage gears for accu- rate visual effect, clear canopy with full visual instrument panel. Model and paint by: Rey Lopez. 2.3MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
1.03Mb (452 downloads)
Ae.M.B.1 was the first airplane of I bombard light construĂ­do in the country and that designation applied to the prototipo; later, the Ae.M.B.2 that was, in reality, an Ae.M.B.1 modified and construĂ­do in series, carried for extension this denomination, generalized by the press, although the modifications introduced did it, in practice a distinct airplane. Including some publications called it, in its epoch Ae.M.Oe.1, but the designation Ae.M.B.2 only came to be used officially in the first phase of design. Ignacio Alfredo Mendive. 1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  2002 FMA IAe 24 CALQUIN
0.81Mb (488 downloads)
FS 2002 FMA IAe 24 CALQUIN (Aguila Real) By Flakiten Description: Bimotor of average wing of wood, biplaza in tandem. It was conceived for tasks mainly of attack, although themselves // they thought various roles upon the basic model. Ignacio Alfredo Mendive. 828K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
2.72Mb (1490 downloads)
Antonov An-30 is another member of the An-24 family. It was designed as an aerial survey and photographic airplane, employed e.g. for map-making. Some An-30 are also known to have been employed on ecological survey missions. Various cameras and sensors are integrated into the fuselage, and the airplane reportedly even features its own darkroom. To make room for the equipment, the An-30 features a raised cockpit on the forward fuselage. As the An-30 is a highly specialised aircraft type, it has only been built in small numbers. Most of the airplanes are based either in Myachkovo to the southeast of Moscow, in Siberia or in the Ukraine. FSDS model by Samdim. 2.8MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
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