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FSX > Page 559
FSX/P3D 3/4 Airbus A350-900XWB Scandinavian Airlines Package
FSX/P3D 3/4 Airbus A350-900XWB Scandinavian Airlines Package
83.58Mb (3647 downloads)
FSX/P3D 3/4 Airbus A350-900 XWB SAS Airlines (Scandinavian Airlines) package. Scandinavian Airlines currently (2017) has orders for 8 A350-900XWB with deliveries expected to start in 2019. The Airbus A350 XWB is a family of long-range, twin-engine wide-body jet airliners from the European aircraft maker Airbus. The A350 is the first Airbus aircraft with both fuselage and wings made mainly from carbon fibre structure. The A350 is intended to replace the A340 and compete with Boeing's 787 and 777. Added the great textures by Emiliano Rujano. Assembled using the pack base by FSPainter with enhanced Thomas Ruth A330 VC with updates by Phillip Wallaert, Louis Quintero and some further edits by Chris Evans. Tested in both FSX Acceleration and P3D 3 & 4.
Posted Aug 7, 2017 03:01 by chris evans
FSX FlightSim Developer P38J Nikon Textures
29.91Mb (118 downloads)
Fictional texture for the payware FlightSim Developers P38J.
Posted Aug 6, 2017 19:01 by JALopezR
FSX/P3D 3 & 4  Boeing 787-8 British Airways 4 Special Livery package
FSX/P3D 3 & 4  Boeing 787-8 British Airways 4 Special Livery package
103.35Mb (3962 downloads)
FSX/P3D 3 & 4 Boeing 787-8 British Airways 4 Special Livery package with new enhanced VC. British Airways currently (Aug 2017) operate 8 Boeing 787-8. Liveries: Benyhone Tartan, Blue Pool, Colum Dove & Deltblue. Fantastic model by TDS/ Tenkuu Developers Studio with advanced 737-800 VC added. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model blended with Ken Wiggington's work on the default 737 VC to make it more resemble a 787. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing sounds included for that extra realism. I added the high quality textures by Brian Minstry . Model is not modified in any way. The VC added and aircraft.cfg edited to allow correct VC views. TDS wonderful native FSX Boeing 787-8 model. See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC. Assembled and prepared for P3D 3/4 & FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 6, 2017 17:30 by chris evans
FSX Update for Paul Clawson's FS2004 XF-108 Rapier
FSX Update for Paul Clawson's FS2004 XF-108 Rapier
7.93Mb (1791 downloads)
The XF-108 was designed to be a Mach 3 long range fighter primarily to escort the XB-70 Valkyrie. It originally had a simple delta wing and a delta shaped canard above and behind the cockpit. A mockup was built based on this final design but the project was canceled just after the mockup was approved in mid 1959. This is an FSX update of the FS9 model by the late Paul Clawson and features an entirely remodeled and improved VC and a 2D panel matching it. It was quite a project to get the VC to look somewhat like a real panel with pretty much authentic gauges. However, the interior still looks kind of basic with its green color and plain texture, which, unfortunately, could not be altered in any way. But as the aircraft looks really awesome, I considered it worth giving it new panels. Thanks to the late Paul Clawson for the original model. Also thanks to Philippe Wallaert for his excellent and authentic XB-70 gauges I've used in the panels for the most part. Credits also go to Erwin Welker for the extra camera views. The model may work in FS2004 and in P3D, but I'm not sure. New panels and FSX update by Michael Pook.
Posted Aug 5, 2017 13:08 by Michael Pook
FSX/P3D 3 & 4 Airbus A320-200 Pegasus Airlines
FSX/P3D 3 & 4 Airbus A320-200 Pegasus Airlines
52.89Mb (2617 downloads)
FSX/P3D 3 & 4 Airbus A320-200 Pegasus Airlines package. Pegasus is a Turkish low cost carrier and currently (August 2017) operate 30 A320. Model by Project Airbus. High quality textures by Stephan Bree. Enhanced VC & panel included by Thomas Ruth with updates by Louis Quintero, FMC by Garret Smith and some further edits by Chris Evans
Posted Aug 5, 2017 04:53 by chris evans
FSX Spartan Executive LWL Package
FSX Spartan Executive LWL Package
31.96Mb (1973 downloads)
FSX Spartan Executive. Fictional texture. Package includes full model with VC. Package by Milton Shupe, Scott Thomas and Urs Burkhardt
Posted Aug 4, 2017 05:13 by JALopezR
L-188 Electra SAHSA Textures
87.09Mb (284 downloads)
FSX/P3D SAHSA textures for the KBT L-188 Electra Servicio AĆ©reo de Honduras S.A. SAHSA textures by Gary Harper.
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 4, 2017 02:14 by Gary Harper
Mission in Juneau, Alaska
1.09Mb (741 downloads)
Take off in a DeHavilland Beaver in water at Hoonah airport and fly to Juneau Intl airport in Juneau. Land on the waterway parallel to the runway. You then have your choice of using either a Hovercraft or a speedboat to continue the mission. 3 small Simviation downloads are required.
Posted Aug 3, 2017 16:19 by Don Olsson
FSX North American O-47 with new panels
FSX North American O-47 with new panels
28.16Mb (842 downloads)
The NAA O-47 was a 3 crew member observation plane developed in the late 1930's. It had many windows for use with the huge Fairchild camera of those days. This role quickly changed to a fast unarmed aircraft for most of WW2. Most of the O-47's were assigned to ANG units and served in many training roles. This is an FSX update of the aircraft with both a new VC and 2D panel. Original model by the late Paul Clawson and the great sound by "Elmo's FSX SoundSets", panel updates and smoke configuration by Michael Pook.
Posted Aug 3, 2017 12:50 by Michael Pook
FSX De Havilland DH110 Sea Vixen
FSX De Havilland DH110 Sea Vixen
5.84Mb (1229 downloads)
The De Havilland DH110 was a carrier based fighter introduced in the Royal Navy in 1959 and retired in 1972. Original design by Brian Douglas. Adaptation to FSX, panels for wide and standard screen (no VC), gauges by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file. Nice flights!
Posted Aug 3, 2017 10:35 by Philippe Wallaert