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FSX > Page 558
McCoy Helicopter Landing Effect v4
91.43Mb (1078 downloads)
McCoy Helicopter Landing Effect v4 for both FSX & P3D v4. This package replaces the default rotor-wash effect for dirt and water, five sets of various sizes are included and can be used in any combination. These effects are individually assigned to a specific helicopter overriding both FSX & P3D's default effects. These effects will not detach and lift off the surface when the aircraft climes above a specific height. Some improvements over v3.4b include the removal of two emitters for better frame rates, adjustments that remove the wind effect appearing in waves, a simplified installation and all emitters have had their scale, velocity, density, offsets and colors adjusted for a more realistic appearance by Vince McCoy, 04/04/2017.
Posted Aug 12, 2017 03:53 by Vince McCoy
FSX Native/P3D 3 & 4  Boeing 717-200 Hawaiian Pacific package
FSX Native/P3D 3 & 4  Boeing 717-200 Hawaiian Pacific package
24.36Mb (1413 downloads)
FSX Native/P3D 3 & 4 Boeing 717-200 Hawaiian Pacific package. This is the native SGA Boeing 717 (MD95) converted to FSX Native by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations from the Eric Cantu/SGA original. As of August 2017 Hawaiian Airlines operate 20 Boeing 717-200 aircraft. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND fantastic revised Boeing 737-800 VC model blended with Ken Wiggington's work on the default 737 VC to make it more resemble a 787. This VC model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. FMC by Garret Smith. Model is not modified in any way. VC added and textures. Fixed wheel sink. See VC docs to get the best out of the FMC. Assembled and prepared and tested for P3D V3 & 4 /FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 11, 2017 06:00 by chris evans
FSX Consolidated PB2Y Coronado Updated
FSX Consolidated PB2Y Coronado Updated
4.36Mb (1334 downloads)
The Coronado was the only 4 engine patrol bomber in US navy service at the outbreak of WW2. I t served very well with it's 5000 mile patrol range. Over 200 were produced and it served into 1942 when it was gradually replaced with the Martin Mariner. This is an FSX panel update for the FS2004 Consolidated PB2Y Coronado Flying Boat by the late Paul Clawson. It features both an entirely new VC and 2D panel. The contact points have been corrected and smoke is included now as well. Thanks to Paul Clawson for the original model. All FSX updates by Michael Pook.
Posted Aug 10, 2017 14:31 by Michael Pook
FSX/P3D New York City X DEMO
FSX/P3D New York City X DEMO
25.81Mb (3134 downloads)
New York City X DEMO features a detailed scenery of New York city in the United States of America, fully compatible with FSX, FSX STEAM, P3D v1/v2/v3/v4 and FSW by Dovetail. A demo version of New York City X is provided. This is a fully functional freeware scenery, perfectly aligned with the full payware version. This ensures no problems with online (VATSIM, IVAO and multiplayer) flying in case some users have the payware scenery and some don't. The demo gives you the most important (largest) downtown buildings with a low quality photoreal ground for Manhattan area, as well as low quality heliports. This scenery add-on features 2500 sq km of terrain with autogen and over 6100 photoreal New York buildings in the city, which is the most populous in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world. The product is equipped with an automatic installer, which means that the scenery will be automatically added to the Flight Simulator Scenery Library. Please uninstall all previous versions of similar sceneries you may have installed before. Please make also sure that no duplicated AFCAD files are installed. Enjoy your virtual flying with Drzewiecki Design!
Drzewiecki Design - New York City X v2
Posted Aug 10, 2017 04:59 by Drzewiecki Design
FSX/P3D Washington X DEMO
FSX/P3D Washington X DEMO
39.38Mb (2150 downloads)
Washington X DEMO features an extremely detailed scenery of large area of Washington, Dstrict of Columbia, United States, fully compatible with FSX, FSX STEAM, P3D v1/v2/v3/v4 and FSW by Dovetail. With this product you are free to fly to any of 5 airports (KDCA, KCGS, KADW, KVKX, W32) and many heliports in the area, admire some of the world-renowned landmarks like Capitol or Pentagon, or simply pay a visit to The President of the United States. This Demo version of the commercial product is a fully functional freeware scenery, featuring same airport layout as in the full version but with limited 3D objects and low resolution textures. This ensures no problems with online (VATSIM, IVAO and multiplayer) flying in case some users have the payware scenery and some don't. It's equipped with an automatic installer, which means that the scenery will be automatically added to the Flight Simulator Scenery Library. Please uninstall all previous versions of the above-mentioned airports you may have installed before. Please make also sure that no duplicated AFCAD files are installed. Enjoy your virtual flying with Drzewiecki Design! Previous version had 1380 d/l's
Drzewiecki Design - Washington X for FSW, FSX and P3D
Posted Aug 10, 2017 04:40 by Drzewiecki Design
Tobermory Airport (CNR4), Ontario, Canada
Tobermory Airport (CNR4), Ontario, Canada
42.87Mb (353 downloads)
This is a full redux of the real life Tobermory Airport (CNR4) in Ontario, Canada. The runway, hangars, fuel shed (except the pump itself), FBO, Sign, gate, Windsock, parking lot, perimeter benches, warehouse accross the street and light were created in GMAX by me and imported and placed using Model Converter X. I did my best to place, scale and model these items as accurately as possible. I also added a few new textures. By Chris Black
Posted Aug 9, 2017 03:32 by uploader
TDS Boeing 787-8 RR Orbit Airlines Textures
TDS Boeing 787-8 RR Orbit Airlines Textures
7.81Mb (911 downloads)
Orbit Airlines textures for the TDS Boeing 787-8 Trent. Requires the TDS Boeing 787-8 Trent version
Required files:
required file
Posted Aug 9, 2017 03:23 by
FSX/P3D 3/4 DeHavilland DHC-7 Spantax package
FSX/P3D 3/4 DeHavilland DHC-7 Spantax package
75.12Mb (4369 downloads)
FSX/P3D 3/4 DeHavilland DHC-7 Spantax package. Spantax was a Spanish airline based in Madrid and operated between 1959 and 1988. FSX native model includes specular maps, bloom effects, FSX native animations throughout and external self shadowing. Tested in DX9 only, can't gaurantee it will work in DX10 preview mode. Note that there are no bump maps applied to the models. By Milton Shupe, Mike Kelly, George Arana and Sim-Outhouse. FSX native conversion by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations. Textures by Enrique Medal. Includes wheel sink fix and cfg fixes to make the Spantax textures work in P3D v4. Assembled for FSX/P3D v3 & 4 by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 8, 2017 14:43 by chris evans
Vultee XP-54 for FSX Native v1.1
Vultee XP-54 for FSX Native v1.1
289.15Mb (2683 downloads)
The Vultee XP-54 for FSX Native v1.1 Flight Simulator aircraft package by Milton Shupe, military panel and VC textures by Nigel Richards, gauges by Scott Thomas, exterior paint map and textures by Mike Kelley and prototype flight models by Shupe/Falley; racing FM and textures versions by James Banks. Includes three models, 12 liveries, custom panels and flight models. Be sure to read the XP-54_Aircraft_Index that explains differences in the models and their performance, Model Designer : Milton Shupe Flight Dynamics : Military original by Milton Shupe, Tom Falley, racing FMs by James Banks Panel and Gauges : Nigel Richards, Scott Thomas, Milton Shupe, James Banks XML Gauges : Scott Thomas with mods by Nigel, Milton, and James Textures : Mike Kelley and James Banks Sounds : Nigel Richards and James Banks Special Effects : Copyright by Microsoft Documentation : Mike Kelley Research Assistance : Members of Sim-outhouse Testing : Team Alpha testing, SOH membership - Beta Tests. Works in FSX and P3d >v3 and v4. Milton Shupe August 2017
Posted Aug 8, 2017 08:43 by Milton Shupe
PMDG DC-6A  Republic Of China Air Force NO.43682 textures
33.42Mb (119 downloads)
Republic Of China Air Force ROCAF NO.43682 textures for the payware PMDG DC-6A (C-118A)
Posted Aug 8, 2017 02:34 by Liao Yitong