FSX > Page 555

54.42Mb (1428 downloads)
FSX/P3D Boeing 737 MAX8 National Airlines Package with enhanced VC. This Package includes the FSX Boeing 737 Max8 model by TDS as well as the advanced 737-800 VC by Alejandro Rojas Lucena. National Airlines textures and package assembly for FSX by Nelson Acosta.
Posted Aug 20, 2017 18:24 by Nelson Acosta

4.72Mb (1460 downloads)
The Howard DGA-15 became available in 1940. It was considered a "Luxury Liner" of the day and competed most favorably with the Beech Staggerwing and Stinson Reliant. About 40 civilian versions were produced and more were made for the Navy for an Air Ambulance role and the Air Corps for use as a utility transport. The term DGA stands for "Damn Good Airplane" and the P after the -15 designates this plane had a Pratt and Whitney engine. This is an FSX/FS2004/P3D (Vers.3) update for the DGA-15 featuring new enhanced VC and 2D panels, new smoke effect and extra camera views. All credits go to the late Paul Clawson for the original model. Panel updates and smoke by Michael Pook.
Posted Aug 20, 2017 15:21 by Michael Pook

85.92Mb (4857 downloads)
Our goal is give you the best F-111 flight simulator flying experience possible.
This is what a real f-111 pilot has to say about the version 1.0
"I was fortunate to be among the group that took the first six production F111s to Thailand in 1968 and even though we had our problems, we did major damage with this fantastic aircraft.I love this plane and you have done a great job duplicating the real plane. You seem to be as passionate about the F-111 as I, so you can imagine how elated I was to see a realistic TFR in action."
The Heart and soul of the F-111 is it's Terrain Following Radar ability. Our update has the only True Terrain Following Radar system with Pitch and Roll Stabilization that looks ahead of the aircraft to avoid mountains. It is integrated into the Autopilot and Instrument systems for Auto or Manual TF operation. The autopilot system models the real F-111 autopilot Stability Augmentation Modes with pitch and roll sub-channels. Control Stick Steering uses Pitch and/or Roll control stick input to override the pitch and/or roll autopilot channel(s) without disengaging the autopilot settings.
There are 7 different Custom 2D and VC Cockpits. Included are f-111B, F-111C, F-111E, F-111F, F-111G, FB-111A, FB-111A-CF, FB-111A with pre AMPS avionics, YFB-111A and the NASA, AFTI & TACT F-111A aircraft. 26 aircraft with a description for that tail number in the aircraft details menu. Over 200 functional gauges and switches. Over 80 Effects. Included is a custom sound package. See the features Doc for more details.
A configurator allows you to set the engine and preformance for the F-111 model you are flying, or just use the default for fun flying.
Posted Aug 20, 2017 10:57 by Steve Hess

15.47Mb (1465 downloads)
FSX/P3D 3/4 Embraer EMB-120 Skywest Metal (25th Anniversary) and SkyWest (United Express New Colors) twin package. Major US Airline Skywest, are the largest operator of the EMB120 and operate them under several umbrella airlines within the group.
The Eric Cantu original EMB120 updated to FSX native format by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations. Added the great textures by Steve Drabek, Jeffrey S. Bryner, metal textures by Daniel Halpern. Fixed wheel sink. Uses the updated King Air panel and VC. Assembled for FSX Acceleration and P3D 3 & 4 by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 20, 2017 04:20 by chris evans

16.40Mb (2602 downloads)
The Tu-144LL- - Supersonic Flying Laboratory.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) teamed with American and Russian aerospace industries over a five-year period in a joint international research program to develop technologies for a proposed future second-generation supersonic airliner to be developed in the 21st century. The centerpiece of the project was the Tu-144LL, a former first-generation Russian supersonic jetliner that was modified by its developer, Tupolev ANTK, into a flying laboratory for supersonic research. Model by Thomas Ruth. Packed by Douglas Trapp.
Posted Aug 20, 2017 03:43 by uploader

18.08Mb (1738 downloads)
FSX/Acceleration/FS2004 German frigate F217 BAYERN, a ship of the Brandenburg-class. The package contains two pilotable and two ai-versions; one ai-boat with a helicopter flying circles above the boat. The ship is in service since 1996 and has a length of 139 m. It is armed with a 127 mm and two 27 mm guns plus different missiles and carries two Sea Lynx helicopters. The pilotable version has thirty moving parts, a photorealistic 2D-panel and a complete virtual nav-bridge. The animations shows take offs and landings of the Sea Lynx and even Exocet missile launches. Twenty four camera views let you explore all decks and the virtual bridge, let you operate all weapons and the helicopter. The gauges and the weapon switchboard are made by Pierre-Jean Carosin. FSDS 3.5 models and 2D panel by Erwin Welker
Posted Aug 20, 2017 03:18 by Erwin Welker

17.19Mb (3712 downloads)
Apologies to all who downloaded my Version 2 of the Boeing 787. I completely forgot to include the GPS module. This is the whole package again with the GPS module and manual and also a couple of small bug fixes - Fuel Flow not work and Auto Mach. Please replace the original B787V2.cab and copy the additional gpsnew.cab. No change to any functions except installation.
Posted Aug 19, 2017 20:26 by G. Munro

16.93Mb (3006 downloads)
The Twin Otter is a short range twin turboprop aircraft with a fixed undercarriage having STOL capabilities. Original design by PAD. VC modification, panels for wide and standard screen, gauges including GPWS callout by Philippe Wallaert. See instructions in the readme.txt file. Enjoy!
Posted Aug 19, 2017 04:24 by Philippe Wallaert

12.01Mb (4643 downloads)
FSX/P3D 3/4 Embraer EMB-120 DHL and Fedex twin package. The Embraer EMB120 Brazilia is produced by Embraer in Brazil. These liveries represent a 'what if' theme as neither Fedex or DHL currently operate the EMB120.
The Eric Cantu original EMB120 updated to FSX native format by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations. Added the great textures by Ciudad Madero. Fixed wheel sink. Uses the updated King Air panel and VC. Assembled for FSX Acceleration and P3D 3 & 4 by Chris Evans.
Posted Aug 19, 2017 04:08 by chris evans

11.00Mb (544 downloads)
The Fairchild Super 71 was a parasol mounted high wing monoplane cargo transport aircraft built by Fairchild Aircraft Ltd. (Canada). It was the first plane designed specifically for use as a bush plane in the remote and northern locales of Canada. This is a panel update for the Super 71 by the late Paul Clawson featuring a new enhanced VC and a 2D panel added, as there was none included in the original package. I've also included smoke effect. All credits go to Paul Claswson for for the original model. Panel updates and smoke by Michael Pook. The model probably runs in FS2004 and P3D/3 as well.
Posted Aug 18, 2017 08:57 by Michael Pook