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FSX > Page 574
FSX Trans Caribbean 727-100 Textures
FSX Trans Caribbean 727-100 Textures
10.80Mb (367 downloads)
Textures only - Requires the TDS 727-100 complete model. Trans Caribbean Airways was a US airline with offices in New York,but with its main hub in Puerto Rico. It began operations in 1945 and operated until March 1971 when it was acquired by American Airlines. It was a low budget airline with a very attractive livery. Tested on FSX-SE.
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Posted Jun 8, 2017 05:59 by Ted Giana
FSX Justflight DC-8  Trans Caribbean Textures
FSX Justflight DC-8  Trans Caribbean Textures
22.66Mb (140 downloads)
Trans Caribbean Airways textures for the payware Justflight DC-8-61. Trans Caribbean was a US airline with offices in New York with its main hub in Puerto Rico. It began operations in 1945 and operated until March 1971 when it was acquired by American Airlines. It was a low budget airline with a very attractive livery. Tested in FSX Steam Edition.
Posted Jun 8, 2017 05:58 by Ted Giana
FSX/P3D 3.4 Native Boeing 737-300 Multi Package
FSX/P3D 3.4 Native Boeing 737-300 Multi Package
31.29Mb (5514 downloads)
FSX/P3D >4 Native Boeing 737-300 Multi Package with enhanced VC This is the native FSX Boeing 737-300 converted by Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations of the Eric Cantu original. Liveries added: British Airways, Easyjet, Continental, United and Lufthansa. Native model by Eric Cantu/ Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations. The VC is the Alejandro Rojas Lucena/FSND Boeing 737-800 interior model. This virtual cockpit model includes Working wipers (right mouse click on switch) with rain effect. Switches for LCD Screens, EICAS, PFD, MFT. Autobrake switch. Opening pilots window. Cabin Lights switch. Realistic FMC. Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), More Realistic night VC textures. There are custom Boeing 737 sounds included for that extra realism. I have added the great textures by Josh Gore, Felix Blankenburg and others. Model is not modified in any way. VC added and textures. See VC docs to get the best out of the VC and FMC. Assembled and prepared and tested for P3D V3.4 /FSX by Chris Evans.
Posted Jun 7, 2017 13:27 by chris evans
Grumman American Tiger Blue/White Textures
Grumman American Tiger Blue/White Textures
6.72Mb (179 downloads)
This is a Blue & White paint scheme for the FS2004/FSX Grumman American AA-5B Tiger. The aircraft was created by Tim "Piglet" Conrad. Paint by David Shearer.
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Posted Jun 7, 2017 12:40 by David Shearer
Fly the Tiger
8.79Mb (910 downloads)
You are the best pilot of your course and you have the honor to perform the last flight with the GF-16 Tiger before it is exhibited in the Aircraft Museum Zeltweg. But it also is your final examination flight. To finish this mission successfully you have to fly in real close formation with the RF-26 New Tiger during the whole time – from start to parking
Posted Jun 7, 2017 01:38 by Jens Laimgruber
Grumman American Tiger White/Orange Textures
Grumman American Tiger White/Orange Textures
6.70Mb (235 downloads)
This is a repaint for the FS2004/FSX Grumman American AA-5B Tiger in "White & Orange w Dark Blue Stripe" livery. Aircraft by Tim "Piglet" Conrad. Paint by David Shearer.
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required file
Posted Jun 5, 2017 18:20 by David Shearer
SMS A320 Ellinair Textures
SMS A320 Ellinair Textures
6.18Mb (172 downloads)
Ellinair livery, for the payware Overland SMS Airbus A320 IAE model. Textures only.
Posted Jun 5, 2017 16:54 by Dimitrios Moschos
Grumman American Tiger Green/White Textures
Grumman American Tiger Green/White Textures
6.41Mb (149 downloads)
This is a repaint for the FS2004/FSX Grumman American AA-5B Tiger in "Dark Green & White" livery. Aircraft by Tim "Piglet" Conrad. Paint by David Shearer.
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required file
Posted Jun 5, 2017 16:15 by David Shearer
Boeing 737-300/400/500 Classic Base Package
Boeing 737-300/400/500 Classic Base Package
27.44Mb (3173 downloads)
Originally designed by Erick Cantu under the Kittyhawk Studios and Vistaliners label, now available as FSX native models. Features 5 models, specular mapping, bump mapping. Virtual cockpit, sounds, panel aliased from the default Boeing 737-800. By Eagle Rotorcraft Simulations
Posted Jun 5, 2017 02:12 by George Arana
Grumman American Tiger Red/White Textures
Grumman American Tiger Red/White Textures
7.39Mb (233 downloads)
This is a repaint for the FS2004/FSX Grumman American AA-5B Tiger in "Bright Red & White" livery. Aircraft by Tim "Piglet" Conrad. Paint by David Shearer.
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 4, 2017 20:05 by David Shearer