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FSX > Page 577
FSX SE (Steam Edition) Short Belfast Package
FSX SE (Steam Edition) Short Belfast Package
33.36Mb (1769 downloads)
FSX SE (Steam Edition) Short Belfast Package. The Short Belfast is a heavy lift turboprop freighter that was built by British manufacturer Short Brothers at Belfast. New 'ex payware' release from Virtavia. Package includes 4 liveries - Heavy Lift, heavy Lift 2, RAF & TAC.
Posted May 30, 2017 05:16 by uploader
FSX Lockheed F-104G Starfighter, Luftwaffe - (Textures & Effects)
FSX Lockheed F-104G Starfighter, Luftwaffe - (Textures & Effects)
3.21Mb (1209 downloads)
This texture set originated as a result of my GAF Tornado texture set. I remembered that I have quite a number of photos of Starfighters that appears in the same colour-scheme as the Tornadoes and have therefore decided to do a texture set depicting one in the GAF's (Luftwaffe) RAL 6003, 7021, 9005, 7012 and FS 34079 colour scheme. Once again much improvisation hat to take place but I think I’ve captured the topic quite well. It may not be perfect in many respects, but it still look good, both on the ground and in the air. Please refer to all ‘Read Me’ files for appropriate credits given.
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Posted May 29, 2017 08:13 by Andre Ludick
FSX (IRIS) Tornado GR.4, Luftwaffe (Textures & Effects).
FSX (IRIS) Tornado GR.4, Luftwaffe (Textures & Effects).
8.76Mb (1467 downloads)
I searched far and wide for an appropriate freeware texture set that depicts a Tornado GR.4 in the GAF's (Luftwaffe) RAL 6003, 7021, 9005, 7012 and FS 34079 colour scheme but could not find even a single one. For me this is the best ever scheme that was used on GAF fighters. The NATO-grey scheme is much too clinical for me and looks rather dull to say the least. I've found a Starboard-side colour-plate on the Internet that really appealed to me and has used it as a starting point for my texture set. Once again much improvisation had to take place as neither picture-, drawing- nor photographic evidence is available of how exactly this camouflage pattern looked like on the Port side and the upper and lower surfaces. None-the-less I think it came out pretty well. As far as the original sound file goes that comes with the original offering: It doesn't do justice to this aircraft and I've therefore decided to utilize the sound file from the 'Mirage 2000N base' package on my side and I suggest that you do the same. I haven't included the mentioned sound file with this offering, because I had a bad experience on a previous occasion where I was reprimanded for using something without authorization. It may not be perfect in many respects, but it still look good, both on the ground and in the air. Please refer to all ‘Read Me’ files for appropriate credits given.
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Posted May 29, 2017 08:06 by Andre Ludick
FSX/P3D Spartan 7W Executive Package - FSX Native
FSX/P3D Spartan 7W Executive Package - FSX Native
27.48Mb (2573 downloads)
FSX Native Spartan 7W Executive by Milton Shupe FSX Native Conversion of my original project. See Docs for credits. Pkg incl 1 model, custom panels and era gauges, custom sounds, custom Flight Model, and 3 liveries. Compatible with all the original repaints. Simple installation Milton Shupe May 24, 2017
Posted May 29, 2017 03:39 by Milton Shupe
FS2004/FSX Embraer e190 SA Airlink textures
0.98Mb (401 downloads)
SA Airlink textures for the FSX and FS2004 Premier Aircraft Design Embraer E-190 Model.
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Posted May 29, 2017 02:02 by Russell Walter
FSX Default Cessna 182 S Skylane Blue/White Texture
FSX Default Cessna 182 S Skylane Blue/White Texture
3.44Mb (450 downloads)
FSX default C182 texture. This is a Blue w White Striping paint scheme. Paint kit by Mark Rooks. Paint by David Shearer.
Posted May 28, 2017 21:13 by David Shearer
0.08Mb (282 downloads)
I have been alerted that the RP salvo folder for a rocket did not come from the cited weapon download. Sorry! It actually came with the Beaufighter aircraft made by Dave Garwood in 2008. It is listed as copyighted. It is also available from Flightsim. Both as Free downloads. The download is some 55 Mb from 2008! Since it is almost 10 years old & available for free, I trust there should not be a problem in providing the very small RP salvo rocket here.
Posted May 28, 2017 20:40 by Don Olsson
Antonov AN-225 Soviet Air Force Textures
Antonov AN-225 Soviet Air Force Textures
15.23Mb (1678 downloads)
High resolution textures only in Soviet Air Force camouflage for the great Antonov An-225 model created by Thomas Ruth. New textures for fans, new wheels, corrected doors, new windows, new wings, added details, corrected bumps, new lights and specular, .... enjoy ! Uploaded with permission from Dagobert. Requires the original package by Thomas Ruth:
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Posted May 28, 2017 19:31 by Dagobert
FSX Default Cessna 182 S Skylane Red/White Texture
FSX Default Cessna 182 S Skylane Red/White Texture
3.51Mb (297 downloads)
FSX Default C182 texture. This is a Bright Red w White Striping paint scheme. Paint kit by Mark Rooks. Paint by David Shearer
Posted May 28, 2017 19:15 by David Shearer
Antonov An-225 Aeroflot Textures
Antonov An-225 Aeroflot Textures
17.26Mb (1361 downloads)
High resolution textures only in Aeroflot colours for the great Antonov An-225 model created by Thomas Ruth. New textures for fans, new wheels, corrected doors, new windows, new wings, added details, corrected bumps, new lights and specular, .... enjoy ! Because of the restrictions by FSX and the model itself, I wasn't able to give the body a metallic look, but it looks fine with a satin gloss as well, I hope you like it too. Requires the original package by Thomas Ruth:
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Posted May 28, 2017 07:32 by Dagobert