97.85Mb (26380 downloads)
FSX Convair 580 A Native FSX model of the Convair 580. Hi-resolution textures. Fully functional VC adapted from the Convair 240 VC. Realistic flight-dynamics and operations. . Full animation includes the self-storing stairway. I tried to capture the spirit of the ornery, old, turbo-prop. Three liveries including vintage, North Central Airlines, Frontier Airlines, and modern cargo contractor, DHL. Model, texturing and flight-dynamics by Brett Henderson. Pilots, Alejandro Rojas Lucena. And as always.. thanks to the Simv / FFDS crew.
Posted Oct 5, 2009 15:36 by Brett Henderson

10.10Mb (4608 downloads)
Fairchild 24 R Package for FSX. High quality original William Ortis creation adapted to work in FSX by Danny Garnier. Panel made useable with FSX compatible gauges.
1938 Fairchild 24 R, build 2.2 This model includes fuel flow selector for each wing tank or both, compass in the VC panel, guages trade out for better graphics and realism, model enhancement to details, higher quality flight files which moderately improve banking manoeuvres and rudder input. This model features opening doors, working suspension, steering tail wheel (easier to taxi), animated control surfaces, panel, animated pop-down landing lights, reflective and dynamic shine textures, opening cowling, and 3 versions of Fairchilds color schemes. By William Ortis, Lionheart Creations Ltd.
Adapted to work in FSX by Danny Garnier.
Posted Oct 4, 2009 08:22 by GARNIER D

10.98Mb (26206 downloads)
34 seat twin turbo-prop short/medium range commuter airliner. The Saab 340A & 340B are in service worldwide with small airlines and with larger airlines in the commuter/feeder role. There are also several military variants. All new model with full moving parts, door with airstair and animated pilots. Fully modelled interior. Accurate and pleasant flight dynamics. Full documentation including manuals and check/ref lists. Complete package for FSX/SP2 (DX9 graphics). Three liveries included, Flybe (UK), Provincial (Canada) & Northwest Airlink.
More liveries and paint kit available soon on www.premaircraft.com
By Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design.
Posted Oct 3, 2009 16:24 by bob.may@premaircraft.com

4.17Mb (1686 downloads)
Baron 58 Spain Air Force Textures only for the default Baron.
By Luis López.
Posted Oct 3, 2009 13:58 by Luis López

4.95Mb (15962 downloads)
Embraer Emb 110P Bandeirante/Bandit. The series P are a little longer version of most popular aircraft of Embraer. Includes Virtual Cockpit. Complete package in two liveries. By J.E.Narcizo. Adaption for FSX by Danny Garnier.
Posted Oct 2, 2009 07:56 by GARNIER D

4.30Mb (5075 downloads)
Textures only for the default Beech Baron 58 in the colours of the KLM Flight Academy, also called KLM Luchtvaartschool. Made by Marius Kramer.
Posted Sep 30, 2009 13:25 by Marius Krämer

0.13Mb (1375 downloads)
Textures only for the Cessna 195 by Mike Stone in the colours of the NC3081B, a private owned plane. Made by Marius Kramer.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 26, 2009 15:04 by Marius Krämer

1.47Mb (2262 downloads)
Textures only for the Christen Eagle II by Long Island Classics in the colours of the D-EEMM, owned by the Asko-Acrobatic-Team. Made by Marius Kramer.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 26, 2009 14:57 by Marius Krämer

45.88Mb (42076 downloads)
ATR-72 Package Including The British Airways Repaint. Repaints Included: VC, and liveries - Team Lufthansa, FedEx, Cimber, British Airways. ATR72-500 for FSX Original model by Francisco Sanchez-Castaner. Liveries by Christopher Martin. Adapted for FSX by Eric Buchmann
Posted Sep 26, 2009 06:38 by Christopher Martin

2.06Mb (5665 downloads)
FSX/FS2004 Morane-Saulnier MS.893 in the colours of the D-EGYH, owned by the German-American-Sailing-Club in Traben-Trarbach, Germany. Made by Marius Kramer.
Posted Sep 25, 2009 16:34 by Marius Krämer