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FSX > Props > Page 192
Cessna 172sp NS Aviation Textures
7.40Mb (1340 downloads)
Cessna 172sp NS Aviation Textures for the default C712. As a request from my friends and fellow pilots, Javier and Santiago @ NS aviation in the North Perry Airport(KHWO) in Hollywood, FL. Here is one of their own, N737QT.
Posted Sep 17, 2009 15:35 by Guillermo A. Raffo
 Team FS KBT Lockheed L-188 Electra update and fix 2
11.63Mb (8474 downloads)
Team FS KBT Lockheed L-188 Electra update and fix 2. Fixes: the trouble of the display of the elevator in SP1: cockpit window of the Atlantic airlines was corrected: [flight_tuning] and [fuel] in FDE: Requires full model file.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 12, 2009 04:11 by KBT
Lockheed L-188 Electra update and fix
11.64Mb (8213 downloads)
Team FS KBT Lockheed L-188 Electra update and fix. Fixes the trouble of the display of the elevator, VC and panel display problems fixed.
Required files:
required file
Posted Sep 11, 2009 05:11 by KBT
FS2004/FSX                 - Cessna L-19 E (O-1E) Bird Dog Float version
3.07Mb (4002 downloads)
FS2004/FSX - Cessna L-19 E (O-1E) Bird Dog Float version This is an almost completely redesign of my old model made on January 2004 . The present model is the civilianised version of the original military version. The model is presented in three version with wheels, skis and floats. Two painting schemes of existing civilian operators are included. (see for the wheels/skis version) The model, made with FSDS from ABACUS features a complete set of animations 2d and a 3d virtual cockpit and the animated pilot head. Visual Model and textures paint by Massimo Taccoli. Panel works by Massimo Taccoli with added gauges by Dennis Seeley who prepared also the realistic Flight dynamics for the different version of the model. By Massimo Taccoli. 3.1MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:29 by archive
FS2004/FSX                  Zlin Z-43 Package.
FS2004/FSX                  Zlin Z-43 Package.
14.79Mb (9205 downloads)
FS2004 (FSX) Zlin Z-43 Package. The Z-43 is another member of Z-40 family produced by Moravan Otrokovice. It was designed as a modern substitute for L-40 Metasokol in the second half of the 1960s. It's construction is based on it's predecessor, the Z-42. The "Four-three", as it is dubbed in many Czech aeroclubs, is used for basic training including radionavigation, sightseeing flights and sport flying. Z-43s are also used for precision flying and flying rally. The model of Zlin Z-43 made with FSDS 2.24 and contained 17.949 poligons. Extremely modeled exterior and engine section! All available parts are animated such as ailerons, elevators, rudder, nose gear and his suspension, passenger and baggage doors, engine covers, pilot, arms and pedals. Custom 2D panel and gauges, fully animated and working virtual cockpit. Ten paint scheme and three visual model available including official Pannon Wings Design Team livery. Repaint kit included too. Designed by PWDT & CVA Design - Bence Benedek, Tibor Kokai, Jiri Brozek, Jiri Masnik, Istvan Jankovics. 15.1MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  King Air 350 'RSDG' Textures only.
1.35Mb (2139 downloads)
FSX King Air 350 'RSDG' Textures only. This is a repaint of a Stock King Air 350 For Flight Simulator FSX in a high luster shine this Effect achieved with the use of a Modified Alpha Channel and Light Bending Process Formula 14 .This Technique Created and Used by Rooks Silva Design Group ( RSDG ) Textures by Mark Rooks. 1.4MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  Cessna C185 Update.
1.17Mb (2975 downloads)
FSX Cessna C185 Update. This is an update of the Cessna 185 VH_DGL by JRLucariny. I have updated the panel so it works in FSX. This aircraft flys OK but is missing the glass in FSX as far as I can tell. I am uploading it mainly because of the panel which I almost had done before I noticed about the glass. Bob Chicilo. 1.2MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  Piper J3 Cub "Cactus Jack" textures
1.47Mb (1557 downloads)
FSX Piper J3 Cub "Cactus Jack" textures. Repainted textures for the default J3 Cub for FSX. 1.5MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  RSDG Lancair Legacy.
10.28Mb (7477 downloads)
FSX RSDG Lancair Legacy. This is a highly modified version of Robert Christopher's Lancair For Flight Simulator X Includes .. New Texture , Airfile And CFG files created by Rooks Silva Design Group ( RSDG ) by Mark Rooks " Fireball ". 10.2MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive
                  DeHavilland DHC2-MK3 Turbo Beaver. Private Owner N6102Y
                  DeHavilland DHC2-MK3 Turbo Beaver. Private Owner N6102Y
13.11Mb (4803 downloads)
FSX DeHavilland DHC2-MK3 Turbo Beaver. Private Owner N6102Y. Designed in FSDS2 & FSDS3 with full animation, wing views, dynamic shine, full suspension. Includes a pair of 2D Panels and a dynamic VC with a complete cabin with opening crew doors and Passenger doors. custom sound included, Check List & Reference HTML files and more. Panel help can be found in the Panel_Docs folder and during flight in the Ref List of the Kneepad. By Jean-Pierre Brisard, Barry Blaisdell, Bob May, and Kevin Pardy - Premier Aircraft Design. 13.4MB
Posted Sep 8, 2009 23:28 by archive