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FSX > Scenery > Page 17
0.67Mb (580 downloads)
FSX Scenery For SC, SD, TN And UT, USA. This scenery is for FSX South Carolina: KCAE, KCHS KFLO, KGSP, KHXD and KMYR. South Dakota: KABR, KATY, KFSD, KPIR and KRAP. Tennessee: KBNA, KCHA, KMEM, KTRI and KTYS. Utah: KCDC, KCNY, KOGD, KPVU, KSGU and KSLC. All gate assignments are as they are in 2019. You will need FSX_LTS.ZIP and JETWAY_EXTENSIONS.ZIP to complete some of these sceneries. By Rick Bennett.
Posted Jan 3, 2020 00:05 by uploader
0.45Mb (556 downloads)
FSX Scenery--NC ND OK OR PA. This scenery is for FSX North Carolina: KAVL, KCLT, KEWN, KFAY, KGSO, KILM, KOAJ, KPGV and KRDU. North Dakota: KBIS, KDIK, KDVL, KFAR, KGFK, KISN, KJMS and KMOT. Oklahoma: KLAW, KOKC and KTUL. Oregon: KEUG, KMFR and KPDX. Pennsylvania: KABE, KAVP, KERI, KIPT, KLBE, KMDT, KPHL, KPIT and KUNV. All gate assignments are as they are in 2019. You will need FSX_LTS.ZIP and JETWAY_EXTENSIONS.ZIP to complete some of these sceneries. I have modified the the gate sizes to accommodate today's aircraft. Some runway adjustments have been made as well as the approaches. I used Google Maps and Airnav to get correct runway lengths and approach lighting, etc. By Rick Bennett.
Posted Jan 2, 2020 01:08 by uploader
0.34Mb (662 downloads)
FSX Scenery--Hawaii, Idaho and Illinois Airports (HI, ID, IL), USA. This is FSX scenery for Hawaii airports: PHKO, PHLI, PHMK, PHNL, PHOG and PHTO; Idaho airports: KBOI, KIDA, KLWS, KPIH, KPUW and KTWF; Illinois airports: KBLV, KBMI, KMDW, KMLI, KORD, KPIA, KRFD and KSPI. All gate assignments are as they are in 2019. You will need FSX_LTS.ZIP and JETWAY_EXTENSIONS.ZIP to complete some of these sceneries. They can be found in the Scenery Objects section of FSX downloads. By Rick Bennett.
Posted Jan 1, 2020 02:55 by uploader
0.06Mb (803 downloads)
FSX Scenery--Chicago O'Hare Airport (KORD), Illinois (IL), USA. All gate assignments are as they are in 2019. You will need FSX_LTS.ZIP and JETWAY_EXTENSIONS.ZIP to complete some of these sceneries. I added runways 10L-28R, 10C-28C, 10R-28L, 9L-27R. I also rworked the approaches for these runways, per available aircharts. All taxiways have been replaced and renamed as well. I did my best to get the taxi signs correct as well. This was a very large project and took me 8 days to complete. By Rick Bennett
Posted Jan 1, 2020 02:51 by uploader
0.06Mb (228 downloads)
This is an attempt to bring an updated KILG into the flightsim world. The airport has been hand constructed and placed according to satellite data, meaning that it is perfectly lined up with the real airport. Features: Properly aligned runway, taxiways and aprons as of 2019 - perfect for flying online Added helipad starts Correct designation of taxiways with appropriate taxi signs Several gates as well as GA Aprons Accurate-to-size passenger terminal & hangars Apron lighting Custom ground poly for closed taxiway This is a standalone product - no other downloads required for use.
Posted Dec 24, 2019 01:51 by Matt Lock
KXWA Williston Basin International Airport, Williston, North Dakota
121.92Mb (312 downloads)
KXWA Williston Basin International Airport (Williston, ND) - for FSX , FSX:SE, (and possibly P3D as well) This is an attempt to bring KXWA into the flightsim world for the first time. The airport has been hand constructed and placed according to satellite data, meaning that it is perfectly lined up with the real airport. I have also included an optional photoscenery file (KXWA_Photoreal.bgl) with both day and night textures which cover the airport and surrounding areas. Should you decide to use photoscenery, the textures will work automatically depending on the time of day. By Matt Lock
Posted Dec 16, 2019 14:05 by uploader
FSX Helena Regional Airport (KHLN)
6.48Mb (449 downloads)
Welcome to Helena Regional Airport for FSX! All the structures are custom. Airport vehicles use the proper vehicle paths and do not use taxiways. The Rocky Mountain Emergency Services fire training facility is depicted and there is a training session in progress. Be sure to visit Mustard Mickey's before your travels take you through the scenic Montana wilderness. Stop by Vetter Aviation and thank Brent for his over two decades of service to the aviation industry. As with all my work the structures are original work. Some are accurate, some are workups based on what I think they might look like. Three scenery complexity levels are used (normal,dense, and very dense). More eye candy appears with each increase.
Posted Dec 5, 2019 14:20 by Brett Delana
San Jose Del Cabo International Airport
San Jose Del Cabo International Airport
6.55Mb (413 downloads)
San Jose Del Cabo International Airport. This update adds a custom domestic terminal, new international terminal, FBO, another passenger terminal, and utility boxes. I used Google Earth, some website pictures and air charts to help design the airport. I have not been to Cabo San Lucas since 1999, so I may not be entirely correct of placement of objects or even design of this airport, but I tried.
Posted Dec 4, 2019 04:02 by uploader
X01-Everglades Airpark, Florida
4.45Mb (328 downloads)
X01-Everglades Airpark is located in Everglades City, FL for FSX/FSX-SE Everglades Airpark (X01) is located in Southwest costal Florida (FL), USA and is a publicly owned, public use facility established in March, 1948. X01 features a 2400 x 50 ft lighted asphalt/turf runway and the airport has a lighted Wind Indicator in a Segmented circle and a white-green airport beacon operating sunset to sunrise. The airport is home to 5 single engine aircraft.
Posted Dec 4, 2019 03:55 by uploader
FSX Friedman Memorial Airport KSUN
23.10Mb (213 downloads)
This one is very special for me. My family has had a recreational property in this area for four generations. My footprints are all over this lovely mountain escape. One of my aunts taught school in Hailey High School. I have driven past KSUN when the Allan & Cook finance conference was underway and counted over forty biz jets on the tarmac. The airport has changed a lot since the 1950's when I first saw it. It is a gem! I hope you like it.
Posted Nov 16, 2019 16:31 by Brett Delana