0.66Mb (1672 downloads)
PA-28 Piper Arrow II 2 Paint Schemes.
Original Aircraft Model by Chuck Dome/ Repaints and upgrade
by Don Brynelsen The Piper Arrow II is a very popular sport
Airplane and fun to fly. This one was created by Chuck Dome
for FS2000. I've upgraded it to FS2002 status and given it two
new liveries; N4517X which has a two tone blue scheme based
upon the actual aircraft once owned by my brother, and N3279Z
which is the same scheme done up in Red and Orange. I've also
borrowed the panel from Mr. Dome's Commanche II which I thought
looked nicer then the one that came with the plane. 681K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
6.02Mb (1227 downloads)
Project GlobeTwotter DHC6-300. Aeropelican Air Services
Reg_ID VH-KZO This aircraft flys daily flights between Belmont
and Sydney, Australia. The d6skyb41.zip (here)
file must be installed before using this aircraft. FSUIPC3.X
Required for the TCAS to operate. Exit Door open/close sounds
added. Designed in Gmax with wing views, dynamic shine, full
suspension, etc. Project by Udo Lemmob, Barry Blaisdell, Samy
Fay and Bob May. 6.1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive
8.70Mb (1871 downloads)
deHavilland CC-138 Twin Otter Floats - Canadian Forces 440 Transport
Sq. based at Yellowknife, NW Territories. The file d6skyb41.zip
must be installed in FS2004 before using this aircraft. Model
made in Gmax with wing views, dynamic shine, opening doors with
sounds etc. Project by Udo Lemmob, Barry Blaisdell and Bob May
- Premier Aircraft Design.. 8.9MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

1.74Mb (2451 downloads)
SOFTIRES Express Saab 340a & panel Includes 12pt rounded
fuselage and engines, moving parts such as propellers, gear,
gear doors and spoilers. Also features high resolution textures
with enhanced wing textures and new night lighting effects
(landing lights splash, wing tip position lights and taillogo
light). Original aircraft by Marty Baclawski and Tony Bolton,
80% rework by Pascal Linder/Peter Lohrn. Nightlighting modifications
and moving parts. Upgrade for 2002 by Mario Coelho. Panel
and Repaint by Mario Coelho. 1.8MB
SOFTIRES Express Saab 340a (fix) Panel for FS2002 (normal
version). For use with (sab34tir.zip -version FS2002 PRO).
Panel by Mario Coelho. 73K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

0.17Mb (471 downloads)
PRO DeHavilland DHC6 Twin Otter FIRST AIR, Canada - Reg
ID: C-FNAN All New Rev 6 Aircraft with Full Moving Parts & Night
Effects. A/C Design / Night Effects : Barry Blaisdell FA Livery
: Bob May Premier Aircraft Design. 173K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

0.14Mb (558 downloads)
Cessna 182 repaint, textures only.
BY Daryl Reseigh. 149K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

1.06Mb (582 downloads)
king air Purple repaint, textures only.
BY Daryl Reseigh. 1MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

8.53Mb (2061 downloads)
AiR DHC-2 Mk lll Turbo Beaver 3 pack for FS2002.
Float, Wheel, and Wheel-Ski models By Fred Banting (includes
FS2002 air file upgrades) with interior and panel graphics
by Yannick Lavigne. New surface textures, repaints and panel
revisions by Timothy Claxton. In June 1965, following the
success of the popular DHC-2 Mk l Beaver, de Havilland Canada
began production of the Turbo Beaver Mk lll. Equipped with
a Pratt & Whitney PT6A-6 turbine of 550 hp, with later models
using the improved PT6A-20, this represented two aviation
milestones. The Turbo Beaver became the first single-engined
utility aircraft to be turbine powered, and the PT6A-6 was
the first version of what was to become the world's most popular
small gas turbine engine. 8.9MB
UPiNsky AiR de Havilland DHC-2 Beaver sound files This
update provides the missing sound files for all three planes
in the UPiNSKY AiR package. They were left out of the UPbvr02.zip
archive. Provided by Timothy Claxton. 2.6MB
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

0.25Mb (623 downloads)
PRO DHC6-300 Twin Otter Leeward Islands Air Transport LIAT
SN_809 / Reg#V2-LDG Fly the sun drenched beaches of the Caribbean
Islands Ver6 A/C Design & Paint : Barry Blaisdell Flight Dynamics:
Steve Small Premier Aircraft Design. 263K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive

0.02Mb (981 downloads)
Extra 300 Red Smoke.
October 27 2001 This package includes all you need to add smoke
to the default FS2002 Extra 300. Thanks to Owen Hewitt for the
inspiration to make some smoke! (C)2001 Kyle Bateman, Kirk Olsson,
and Owen Hewitt. 18K
Posted Aug 24, 2009 06:44 by archive