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Piper L-4 CUB - Israel
0.32Mb (265 downloads)
FS98/CFS1 Piper L-4 CUB - Israel. This virtual model represent the Piper L-4 # 0409, Israeli Airforce, employed in 1948 against arab invasion. This aircraft, painted in tan camouflage, was used by No 3 "Galilee" Squadron homebased at Yavneel in northern Israel. A bomb rack was also designed to fit the fuselage undersides. I have included new textures, moving parts and damage profile for use with CFS1, with ficcional armament of two 7.7 mm machine gun on the side windows, underwings "bazooka" and light bombs. Original FS98 model creators: Manuel Medel, Sergio Kaiser (peruvian version) and Steve Small. All reworked for CFS1 with new textures and damage profile: Edmundo Abad 2010.
Posted May 11, 2010 15:55 by Edmundo Abad
Piper L-4 CUB
Piper L-4 CUB
0.43Mb (453 downloads)
FS98/CFS1 Piper L-4 CUB. This virtual model represent the Piper L-4 # 236389, US Army Air Force, employed for allied invasion of French North Africa (Operation Torch) in November 1942. It was flown by Lt. William Butler and Capt. Brenton Devol off the aircraft carrier USS Ranger during Torch. I have included new textures, moving parts and damage profile for use with CFS1, with ficcional armament of two 7.7 mm machine gun on the side windows, underwings "bazooka" and light bombs. Original FS98 model creators: Manuel Medel, Sergio Kaiser (peruvian version) and Steve Small. All reworked for CFS1 with new textures and damage profile: Edmundo Abad 2010.
Posted May 11, 2010 15:50 by Edmundo Abad
Bucker Bu-131 Spanish Nationalist Air Force
0.53Mb (467 downloads)
CFS/FS98 Bucker Bu-131 JungMann, Nationalist Air Force. The German Bücker Bü 131 "Jungmann" (Young man) was a 1930s basic training aircraft which was used by the Spanish Nationalist Air Force during and after Civil War, built under license by CASA in Spain. This virtual model represent the Bucker Bu-131 # 33+8, Spanish Nationalist Air Force, 1937. About 200 Jungmanns survive to this day, many having been fitted with modern engines. Original FS98 model creators: Captain Slug & George Csillag. All reworked to CFS1 with new textures, damage profile and moving parts: Edmundo Abad 2010.
Posted May 11, 2010 15:48 by Edmundo Abad
Bucker Bu-131 JungMann, Royal Hungarian Air Force.
0.59Mb (289 downloads)
CFS/FS98 Bucker Bu-131 JungMann, Royal Hungarian Air Force. The German Bücker Bü 131 "Jungmann" (Young man) was a 1930s basic training aircraft which was used by the Royal Hungarian Air Force during World War II, built under license in Hungary. This virtual model represent the Bucker Bu-131 # I4+21, Royal Hungarian Air Force, 1942. About 200 Jungmanns survive to this day, many having been fitted with modern engines. Original FS98 model creators: Captain Slug & George Csillag. All reworked to CFS1 with new textures, damage profile and moving parts: Edmundo Abad 2010.
Posted May 11, 2010 15:46 by Edmundo Abad
Bucker Bu-131 JungMann.
0.51Mb (358 downloads)
CFS/FS98 Bucker Bu-131 JungMann. The German Bücker Bü 131 "Jungmann" (Young man) was a 1930s basic training aircraft which was used by the Luftwaffe during World War II. This virtual model represent the Bucker Bu-131 # CW+BG, Luftwaffe 1941. About 200 Jungmanns survive to this day, many having been fitted with modern engines. Original FS98 model creators: Captain Slug & George Csillag. All reworked to CFS1 with new textures, damage profile and moving parts: Edmundo Abad 2010.
Posted May 11, 2010 15:45 by Edmundo Abad
Gloster Gladiator MkII - Finland 1940
0.47Mb (389 downloads)
CFS1 Gloster Gladiator MkII - Finland 1940. During the Winter War, the Finnish Air Force obtained 30 Mk II fighters from the UK. Ten of the aircraft were donated while the other 20 were bought by the FAF; all were delivered between 18 January and 16 February 1940. The Finnish Gladiators served until 1945, but they were outclassed by the more modern Soviet fighters during the Continuation War (WWII). This virtual model represent the Gloster Gladiator MkII # GL-256, Finland 1940 (Winter War). Original FS98 model creator: Peter Russell. All reworked to CFS1 with new textures, panel, damage profile and moving parts: Edmundo Abad 2004.
Posted May 3, 2010 17:17 by Edmundo Abad
Gloster Sea Gladiator - Malta 1940
Gloster Sea Gladiator - Malta 1940
0.54Mb (660 downloads)
CFS1 Gloster Sea Gladiator - Malta 1940. The Gloster Gladiator was a British-built biplane fighter. It was used by the Royal Air Force (RAF) and the Royal Navy (as the Sea Gladiator variant) and was exported to a number of other air forces during the late 1930s. It was the RAF's last biplane fighter aircraft and was rendered obsolete by newer monoplane designs even as it was being introduced. Though often pitted against more formidable foes during the early days of the Second World War, it acquitted itself reasonably well in combat. This virtual model represent the Gloster Sea Gladiator # N-5519, Malta 1940. Original FS98 model creator: Peter Russell. All reworked to CFS1 with new textures, panel, damage profile and moving parts: Edmundo Abad 2004.
Posted May 3, 2010 17:15 by Edmundo Abad
Yokosuka D4Y2 "Judy"
0.39Mb (528 downloads)
CFS Yokosuka D4Y2 "Judy". The Yokosuka D4Y Suisei ("comet") was a dive bomber of the Imperial Japanese Navy. Its Allied codename was "Judy". The D4Y was one of the fastest dive-bombers in the entire war, and only the delays in its development hindered its service, while its predecessor, the more robust but slower Aichi D3A remained in service for years. Despite this limited use, the speed and the range of the D4Y was nevertheless valuable, and the type was used with success as reconnaissance aircraft as well as in kamikaze missions. This virtual model represent a Yokosuka D4Y2 "Judy" of 601st Kokutai, Luzon, Philippines, June 1944. Original CFS2 model creator: Mike Colclough. Panel: modified version of Doc Blake’s KATE panel using default CFS gauges. All reworked to CFS1 with new BMP textures, damage profile and moving parts: Edmundo Abad 2010.
Posted May 3, 2010 17:09 by Edmundo Abad
Nakajima Ki-43-I Hayabusa (upgrade)
0.45Mb (476 downloads)
Combat Flight Simulator Nakajima Ki-43-I Hayabusa Allied Code-Name "Oscar" (UPGRADE). © Edmundo Abad, May 2010 Upgrade of first Nakajima Ki-43-I Hayabusa, with new BMP textures, accurate colors on non textured parts and damage profile modified with bombs added. Original design for FS98: 'flyman' Yusaku Honma. Repainted textures, modified damage profile, air file and repainted in two differents textures by: Edmundo Abad.
Posted May 3, 2010 17:08 by Edmundo Abad
Bucker Bu-133 JungMeister
Bucker Bu-133 JungMeister
0.64Mb (487 downloads)
CFS/FS98 Bucker Bu-133 JungMeister. The Bücker Bü 133 Jungmeister (Young master) was an advanced aerobatic trainer of the Luftwaffe in the 1930s. This virtual model represent the Bucker Bu-133 # D-EGHV, NSFK Aerobatic team (Luftakrobatik Staffel). This aircraft has civil registration which was carried both above the top and below the lower wings. This was one of the NSFK Acrobatic Flight machines in 1939. Original FS98 model creator: Captain Slug. All reworked to CFS1 with new textures, damage profile and moving parts: Edmundo Abad 2010.
Posted May 3, 2010 17:05 by Edmundo Abad