0.35Mb (396 downloads)
c-205 Veltro,79e Squadriglia, 6e Gruppo; 1e Stormo, operating
from Catania, early summer 1943 Version 3.2. Original designer: Alex
Casadio Moving part: Roberto Fusi Flight model,guns profile, new textures:
Bruno Duffort. 367K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.16Mb (447 downloads)
MARTLET Mk.III 805th Sqn RN for Combat Flight SimulatorONLY! A
representation of the plane of 805th Sqdn Royal Navy, flown by 1st
Lieutnant W.M.Walsh, North Africa 1941-1942. Full moving parts plane
with also operating arrestor hook and landing light. by Mauro Giacomazzi.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.81Mb (917 downloads)
I-16-24 in russian winter camouflage. Eastern Front, 1942. Original
design and moving part by Patrick Didier. Flight model and original
panel by Bruno Dufford. Cauges by Domenico Demezzi. Eastern Front
scheme texture and "white panel" by Júlio Martins. 831K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.06Mb (197 downloads)
textures for stock CFS Spitfire MkI as used in the default scenery
These textures represent Robert Stanford Tuck's Spitfire Mk I QJ-J.
of 92'nd Fighter Squadron early 1940. . Arnoud ten Haaft. 57K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.43Mb (510 downloads)
Mustang P-51D "Petie 2nd" UPDATE In the livery of Lt. Col. John
C. Meyer, 487th Fighter Squadron "Lil' Bastards". Meyer was credited
with 25 victories. Updated MDL, visibilty from cockpit fixed, flap
texturing improved, new textured CFS style propeller. New improved
extended bitmap textures. Realistic model with moving gear, rotating
wheels, transparent and moving canopy, fully detailed cockpit with
pilot, moving ruder and flaps. Three aircraft are installed in one
folder; normal player, a restricted game version, and an AI aircraft.
Textures by Arnoud ten Haaft, model by Alain L'Homme, original MDL
modification by Joe Amodea, new #CCCC66 tipped propeller by Rod Mowery.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.07Mb (273 downloads)
SET for Spitfire Mk.VB Trop (Spit5BT.zip)(above) by Mauro Giacomazzi.
Representation of the personal plane flown by Flight Lieutenant (and
later Squadron Leader) Neville Duke, of the 92nd Fighter Squadron
RAF, Tunisia (North Africa) early 1943. 70K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
3.01Mb (2044 downloads)
MC.200 SAETTA 85a Sq. for Combat Flight Simulator ONLY! From the
original AFX by Dennis Wasnich of the MC.202, totally reworked and
repainted. Full moving parts plane. by Mauro Giacomazzi. 475K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
3.21Mb (1503 downloads)
/ Junkers Ju 188E-1 A representation of an early Ju 188 bomber
employing the BMW 801D-2 engines. Author of mdl is unidentified. Sound
package by Mike Hambly. Aircraft artwork (textures), Flight Dynamics,
Damage Profile, Documentation and Animation and panel by Joe Amodea.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
1.37Mb (622 downloads)
BF 109 G-14 PACK for CFS. A multi-plane folder with 4 subtypes
and two textures, Erich Hartmann's "Black Tulip",and major Bellagambi,
2° fighter group of ANR, Osoppo, Italy in march 1945. Includes damage
profiles and airfiles for: G-14, G-14/R1 "Jabo Rei", G-14/R6, and
G-14/U4 Full moving parts and detailed canopy. By: Pentti Kurkinen
ANR textures By: Phil Mehard. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.52Mb (682 downloads)
MC-202 FOLGORE for Combat Flight Simulator ONLY! From the original
AFX by Dennis Wasnich, totally reworked (fuselage, wings, tail, canopy
and gears), full moving parts added. Accurate flight dynamics and
dp file. Painted into the colors of 88th Squadriglia del 1° Stormo
CT. by Mauro Giacomazzi. 535K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive