1.41Mb (1124 downloads)
Douglas C 47 (Military DC 3) with sound filesFS98/CFS Aircraft:
DC3 (C47) Wearing her WW2 Normandy invasion markings. This puppy was
bult in 1939 and later sold to Eastern Airlines. Includes landing
lights and sounds. Based on John Kelly original. Repainted by John
R. McCool. File size 1480129
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.06Mb (412 downloads)
P-39 Aerocobra.CFS - Bell Airacobra Mk.1 by Steve Bezant Release
V1.0 CFS Series Aircraft AH579 UF-J was a 601 Sqn aircraft in Oct
1941. Aircraft has correct gun placings and firepower in CFS This
model uses Eric Johnson's AFX. File size 62748
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.29Mb (1548 downloads)
Tigercat with panel. File size 295517
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.56Mb (497 downloads)
"Zone Devils" Sea Fury Racer This is a modified Hawker Sea
Fury racing plane. This was modified in order to get more speed so
it could be flown on some of the available race track sceneries for
CFS. We even put a faster paintjob on it! Not responsible for whip-lash
when throttle lever is thrusted forward on take-offs. Original file
by Chris Lampard, animation and DP by Doug Attrell, and original panel
by Chuck Dome. Airfile modified by Nick Nicholson, repaint by Eric
Jonas a.k.a. Mobster (572Kb)
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.50Mb (216 downloads)
P51D Grim Reaper.
I would like to thank Bruno Duffort and Alan Holme for the great
Model and Textures to work with this Aircraft is painted on the P-51H
of Bruno Duffort to Recreate one of the 272 remaining and still Flying
P-51D's of World War 2. John Crouch. 506K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.89Mb (353 downloads)
American P-51d 'Redtail'. P51d 'Redtail' This is a variation
on the stock CFS P51. It is a separate plane and will not interfere
with your stock P51.I edited the DP ,so this one comes with a 4x 50cal
setup.I re-lettered the textures from the stock P51 to read WZ-2 (was
2).I also added just a little bit of 'juice' to the emergency war
power.s.Red & Silver texture by : Scot Fraser. 916K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.39Mb (866 downloads)
P_38m "Night Lightning". The P-38M, a dedicated night fighter
derivative of the P-38L. The P-38M Night Lightnings were a factory
design which followed a number of successful field conversions in
New Guinea and Guadalcanal, where P-38Fs were fitted with SCR-540
or APS-4 search radar. The P-38L to M rebuilds involved fitting
a cramped 'piggyback' radar operator's station aft of the cockpit,
under a bubble canopy, and mounting an AN/APS-4 air intercept radar
in a cylindrical pod under the nose, the mounting derived from the
standard wing pylon. Seventy five P-38L-5-LOs were rebuilt to glossy
black P-38M-6-LOs in late 1944, and deployed to the Pacific theater
in 1945, too late to score any kills. This F-Sim Model has fictonal
markings. By CM Carlson re-worked from Eric Johnson's AFX. 403K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

2.38Mb (651 downloads)
Vought F4u-1D Corsair. This aircraft is a replica of the corsair flown
by Cmd. Tom Blackburn, of the VF-17 "Jolly Rogers". F4u-1D "Big Hog"
model: Mr. Alain L'Homme air file and original textures: Joe Amodea/(CH_Jam)
vf-17 textures: Tom Girard/(Bostom_335th) sound file: Aaron Swindle,
digitally remastered by Glen MacDonald/(GZR_Echowars) panel: Robert
Powell/(KOD_Patch). 2.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.27Mb (703 downloads)
Kate for CFS. The file B5N2.zip has two planes, a normal size
and an AI upsized version. The panel uses all default CFS gauges and
I used default sounds. Keeping the file size down and the frame rate
up were my prime conciderations. The normal version has animated flaps,
landing gear and prop. MDL, AIR, and DP by Gary Aumaugher, panel modified
from Doc Blake’s original. 274K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.23Mb (173 downloads)
North American P-51D 118th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron Flown
by Lieutenant Colonel Edward O. McComas, the commander of 118-TRS,
23rd FG, 14 AF, CBI (China - Burma - India) Theatre. He scored 14
victories. Model by Patric Diddier Textures by Júlio Martins. 238K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive