0.57Mb (807 downloads)
Albatros D.II.
The Albatros D.II was a modified version of the Albatros D.I. Pilots
complained that the D.I offered poor visibility from the cockpit.
To solve this problem, the D.IIs upper wing was brought closer to
the fuselage. Mounted to the fuselage in front of the pilot, the D.IIs
twin, synchronous machine guns set the standard for other German and
Allied fighters. By the end of 1916, increased production of the Albatros
gave Germany numerical superiority in the air war. Original model
Moriarty repainted, dp, panel, custom guages and scaled up by Miguel
Angel Duarte Lobo. 588K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.68Mb (1170 downloads)
St. Exupery's F-5 Lightning
This is a re-paint of a most excellent P-38j Lightning, made to resemble
the Lockheed F-5 flown by author and aviator Antoine de Saint-Exupery
when he dissapeared on a recon flight over southern France. "St. Ex"
was arguably the most universally well-liked and respected Frenchman
of the 20th century. He left behind a legacy of literary achievement,
pioneering aviation and invention, and inspiration for later generations
of aviators world wide. Original design and moving parts: Patrick
Didier, dp file and flight model by bruno duffort. New textures by
Sandy Nicholson. 694K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.50Mb (433 downloads)
Spad VII. The
SPAD VII went into service with French fighter squadrons in the fall
of 1916. In an era of smaller, more delicate fighters, the SPAD was
designed to rely on power, speed and brute strength for combat effectiveness.
Two escadrilles alone accounted for 200 enemy aircraft shot down over
a period of six months, a record unequaled by any other comparable
unit in World War I. The aircraft was designed by Louis Bechereau;
the engine by Marc Birkigt, a Swiss automotive engineer. Birkigt's
Hispano-Suiza engine produced 150 hp, and was liquid-cooled with a
V-8 configuration. Along with the aircraft's strength, other favorable
characteristics were a good rate of climb and a service ceiling of
18,000 feet. British and American units soon obtained this prized
fighter for their own air forces, ensuring not only its effectiveness,
but its place in history as one of the great fighters of all time.
Of the hundreds of SPAD VIIs produced, only a few remain. Original
model A.W Hall, texture, DP profile and panel by Miguel Angel Duarte
Lobo, 511K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

3.41Mb (857 downloads)
P-51D 83rd Squadron (CFS Virtual Squadron)
This is a repaint of a P-51D for the 83rd squadron on the Combat Flight
Simulator Game Zone.It includes the checker nose denoting its station
at the 83rd wing of the 78th fighter squadron, of the 8th Air Force
stationed at Duxford. Installation: Place P-51D Squadron 83 folder
into your Combat Flight Simulator Aircraft Folder Original Model By:
Alain L'Homme Panel: Chris Arrington Repaint of Textures by: Don McAtee.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.59Mb (574 downloads)
RFC Sopwith Pup.
The Sopwith Pup quickly became a favorite with pilots of the Royal
Naval Air Service. It was superior to the Fokker D.III and more than
a match for any of the new Halberstadt and Albatros scouts. Although
underpowered, pilots liked the plane because it was maneuverable and
fast. It could climb and hold its altitude better than any other fighter.
Original model Andrew Hall, texture, DP profile by Miguel Angel Duarte
Lobo. 608K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.49Mb (745 downloads)
Spad XIII Equipped
with twin machine guns and a larger engine, the SPAD XIII was based
upon the airframe of the smaller SPAD VII. Built in large numbers,
it was fast and powerful but difficult to fly. Original model Fred
Wohosky, texture, DP profile and panel by Miguel Angel Duarte Lobo,499KB
The SPAD XIII was flown by many of the famous aces including Georges
Guynemer and Eddie Rickenbacker. Guynemer's last victory was also
the first scored by a SPAD XIII. With 18 victories, Irish ace William
Cochran-Patrick scored more victories with the SPAD VII and SPAD XIII
than any other ace. By Miguel Angel Duarte Lobo. 500K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.09Mb (311 downloads)
Hawker Tempest Mk V series II Textures only.
This is a repaint of P. H. F. Burnage's excellent Hawker Tempest Mk
V series II available from Page 5 of the CFS1 aircraft files (here).
All that are included in this download are the texture files for an
aircraft of 56 squadron Royal Air Force, No EJ743 (US+H) based at
Volkel during December 1944 flown by Flight Sergeant Mac Kennaugh.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.22Mb (298 downloads)
73 Squadron Night Fighter Hurricane
- Take a flight back to WW2 RAF, with this 73 Squadron Night Fighter.
Includes Hurricane panel, sound and model, repainted by _11_Scarface
(Mike Long). 223K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.39Mb (888 downloads)
Fokker Eindecker EIII. The
Eindecker was underpowered and slow but could out turn most of its
opponents. Allied aviators who faced it called themselves "Fokker
Fodder". The Eindecker ruled the skies until the Nieuports and SPADs
were developed. Original Model by Andrew W. Hall. By Miguel Angel
Duarte Lobo. 402K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
2.31Mb (3394 downloads)
Corsair KD345
Aircraft by Alain L'Homme Panel re-colored by Carl Huxted Sounds by
Aaron R. Swindle Damage Profile by Osmar Calixto Jr Modified Air file
by Danny Busch. 2.6.MBK
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive