0.03Mb (797 downloads)
P51-D Weapons Mod.
These profiles are designed to enhance flying in CFS. This profile
makes your P51-D have 240 cannon as well as 8 bombs.(It has all 10
roctets and 1880 machine gun bullets) NOTE:The BCM.bmp file has machine
gun in it, to comepare with the cannon, so you know the cannon is
real. Barnabas J, Reynolds. 32K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
6.22Mb (847 downloads)
Bf 108B1 Taifun D-IMTT,
Willy's own! Circa 1936 this was Messerschmitt's aircraft. Fully animated
control surfaces, gears, prop and spinner with nav and landing lights.
Using transparents, multi-resolution, BMP textures. It also includes
custom panel, sounds, dp, checklist and air files. Made as accurate
as possible so you can enjoy flying it! By Guy Gauvreau. 6.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
2.04Mb (639 downloads)
– Morane-Saulnier Type-L (Updated)
.One of many parasol planes produced by Morane-Saulnier, who seems
to have had a strong attachment to the parasol design. Original
rotary engine texture by: Andrew W. Hall 2. Original pilot face
texture by: A.F. Scrub 3. Original panel.bmp by: M.A. Duarte Lobo.
Version 1.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
1.76Mb (1345 downloads)
Zeppelin-Staaken R.VI.
The largest aero plane constructed and utilized in WWI, the Zeppelin-Staaken
R.VI was the pinnacle of aviation technology in 1917. From Sept. 1917
until Aug. 1918 this type R-plane dropped 27,190kg of bombs on Englands
mainland. Not one single R-plane was lost in combat to enemy fire.
This model closely represents R.39/16, with four Maybach Mb.Iva powerplants,
has animated alerions elevator and rudders, as well as the front and
rear gunners and guns rotate with rudder movement. Model, Airfile,
Dpfile and panel by KC’s Virtual Aircraft. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.76Mb (665 downloads)
F4F-3, F1
: This Aircraft is designed around the model included in Pieter Looten's
"Wake Island" mission. (see Model source Info in model folder).
New files -- textures and panel completely redone w/gauges. The .mdl
has been modified to select the replacement 8bit textures. 782K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
- Hawker Hurricane "Knight Hawk"
This aircraft is my first repaint. This paintjob it's self is version
1.5. The airplane is a stock Hawker Hurricane with a brand spankin'
new paint job. I took the original paint job and updated the colors
to be better suited for all types of play, especially online flight.
As yet, the paint job is rudementary but updates will come in the
future if I ever get around to it. Created by Michael Stennett. 4.5MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
4.96Mb (1354 downloads)
P-38 Double Pack.
Stock P-38 - USAAF version and a captured KG200 P-38.. Repaint: Silberio
E. Silva Williams. 5.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.21Mb (729 downloads)
Focke-Wulf FW-190A-7.
this is my...umm...version of the FW-190A7, i sure this isn't the
real one, but it is nice anyways. this one has a 18 cyl. engine, it
is faster, non-retractable gear, wich is more stable and tht givs
a better landing it is easyer to turn, not as good as the P-51, but
it is anyways better than the normal FW-190, it has been repainted
to grey, and has the "jolly rogers" in the middle of the fuselage,
and also a skull painted on the wing tips. By: Silberio E. Silva.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.55Mb (868 downloads)
Modified French P-47.
Repainted Stock P-47 with some gun incrementation. Modified &
painted by Silberio E. Silva. 564K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
1.47Mb (1071 downloads)
Hawker Hurricane MkI Pack Includes: -Hurricane MkI DT°A /Robert
Stanford-Tuck - LE°D /Douglas Bader - LK°A /IR Gleed - Belgium - Finland
- MkIIB USSR These 6 Hurries are repaints of the original John Cooper's
model. Skinned and repacked by V.Moyet See each aircraft folder for
full credits. Panels and sounds are aliased to the stock Hurricane.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive