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0.30Mb (2082 downloads)
CFS2 & CFS1 BULLET IMPACT STEREO SOUND EFFECTS for CFS2 & CFS1: Jump to the sound of heavier metal with this New UpGRADE of my MetalRND ( RND_IMP.WAV ). Here is METAL2nd, an UpDATED replacement for my or your rnd_imp.wav sound file, with the added secondary metal on metal ping & whiz of bullets as they hit, bounce & rip around your aircraft. It's A Big Difference from the default "thud only" sound you get with CFS2 & CFS. With this upgrade you will notice much better amplification & richer harmonics for a sound that varies more dynamically with each bullet impact. Stereo Balance in this version has also been much improved from rnd_imp in my 1st This sound file has been tested & is completely compatible with both CFS2 & CFS1. If you have CFS2, please check out the file for my NEW "STEREO" Bullet.wav UpGRADE. Note that in CFS2, BULLET.wav works in tandem with RND_IMP.wav. By Louieg. 309K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            FS - Extra DAMAGE +F I R E .dp Objects
0.17Mb (1254 downloads)
COMBAT FS - Extra DAMAGE +F I R E .dp Objects With HITTABLE PIERS FIX. This is 1 additional set of 33 NEWLY UpGRADED, More Realistic Object *.DPs for COMBAT FLIGHT SIMULATOR 1. In addition to my PREVIOUS FireSHIP and dp objects, this set fixes the Pier0 And Pier1.DPs which will now allow CFS Pier objects to burst into flames and ultimately be destroyed when hit. Also added to this set are 31 Upgraded house & building objects. Included, again in this zip, is a simple automated utility that will quickly Back Up ALL your Old Files and Install ALL your New Files for you. ( See Also- FireLAND/ Object Sets ). by Louieg. 177K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
              FS - This is 1 of 2 Sets
              FS - This is 1 of 2 Sets
0.82Mb (1641 downloads)
COMBAT FS - This is 1 of 2 Sets of NEWLY UpGRADED ( for More Realistic DAMAGE +F I R E ) , SHIP Objects [*.DP ] for COMBAT FLIGHT SIMULATOR 1. As a follow up to my more authentic CFS Bullet Impact Sound replacement (, here is a 2nd project to heighten CFS Fire and Damage realism. To this end I have increased the life span duration and visibility of most of those land and sea items which usually just sit there smoking or simply disappear when minimally damaged. A lot of the time the smaller objects are not really very visible and so can not be appreciated. Even the large ships and buildings offer very little visual excitement when damaged. Dark smoke is the most you can expect from all of these objects which for the most part are just taking up space., Until now!... In addition to the 22 UpGraded SHIP Objects in this SET ( ), also included is a simple automated utility that will quickly Back Up ALL your Old Files and Install ALL your New Files for you. ( See Also - for LAND Objects Set ). by Louieg. 858K COMBAT FS - This is 2 of 2 Sets
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            "no spit" patch for CFS1
0.12Mb (541 downloads)
The "no spit" patch for CFS1 sets the sopwith camel as default aircraft...for ww1 will see all "unknown" aircraft as the sopwith camel ..not the spifire...meaning your ww1 matches will be more satisfying and realistic... includes reset patch return to standard settings after the games... christopher benson. 122K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            Enhanced .dp files
0.02Mb (1188 downloads)
CFS1 Enhanced .dp files - German Series / version 1.1 If you enjoy all those great smoke and fire effects found in CFS2, but have a slower computer or enjoy flying the European Theater, these .dp files will provide a much needed enhancement to the game. They will provide excellent smoke and fire effects for the stock CFS1 planes during Campaignes, Missions and Quick Combat. Look for the U.S. series in the near future. By Ray Wells ("C.M.Krashunbern"). 25K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            ID4 Alien Attacker
0.25Mb (3027 downloads)
FS98/CFS ID4 Alien Attacker You could have seen this extra-terrestrial fighter/attacker in the movie "Independence day". Now you can fly it in your FS98/2000 or fight with it in CFS. This vehicle features high manoeuvreability and effecive weapons. Modified Learjet panel and CFS damage profile are included. Created by: Milan Lisner. 253K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            "Zebranator" Chrystler C-14Z
0.36Mb (229 downloads)
The "Zebranator" Chrystler C-14Z is the second aircraft to serve the SSW Republic in battle. Following the "Ferrit", the Zebranator utilizes refined controls with spartan surface angles. The gul wing design was a refabrication of the legendary F4U Corsaire. Packing four Browning Automatic machine guns and two 20mm cannons, this bird packs a punch but is still light enough to perform life-saving manuvers. By David Roy. 369K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
1.29Mb (204 downloads)
British Gas Truck Model By: Microsoft the Rest By: Andrew Tremblay simply install it like any other aircraft and have fun!, use F11 and F12 to steer. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
1.29Mb (268 downloads)
British Ambulance Model By: Microsoft the Rest By: Andrew Tremblay simply install it like any other aircraft and have fun!, use F11 and F12 to steer. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
1.29Mb (199 downloads)
German Armored Car Model By: Microsoft the Rest By: Andrew Tremblay simply install it like any other aircraft and have fun!, use F11 and F12 to steer. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
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