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FS2002 > Scenery > Page 31
                  Scenery--Daytona, Ormond Beach, Fl.
0.07Mb (605 downloads)
FS2002 Scenery--Daytona, Ormond Beach, Fl. This covers an area of about 30 miles square. Uses information to plot where the business district is and the residential areas are. By Joe Watson. 72K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                    2002 Scenery Davidstow Moor Cornwall.
1.08Mb (301 downloads)
FS 2002 Scenery Davidstow Moor Cornwall. A former WW2 base now used by the Moorland Flying Club.All building use textures from actual photos taken at the site. By Steve Mullen. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  - Nordholz-SPIEKA, Germany
0.78Mb (438 downloads)
EDXN - Nordholz-SPIEKA, Germany- for MS-FS2002 This small airfield is located near the city of Cuxhaven at River Elbe mouth at the North Sea, next to the marine AFB (In fact: On same premisses).Klaus-Peter Trogisch. 801K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Scenery for FS2000/2002 East Area of Madrid from FSMADRID
0.36Mb (745 downloads)
Madrid Scenery for FS2000/2002 East Area of Madrid from FSMADRID By: David Jimenez Lynch This scenery shows the most significant buildings of the eastern part of Madrid. Including the tallest point of the city: Torrespaña (Madrid´s main communications tower), IFEMA´s main fair and convention complex at El Campo de las Naciones, Las Ventas bullring and "La Peineta" athletic stadium. 372K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
0.96Mb (609 downloads)
Madrid Scenery for FS2000/02 Moncloa-Plaza de España from FSMADRID By: David Jimenez This scenery shows the area of Moncloa and the Plaza de España on the Western part of Madrid. Some highlights of the scenery are the Faro de la Moncloa (a modern lookout tower), Spanish Air Force headquarters, America Museum, the Egyptian Temple of Debod, Madrid Tower, the Plaza de España and the Spanish Senate. 987K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Buildings (2) Europe
0.71Mb (1186 downloads)
Autogen Buildings (2) Europe FS2002 Scenery. The second set in a series of replacement texture sheets to improve the appearance of the default Autogen buildings. This one is for Europe. Fully compatible with all third party sceneries and replacement landclass files. Choose between a 1024x1024 high-resolution set, suitable for most users with modern PCs, and a 512x512 medium resolution set for those experiencing frame rate problems on PCs only just adequate to run FS2002. (See also Freeware by Gerrish Gray. 725K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
UK                  GA Airports upgrade
0.04Mb (276 downloads)
UK GA Airports upgrade for FS 2002 Includes 8 files for EGHC, EGHO, EGHP, EGKB, EGLK, EGTO, EGSG and EGMD. Mostly found in SE England. Adds tower frequencies to otherwise uncontrolled airfields, more parking spaces from GA small to GA large, and corrects taxiways. File EGTO to be used along with Charles Watson's Rochester Airport version1.0 Requires AFCAD v1.2.2 by Lee Swordy By James Ridout. 45K
Required files:
required file
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Scenery - Snipe Lake, Alaska
1.05Mb (390 downloads)
FS2002 Scenery - Snipe Lake, Alaska is located 56 miles north of Iliamna(PAIL), on the west side of the Alaska Range. At the lake is a cabin, with outbuildings plus a dirt strip and a tent camp with a floatplane start. by Tom Fica. 1.6MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Jamaica and Caymans V1.0 11
TDS Jamaica and Caymans V1.0 11 Seaplane Bases with Helipads 11 Seaplane piers in Jamacia and the Cayman Islands. Come fly the vacation beaches and dive the Caymans! All sites have helipads and start locations. Uses NOVA textures. Third in a series by Kyle Ramsey for FS2002. 2.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Scenery-Adventure Hurricane
0.93Mb (482 downloads)
FS2002 Scenery-Adventure Hurricane and search and rescue adventure. Fly into a killer hurricane to rescue some fine citizens. People and debris created with GMAX. Includes WX file. Copywrite 2002 John Fay. 954K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive