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FS2002 > Scenery > Page 30
                    Scenery (fictional) - Dinsmore Intl, Northern Ireland
1.27Mb (380 downloads)
FS2002 Scenery (fictional) - Dinsmore Intl, Northern Ireland (EDIP). This virtual airport is massive covering some 10 square miles of area. Has the following features: RUNWAYS: Active aircraft uses main runway 36R. Full ILS and approach lighting. Different approach lighting depending on runway size. 5 runways: Two 11,000' one 8,500' all three having taxi ways to the main terminal area, main cargo area, PlanetAir terminal & cargo area and airline maintenance area. Jimmy R Martin. 1.3MB Airport Map. 62K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Scenery - Merrill Pass, Alaska
1.38Mb (418 downloads)
FS2002 Scenery - Merrill Pass, Alaska is one of the main air routes for VFR flight from the Cook Inlet area, through the Alaska Range, to the Bristol Bay area. This fictional scenery places cabins at the lakes on either side of this pass. Included is a short flight to show the way through the mountain pass. Tom Fica. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
FS2002 Patch for Northwest Territories Seaplanes file NWTSP2K2_a.ZIP (here) Includes missing textures and eliminates the "Scenery library object not found..." error message. By Bill Freeborn. 3.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  2 of a BIG hangar in Germany.
1.18Mb (442 downloads)
Version 2 of a BIG hangar in Germany. Hangar 370 m x 210 m x 107 m Doors can be opened by Com1 132.25 Night lighted and some other features Works with autogen - in the forest now. Made with FSDS 1.6 & Airport 2.6 (C) 2002 by Dirk E. Fassbender. 1.2MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  carrier "Tarawa".
0.11Mb (984 downloads)
Helicopter carrier "Tarawa". This Scenery pack Places the Helicopter carrier "Tarawa" and four Strike craft (two of them with landable helipads) in the San-Francisco Bay Area. By Danny Levin. 111K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Wevelgem for FS2002 (Belgium
1.72Mb (305 downloads)
Kortrijk Wevelgem for FS2002 (Belgium, EBKT) Jan Cuypers. 1.7MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Rucker US Army Virtual Training Base
Ft Rucker US Army Virtual Training Base V1.0 This package contains a fictional representation of Ft Rucker, Alabama. It is the home of training for the US Army Virtual. The airfield has hangars, a firestation, fuel pits, an armor depot, water, radar, and radio towers, administration and living quarters, and a Post Chapel. Also includes two difficult helicopter obstacle courses and a LZ extraction mission. By Kyle Ramsey. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Scenery--Monassas, Va.
0.09Mb (251 downloads)
FS2002 Scenery--Monassas, Va. This scenery covers an area From Dulles to Quantico and Woodbridge, Va. Uses information to plot where the business district is and the residential areas are. By Joe Watson. 89K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  taxiways and runways for FS2002
0.03Mb (194 downloads)
ETHN, taxiways and runways for FS2002 with AFD Aligned for Edgar Stahl´s Niederstetten-Army scenery (here). ETHN AFCAD-File for the excellent ETHN scenery by Edgar Stahl. 14 Parking Position´s added to align with ETHN military airport scenery. (For use with AFCAD - here). 3 Parking position´s added to align with ETHN civil airport scenery. By Edgar Stahl. 26K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive
                  Scenery--Rome, Ga.
0.10Mb (336 downloads)
FS2002 Scenery--Rome, Ga. This covers an area of about 30 miles square. Uses information to plot where the business district is and the residential areas are. By Joe Watson. 106K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:31 by archive