Videos/Splashscreens > Page 13

8.07Mb (1593 downloads)
This airliner splashscreen pack includes 8 airline splashscreens like AirTran Airways, American Eagle, Continental Airlines, Delta Airlines, Northwest Airlines, United Airlines, and US Airways.
Posted Aug 15, 2008 23:06 by Victor Vu

7.16Mb (1766 downloads)
I have took those pictures when I was on my way to NYC for my family's vacation. Therefore, the helicopters have been so many, I can't verify the helicopter's brand name. You may need to go to wikipedia to find out more. Enjoy.
Posted Aug 15, 2008 23:06 by Victor Vu

0.62Mb (1970 downloads)
Here is a splashscreen based on my FSX Hughes 500D in FSX colors. Made by: Brandon Filer
Posted Aug 3, 2008 13:51 by archive

0.43Mb (1255 downloads)
This is Kazunori Ito's P-61, with my repaint, captured in FS and pasted in MS Paint. The splash screen is my first to upload an FS2004 repaint. This splash screen was uploaded separately because the author doesn't want anything else besides the repaint, but here is the splash screens designed for FS9 and FSX. Enjoy.
Posted Jul 20, 2008 08:40 by archive
2.00Mb (487 downloads)
splash screens of the Corsair flying in formation.Splash
Screen Randomizer by Dreamfleet required.Splash Screens by
Grant "Lurch" Wood. 2.1MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:14 by archive
1.52Mb (488 downloads)
Splash Screens for FS2002 that show swiss Pilatus Porter
They are designed as a replacement for the default Splash
Screen or for use with the "SPLAH SCREEN RANDOMIZER" by Dreamfleet
TUX Fredo. 1.5MB
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:14 by archive

0.86Mb (459 downloads)
Gate Splash Screens. 3 Golden Gate Splash Screens for
Use with the Splash Screen Randomizer. Created By Andrew Esselbach.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:14 by archive

0.48Mb (474 downloads)
Francisco International Airport Splash Screen. For Use
with the Splash Screen Randomizer. Created By Andrew Esselbach.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:14 by archive
1.03Mb (320 downloads)
Splash Screens for FS2002 that show Mustang P51 Miss America
They are designed as a replacement for the default Splash
Screen or for use with the "SPLAH SCREEN RANDOMIZER" by Dreamfleet TUX Fredo.
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:14 by archive
0.01Mb (386 downloads)
Template: (for creatig splashes like thois featured above
- requires splash screen randomizer found at
Created with MSPaint, this template allows you to overlay
this onto your screenshot using MSPaint instead of PhotoShop
to create a personal splash screen, requires IMAGETOOL (comes
with pro edition of FS2002) or DXTBitmap converter. By Sean
Shugar. 13K
Posted Jun 23, 2008 14:14 by archive