0.32Mb (603 downloads)
Ju88D2 reconnaissance aircraft.
A repaint of Herve Devred's excellent model. The Ju88D series was
the standard German reconnaissance plane and flew in every theatre
of war. Included is a modified version of Sergei Golovachev's highly
realistic Ju88 panel. Arno Brooks. 327K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.29Mb (295 downloads)
Reggiane 2000/II Falco.
Original CFS aircraft of I Soliti Quattro Gatti (IS4G) Group, repainted
with textures of Regia Marina catapulted version. Some Re2000 were
modified for naval roles (Re2000/II version), serving experimentally
as on-board fighters on Regia Marina battleships and cruisers, much
in a similar way to the catapulted hurricanes called "Hurricats".
Original design: Bertil Nilsson \ Andrei Kobakhidze (2000) First IS4G
repaint: TJD, November 2000 New textures, guns profile (2x12.7mm +
2x7.7mm + bomb release), modified Radio Navigation panel: Edmundo
Abad. 297K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.28Mb (478 downloads)
Ju88A4 3 Schemes.
A repaint of Herve Devred's excellent Ju88A4 with a choice of three
different colour schemes. European, North African and Russian winter.
Included is a modified version of Sergei Golovachev's highly realistic
Ju88 panel. Arno Brooks. 282K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.39Mb (594 downloads)
Aircraft Japanese Navy experimental Jet attacker Nakajima Kikka.
The Nakajima Kikka (Orange Blossom), was clearly inspired by
the German Me 262 jet fighter, and was the only World War II Japanese
jet aircraft capable of taking off under its own power. The first
prototype was ready by August 1945. Lieutenant Commander Susumu
Takaoka made the first flight on August 7 (a day after of Hiroshima).
Development of the Kikka ended four days with the Japanese surrender.
Original design for FS98: 'flyman' Yusaku Honma. Original Me-262
Panel: Bernd Drefahl. Original Me-262 Gauges: Stefan Geissler. Conversion
with new damage profile and textures by Edmundo Abad. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.26Mb (475 downloads)
Aircraft Mitsubishi A6M3 Type 32 Zero (Hamp). Mitsubishi
A6M3 Zero, of the 204rd Fighter Group, Rabaul, Imperial japanese Navy
Air Force, piloted by Kenji Yanagiya to escort Admiral Yamamoto on
April 18, 1943. The most noticeable design feature of the Type 32
Zero was its clipped wings. This was intended to improve roll rate,
facilitate quicker handling on aircraft carriers and to take advantage
of the uprated Sakae 21 engine. In the event most Hamps saw their
deployment from land based airstrips in the southern island chains
of New Guinea and the Philippines. Original design for FS98: 'flyman'
Yusaku Honma. Original Panel: Mike Colclough (Zero A6M5) New textures,
damage profile, modified panel: Edmundo Abad. 270K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.26Mb (252 downloads)
Mitsubishi Ki46-III Dinah. Original KI 46-III
/ FS98 aircraft, converted to CFS1 with new panel, gunstations and
repainted textures. Mitsubishi's Ki-46 (Type 100 Reconnaissance Aircraft)
series was code-named "Dinah" by the Allies. Original Designer: 'flyman'
Yusaku Honma/1997. Adapted for CFS by Edmundo Abad. 138K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.19Mb (162 downloads)
P47 ' Funderbolt' -
This is a standalone repaint of the stock CFS1 P47 Thunderbolt. In
addition, the *Air file on this aircraft has been altered to make
it it fully aerobatic. It has the Mustang damage profile. Instructions
included. Dan Garner File size: 191K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.42Mb (1230 downloads)
Focke-Wulf 200, Kondor.
The scourge of the Atlantic. That was how Winston Churchill described
this handsome, sinister, 4 engined long-range anti-shipping, recognisance
and meteorological aircraft. This is a repaint of Herve Devred's excellent
FS5 model. Complete for CFS with panel and sounds. Original aircraft
for FS5 by Herve Devred Panel originally for a Ju88c by G Vinet Sounds.
default Bf109e Textures by Arno Brooks. 429K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.22Mb (214 downloads)
Messerschmitt Bf109-G6/R4 Yellow "1"
Flown by Lt. Manfred Dieterle, Staffelkapitan of 2./JG300. More info
and originals photos at www.jg300.de Modifications made on default
Bf109G included on CFS1. Enjoy! Ricardo Rubio. 222K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive

0.26Mb (830 downloads)
Heinkel He219-A0/R6
(G9 + FK) Werk Number 170012 Flown by Obtl. Ernst-Wilhelm Modrow
of 2./NJG1 based at Venlo - Holland during mid 1944. He shot down
22 British planes- including 1 Mosquito- during Night Fighter campaign
over Germany. The black zone under the wing and port of engine was
intended for Flak anti aircraft ID in order to avoid friendly fire.
If USA and UK had used this on Iraq War... This is a modified "Uhu"
made by some guys so please read respective copyrights. Many thanks
to Edmundo Abad for giving me link of program which I used to make
textures modifications. Enjoy! Ricardo Rubio. 271K
Improved .dp file for Heinkel He219-A0/R6 (G9 + FK) Werk Number
170012. Instructions inside folder. By Ricardo Rubio. 3K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive