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CFS2 > Aircraft > Page 63
            CFS2 ONLY Mitsibishi J2M Raiden Ver 1.03
0.27Mb (1164 downloads)
*UPDATE* CFS2 ONLY Mitsibishi J2M Raiden Ver 1.03 The Raiden (Thunderbolt) was designed as a land based successor to the legendary A6M Riesen (Zero). Updated with virtual cockpit, 3D pilot, rockets and Tcdfsview patch. By Andrew C. Wai. 287K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            2 MITSUBISHI G4M2 BETTY 3
0.67Mb (1107 downloads)
CFS 2 MITSUBISHI G4M2 BETTY 3 VERSION.BETA VERSION An G4M2 in Japanese colors. Included 1 G4M1 761st Kokutai 1943, 1 G4M2A of the Air Technical Arsenal (pisture)& 1 G4M2 Nightbomber. Complete aircraft.Ready to fly to CFS 2! By Jean-Jacques Parel. 686K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            F4U1A Repaint Capt Francis E 'Effie' Pierce
0.50Mb (299 downloads)
CFS2 F4U1A Repaint Capt Francis E 'Effie' Pierce of VMF-121 Nicknamed Mary after his wife, while on peleliu 1944. Pierce had claimed a total of six victories four in the Wildcat an the last two in this Corsair,While on Peleliu VMF-121 ,VMF-114,VMF-122,VMF-217 as part of MAG 11 flew ground support an fighter sweeps in the PALAU Group.. by STRAW_VMF114. 515K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
0.87Mb (976 downloads)
CFS 2 BELL P-39D AIRACOBRA TIGER MEET An P-39D in Tiger Meet colors. Included 2 differents colors versions and custom panel.Complete aircraft.Ready to fly to CFS 2! By Jean-Jacques Parel. 896K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Lockheed P-38L-5-LO of MAJ Gerald R. "Jerry"
            Lockheed P-38L-5-LO of MAJ Gerald R. "Jerry"
3.14Mb (1519 downloads)
CFS2 Lockheed P-38L-5-LO of MAJ Gerald R. "Jerry" Johnson, 49th FG, Biak, October 1944. The P-38L had range, speed, ceiling, agility, and firepower... Equipped with aileron boost, it had one of the best roll rates of any WW2 fighter. "Dive Brakes" ("D" key) enabled compressibility recovery, and were a great assist in dogfighting. Multi-MDL FSDS aircraft by Gryphon Aviation. Air file by the 714th 1% Flight Test Center.
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            repaint - "Sweet Jullie" F4U-1A
0.51Mb (304 downloads)
CFS2 repaint - "Sweet Jullie" F4U-1A, I Have recieved some email suggesting that i try to do some nose art. Well,here it is ...... its fictional,and i named her "sweet jullie". Thanks for the input people!!....enjoy.... Nero"nightbaron". 532K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Lt. Gray's Corsair
1.08Mb (447 downloads)
CFS2 Lt. Gray's Corsair Retexture of the stock F4U1A_Corsair aircraft to represent Lt. Robert Hampton 'Hammy' Gray (RCNVR)'s Corsair while he was with No 1841 Squadron on the HMS Formidable. Updated .air file, aircraft.cfg file, and modified .bmp textures included. To be used with upcoming Lt. Gray's missions. By Jeffrey Hendricks and Darren Porter. 1.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Ryushu Shinden J7W1 Ryushu Shinden J7W1
1.76Mb (2428 downloads)
CFS2 Ryushu Shinden J7W1 Ryushu Shinden J7W1. Prototype which flew in August 1945. A very promising design, coming too late to see action. seized intact after the war, it was flown to the states, where it still stands at the National Air and Space Museum. Build with FSDS 1.5 b by Christophe Rosenmann. Original textures, moving parts and high details. 1.8MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            ONLY* Morane-Saulnier Vietnamian Armed Force
1.25Mb (409 downloads)
*CFS2 ONLY* Morane-Saulnier Vietnamian Armed Force French version of the Fiesler Storch. Aircraft to the 1st Air Observation Squadron based to Nhatrang in 1951.Multi-model Storch with panel. Upgrade of the Storch with improved turning, fixed prop, Gunner added and improved markings. Now updated with Dynamic Virtual Cockpit. Slow flying General Purpose aircraft fitted with light bombs. Fun to fly & ideal for exploring the CFS2 world. By Greg Law. Repainted by Jean-Jacques Parel. 1.3MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive
            Grumman J4F-1 Widgeon U.S. Coast Guard
0.19Mb (1113 downloads)
CFS2 Grumman J4F-1 Widgeon U.S. Coast Guard, circa 1941 Grumman J4F-1 and J4F-2 amphibians were operated by mainland US Coast Guard units as Anti-Submarine patrol aircraft. A J4F-1 was responsible for sinking a U-boat.A true amphibian in CFS2 By Harry Follas and Scot Fraser. 200K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:32 by archive