0.35Mb (383 downloads)
This is a Mission Builder support package containing various layouts for ETO mission writers which allow you to place ready-made structures in any location, or in the location where I have placed them.
It contains ready-made layouts for your missions that allow you to place targets and infrastructure. These include a factory complex, a ball bearing plant, a massive Focke-Wulf assembly plant, a large oil refinery, a small oil refinery near Hawkinge, a large rail yard, a Norwegian command post, and American vehicle depot, the Amiens prison complex, a small munitions factory, a small oil refinery, a wooded radio station, a wooded rail line, and a wooded Radar station.
Also included is a Hawker aircraft plant in southeast England. This is a GSL scenery item that has its own airfield entry for you to utilize.
Posted Jan 5, 2014 13:02 by Andrew Talbot
0.95Mb (336 downloads)
This download contains an executable file that will install VB6 runtime files necessary for the running of any program compiled in VB6. This wiil be needed, if you are attempting to run Chuck Dome's GPS100A.EXE program and it fails to start.
Posted Feb 25, 2011 17:54 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

0.36Mb (400 downloads)
This tute will assist you in using the GPS100A.GAU and GPS100A.EXE interface for editing the gauge. The short tutorial is in PDF format for ease of access to everyone. Simply unzip the download and double click the PDF to open.
Posted Feb 25, 2011 17:14 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo

0.05Mb (584 downloads)
This file contains the most recent version of Chuck Dome's GPS100A.GAU and the GPS100A.exe file for reprogramming the gauge and creating your own custom GPS gauges. Please read Chuck's notes on installing and using the gauge and program, i.e. RTFM. ;)
Posted Feb 25, 2011 17:14 by Tom Sanford, Tango_Romeo
0.47Mb (2394 downloads)
Version 1.2.
What is DPED ? It is an editor for DP files. DP(Damage Point) files
are used by Combat Flighthttp://www.simviation.com/files/47cfs/ Simulator(CFS)
released by Microsoft. DP files contain definitions of armaments and
damage points of each planes in CFS. This version of DPED can handle
CFS2's DP files. Yusaku Homma. 481K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

0.28Mb (2129 downloads)
- An easy way to build CFS2 weapons without
SCASM coding, to use the MDLC /P command will support this way now.
Tutorial included. Ivan Hsu. 283K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

0.63Mb (6972 downloads)
FS2002, FS2000 and Combat Flight Simulator Installed Aircraft Lister.
Generates a list of installed aircraft in the aircraft directory.
Use with , Easily customize the list's field width, padding, and specify
a field delimiter and row terminator. The list can be sorted by manufacturer,
type, title, or subdirectory. Handy to have when you're looking for
new aircraft to download! By John Rahn. 469K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.45Mb (1970 downloads)
Cfs2 utility to allow on one only one installation of cfs2 to arrange
6 different théatres of operations . This zip will allow you to increase
by six the limitation of 90/100 planes (a file cfs2 with its six aircraftxxx
folders can support to have 500 planes without any problem), every
théatre will have its part,Its airbases,its missions and campaigns
,can have its most appropriate textures and possibly uires screens
shall find in their specific théatres. The mission builder will work
specifically for every théatre. Free to you then of to order your
cfs2 as you want without limitation of space. I simply adapted this
method, used by some cfs2 players on the forum cfsfrance, to make
it easy to install . Jean "Bomber" Cornichon. 457K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
5.84Mb (2014 downloads)
Utility - V4.7.4 Addit! Pro For Combat Flight Simulator 2
Pro is a comprehensive addon manager for Combat Flight Simulator 2.
Shareware. $19 Registration. Easily install, manage and remove aircraft,
campaigns, missions, panels, scenery, sounds, textures and more. Archive
addons to Addit! Pro's File Cabinet or recreate them in zip files.
Modify aircraft, panels and sounds. Addit! Pro can even automatically
update CFS 2's scenery library (Scenery.cfg). See Whatsnew.txt for
latest changes. By Joseph Stearns. 6MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
3.04Mb (944 downloads)
Kill Calculator:
Suitable for all CFS Series. In use every day to train the United
States Naval Combat Pilots. The Formula is incorporated into this
program to give the user a way to tally up their kills and how they
would stand up in a real situation in flight. The Calculator is designed
to be robust so that any squadron can tailor the points to their needs
by typing in a point value into the program. By VMF513_Viper aka Dan
Rivera. 3.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive