0.55Mb (2500 downloads)
Plane/Ship Utilities for Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2 WWII
Pacific Theater. I have created several self-contained utility
programs for helping debug CFS2 missions, when missing airplanes or
ships is the issue. No additional pieces or parts are needed to run
these programs other than having CFS2 installed and operational. This
package contains various enhancements to the previously released versions
for CFS1. The set of programs for CFS2 does not work with CFS1, and
vice-versa. This is by design, so not to confuse the issue, each is
separate of the other. By Paul Hauschildt. 560K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive

0.29Mb (2677 downloads)
16 bit Extended Bitmap Tool Program to facilitate the editing
and conversion of 16bit Textures for FS2000 and CFS2. Supports 565,
555-1, 444-4 (with separate editing of Alpha Channel) and the new
CFS2 DXT compressed format. Edit in your favo(u)rite Paint Program.
Convert normal 24 bit images to Extended Format 16 bit Textures. By
Martin Wright. 532K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive