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0.61Mb (1225 downloads)
IrfanView IrfanView is a fast FREEWARE image viewer/converter for Win9x/NT and Windows 2000. Supported file formats: AIF, ANI/CUR, ASF, AU/SND, AVI, BMP/DIB, CAM (Casio), CLP, Dicom/ACR, DJVU, EMF/WMF, EPS, FlashPix (FPX), G3, GIF, ICO/ICL/EXE/DLL, IFF/LBM, IMG (GEM), JPG/JPEG, KDC, LDF, LWF, MED, MID/RMI, MOV, MP3, MPG/MPEG, PBM/PGM/PPM, PCX/DCX, PhotoCD, PNG, PSD, PSP, RAS/SUN, RealAudio (RA), RLE, SFF, SFW, SGI/RGB, SWF (Flash/Shockwave), TGA, TIF/TIFF, WAV, WBMP, XBM, XPM. Author: Irfan Skiljan. 623K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            is the original configurable AIR file ( Flight dynamics ) editor
0.21Mb (6679 downloads)
AirEd is the original configurable AIR file ( Flight dynamics ) editor. For FS98, CFS and FS2k. This new version (1.42) adds a couple of handy features for program startup, as well as an FS2k specific data type and ini file entries. By William Roth. 225K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
1.90Mb (2381 downloads)
CFS Bell206b This is an unflyable aircraft which will make installing helicopters to CFS1 & CFS2 easy. Simply paste the Bell206b folder into your CFS Aircraft folder. Paste all the .gau files from the gauges folder into the CFS Gauges folder. Now all those helos will show up. Devised & Compiled by Doug Attrell 1.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
1.08Mb (4669 downloads)
CFS2 Lear45 Dummy FS Converter folder with jet sound files. Install the Lear45 to your CFS2 Aircraft folder for all your CFS2 jets to show up. Devised & Compiled by Doug Attrell1.1MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
1.96Mb (1755 downloads) I've been involvement in several utils for CFS2 in the past. Whether changing settings, AI Promoter, finding planes in missions or missing, looking for errors in your Airbases or plane dp file, or any of the prior utils, they all only worked on 1 install of CFS2. These are all the same utils for CFS2, except now they can handle up to 5 different installs/copies of CFS2 on you computer. If you have 1 install of CFS2 and have the prior release of the utils, there's nothing really new here except a enhancement to the DCG Checker. If you have 2-5 installs/copies of CFS2, this can work for you. Set up the ini and you're ready PCH Paul Hauschildt. 2MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
1.91Mb (2492 downloads)
FS98 & FS2K & CFS1 CONVERSION KIT FOR CFS 2. For flying under CFS 2 with FS98,FS2000 & CFS1 aircraft.For jet fighter, heavy jet, mono-engine, bi-motor light mono-engine & helicopters. Very easy installation. By Jean-Jacques Parel. 1.9MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.13Mb (1123 downloads)
SDK: The MDL Converter Tool 21 May 2001 What is the MDL Converter? The MDL Converter tool does three things: It converts the MDL header of pre-CFS2 aircraft models to the new CFS2 format. It fixes the payloads bug so you can use payloads on imported planes. It optimizes the aircraft model to use the new CFS2 graphics format, resulting in higher frame rates. 131K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.13Mb (1625 downloads)
Instfiles: Here's a little program that can help install files, whether to CFS1, CFS2 or anywhere on a drive. Create a control file that tells it what to do and where. Put all the files to install, the control file and this program into a single directory and run it. The program will put all the files into the indicated directories, whether planes, missions, campaigns, scenery or some other file type. It can install, rename or delete files depending on what the control file tells it to do. Have CFS(1 or 2) in some other directory, no problem as you can pick the directory to start in. You can even install non CFS files. PCH Paul Hauschildt. 134K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            2 UTILITIES - MAPS 'Far-East' Series
0.68Mb (2056 downloads)
CFS 2 UTILITIES - MAPS 'Far-East' Series CFS 2 UTILITIES - MAPS 'Far-East' Series UPDATED These are updated maps that cover the airfields found in Steve McClelland's (Mush Peas Design Group) Far-East Scenery. They have the airfields in their approximate locations and identify ADF/NDBs where available. Included are nine (9) jpg format maps covering Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Maylaysia, Philippines, Ryukyu Islands, Iwo Jima, Taiwan, and a North Pacific Overview. By Jeffrey Hendricks. 694K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.00Mb (2369 downloads)
CFS2 Improved Quick Combat file. This Quick Combat file re-arranges the stock aircraft into more logical classifications. Additionally, it eliminates the error of having American bombers being escorted by Japanese fighters and vice-versa. This is a problem when using the original fighters/bombers option. By Ray Wells ("C.M.Krashunbern"). 4K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
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