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Bf 109 E-4 Trop
0.51Mb (291 downloads)
Messerschmitt bf 109 E-4 Trop of JG27, North Africa, 1941-42. This virtual model is up-scaled (8) to obtain a better view in Combat Flight Simulator. Original design by Richard Osborne/Corrado La Posta - IS4G collection. Desert textures by Edmundo Abad, 2010.
Posted Jan 13, 2011 06:42 by Edmundo Abad
Reggiane 2002/Ariete
Reggiane 2002/Ariete
0.45Mb (373 downloads)
The Reggiane Re.2002 Ariete was a best Italian "Assaltatore" (assault plane) developed during World War II. The aircraft was a development of the Re.2000 and was mainly used by the Regia Aeronautica (Italian Air Force) and Aeronautica Cobelligerante (Allied - post armistice - Italian Air Force), but it also saw limited use with the German Luftwaffe. Original FS98 design: Bertil Nilsson \ Andrei Kobakhidze (2000) First IS4G (I Soliti Quattro Gatti) repaint: TJD, November 2000 New bmp textures of 239ยช Squadriglia Regia Aeronautica, reworked non textured parts, guns profile (2x12.7mm + 2x7.7mm + bomb release), modified Radio Navigation panel: Edmundo Abad, 2010.
Posted Jan 13, 2011 06:40 by Edmundo Abad
Bristol Blenheim MK IF - "Battle of Britain"
1.22Mb (557 downloads)
The Bristol Blenheim MK IF was the fighter version of this plane, used as night fighter and long-range fighter during the Battle of Britain. Provided with four 0.303 in' machine guns on ventral gondola. Original FS98 design: Herve Devred New textures of 235 RAF Squadron (sept 1940), reworked non textured parts, moving parts, guns profile (2x0.303 in mg + 4x0.303 in mg + bomb release): Edmundo Abad, 2010.
Posted Jan 13, 2011 06:36 by Edmundo Abad
THF Textures
0.65Mb (205 downloads)
Missing textures for BERLIN - TEMPELHOF SCENERY (THF) FOR COMBAT FLIGHT SIMULATOR I. Here is the complete set of textures with the additional missing textures for TEMPELHOF-CFS. Sorry by the mistake.
Posted Jan 12, 2011 09:54 by Edmundo Abad
Dessau- FIX
1.21Mb (180 downloads)
Fix file to correct the mistake on Dessau.zip file. Now with accurate bgl file, for can see the "missing roof" on north-east building. The "Dessau" scenery is totally fictional, but is an effort to represent the airport like it (may) have looked like in WWII days. Shows the wartime airfield layer took from the real maps and a supposed buildings distribution just as the Junkers Airfield during WWII.
Posted Jan 12, 2011 09:47 by Edmundo Abad
CFS Scenery  "Italian Dodecaneso"
CFS Scenery  "Italian Dodecaneso"
12.90Mb (339 downloads)
This CFS scenery shows the Elevated Mesh Terrain of Italian Dodecaneso with them main islands with real and ficcional airfields. This scenery is a complement of Greece Scenery for CFS, created by the Mushy Peas Group on 2000. The three italian airfields of Rodi, (Maritsa, Gadurra and Cattavia), and Scarpanto airfield, are historically accurate, but the airfields of the rest of the islands are totally fictional. Shows the current airfields in ficcional WWII style. Special thanks to Corrado Sandri, GREAT CFS MISSIONS CREATOR, by the lot of provided information (since 2003) for the development of this virtual CFS scenery.
Posted Jan 12, 2011 09:41 by Edmundo Abad
IMAM Fokker F.VII (Romeo 10), Ala Littoria
0.23Mb (225 downloads)
The Fokker F.VII-3m was designed in 1924 by Walter Rethel, and was one of the best airliners of the inter-war period. Airplanes used by Ala Littoria (Italian Colonial Airline), after 1930, were made under licence by IMAM (Industrie Meccaniche Aeronautiche Meridionali) factory, in Italy, and renamed as Ro-10. Original FS5 design by Doe&Joe. Reworked to CFS with BMP textures, moving parts and DP: Edmundo Abad Dec. 2010
Posted Jan 12, 2011 09:34 by Edmundo Abad
Auster CFS1
0.16Mb (178 downloads)
This virtual model represent the Auster # LB 375, RAF, November 1942. I have included new textures, moving parts and damage profile for use with CFS1, with ficcional armament of two 7.7 mm machine gun on the side windows, underwings "bazooka" and light bombs. This virtual model is up-scaled to obtain a better view in Combat Flight Simulator. (for accurate scale in FS98, replace the file auster-cfs.MDL by auster-cfs.old.MDL and rename this as auster-cfs.MDL) I don't have include a panel. For more realism, you can use the Piper_l4_cfs.zip panel. Original FS98 model creators: Mike Hill and Jerry Arzedorf. All reworked for CFS1 with moving propeller, new textures and damage profile: Edmundo Abad 2010.
Posted Jan 10, 2011 12:10 by Edmundo Abad
Badzwischenahn Airbase
1.74Mb (227 downloads)
Bad Zwischenahn was opened in 1937 as a civil airport (grass runway) and seaport (using the Bad Zwischenahner See). It was taken over by the Luftwaffe in 1939. Reconstruction and extension up to 1940. Three asphalt runways were constructed, and hangars erected. The Erprobungskommando 16 (EK16), the Me 163B "Komet" test unit, were stationed here from late summer 1943 to October 1944. And early 1945-April 1945 was Home of II./JG400, also equipped with "Komets". The design is based on the information of Arne Bartels on 'Chronik des Flugplatzes Zwischenahn' as the main source, and Bernhard Weiss with his Fliegerhorste site, and other page about Bad Zwischenahn of Manfred Tegge (Relikte in Niedersachsen und Bremen). Special thanks to Stephan Sholtz by the provided information for the development of this virtual CFS scenery. The "Bad Zwischenahn" scenery is fictional, but shows the airport like it (may) have looked like in WWII days. The buldings's position are taken from wartime aerial photos and other photos of current golf-club located on the former airbase. I built the scenery in "Luftwaffe Style", in accordance with Combat Flight Simulator. The airbase Bad Zwischenahn was located in Lower Saxony, North of West Germany, near Oldemburg.
Posted Jan 10, 2011 12:07 by Edmundo Abad
Westland Wapiti
0.18Mb (157 downloads)
The Westland Wapiti - CFS1 The Westland Wapiti was a two-seat general-purpose biplane and as requested by the Air Ministry, incorporated in its design, several de Havilland D.H.9A component parts. The prototype Wapiti first flew in March 1927 and was awarded an initial order of 25 production Mk I included one that specially modified with a more luxurious rear cockpit for the Prince of Wales to fly in. Mk I was powered by a 425hp Bristol Jupiter VI engine, but subsequent Mk II and Mk IIA had 450hp Jupiter VI and 475hp Jupiter VIIIF or similar engines. There were a small number of lengthened Wapiti Mk V and some unarmed Mk VI trainers which brought the total produced for the Royal Air Force to 501. The Westland Wapiti also served the Air Forces of Australia, South Africa (where Wapitis were built under licence), Canada, India and China. Les Stone 1st Dec 2010
Posted Dec 3, 2010 06:21 by Leslie Stone