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CFS2 > Misc > Page 16
            BP1 (Big Pig)
0.48Mb (189 downloads)
Grunter BP1 (Big Pig) by Stuart Green Model features Moving legs at taxiing "Streamlined" pose in flight Aileron ears Teat flaps Twin nose cannon 6 underbelly teat guns for straffing (use 5 on your keypad for target view) Virtual tailhook for carrier landings Custom pigpoo bombs Er..what can I say...have fun. I made this one big so it isn't too hard to hit Smoke that bacon! Poo on the enemy!. 492K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            Dastardly/Muttley aircraft
0.54Mb (291 downloads)
Dick Dastardly/Muttley aircraft for CFS2 by Stuart Green Once again Fred Green has come to the rescue re the dp files and James Banks has tweaked the "cartoon" flight model for me Both models are multi res. They have been made to be the same physical size (10 metres wingspan) so that they can be hit (earlier models were too small). They have the same armament, dp and flight model so neither has the edge over the other. Includes Rolling wheels Blinking eyes Animated and working spoilers (wicked settings lol) Animated and working tailhook for carriers. 555K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
              C and D Corsairs weapons addon for CFS2
1.27Mb (4786 downloads)
F4U1A, C and D Corsairs weapons addon for CFS2 v1.0 This package includes historically correct models of the pylons and fuel tanks used by the A, C and D versions of the F4U Corsair and the needed dp files to make them workable. This file requires a prior installation of the Enhanced U.S. weapons addon also avaible in this website. By Sergio Dolcemascolo. 1.3MB CFS2 F4U1C Corsair dp fix Includes the correct dp file allowing the use of four rockets instead the two of the original dp. Requires a prior installation of the F4U1A, C and D Corsairs weapons addon for CFS2. By Sergio Dolcemascolo. 5K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            U.S. weapons addon for CFS2
1.40Mb (1836 downloads)
Enhanced U.S. weapons addon for CFS2 v1.0 This package includes new custom weapons to be used in replacement of the CFS2 default weapons. They have a better appearance and its sizes are more like the real ones. Includes the needed instructions to use them in the stock American aircrafts payloads. By Sergio Dolcemascolo. 1.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            GUI Screens for CFS2
3.38Mb (595 downloads)
Alternate GUI Screens for CFS2 by Bill Beck. A set of replacement background images for the CFS2 interface and dialog boxes. I've taken pictures from websites, scanned library books of WWII planes and photos, and pretty much used whatever I got my hands on. There's a distinct favoring of corsair imagery. It does not replace all the GUI backgrounds, far from it. But it does offer a refreshing change of look for the main starting pages, the free flight, some of the American campaign, and for some of the settings dialogs. Enjoy. 3.4MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
0.18Mb (4065 downloads)
How to make FS2002 Aircraft mdl work in CFS2 (Updated) A simple tutorial explaining how to edit a FS2002 format mdl to make it load and fly in CFS2 Not a definitive document, just a starting point. This version contain a more accurate description of the procedure, filling some gaps, and also updated information. Contents of this zip: FS2K2 to CFS2 MDL Conversion.doc Empty.mdl By Sergio Dolcemascolo. 185K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            CSS-8 road mobile surface to surface missile.
0.11Mb (335 downloads)
Chinese CSS-8 road mobile surface to surface missile. CSS-8,CSS-8b,CSS-8 booster, fx_launch_s, and low yield nuke effects were made by me Doug Goldsmith. 111K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            Lacross road mobile surface to surface missile
0.11Mb (482 downloads)
American Lacross road mobile surface to surface missile. Lacross,Lacross-b fx_launch_s, and low yield nuke effects were made by me Doug Goldsmith. 108K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            more accurate, more visible gunsight for cfs2
0.01Mb (1122 downloads)
Improved, more accurate, more visible gunsight for cfs2,. by b.kelley. 8K
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive
            Screen Creator Program for CFS2
2.66Mb (794 downloads)
Splash Screen Creator Program for CFS2 Included in this package are: Imagetool.exe - for changing file formats CFS2_SPLASH_TEMPLATE.psd - to create your own splash screens howto.txt - instructions on creating your own splash screens splash copyrights.txt - recognition for splash screens included And several already created splash screens for your own use! Please enjoy this package, and feel free to drop me a line telling me what you think of this..Dave Ridge_Runner_5. 2.7MB
Posted Jun 10, 2008 11:09 by archive